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Darkflare's Lair by Vegaz_Parrelli

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man , but my char it's good,i haved problem only with darkflaire and other 2 person for the base AI, i take only the base AI  from 1 other char ,( but only the base AI, if you look my char, i add new original moves, sounds  there are not present in the mugen ,after if you don't like the moves, the sound, and other ok it's your opinion, but the base for the sprite it's perfect, it's the base who used the other creators for make the other chars like scorpion venom, venom by T.O.P.S. a'm talking about the base for the sprite, i already explaine this, if the problem it's the AI too strong, i can't fix this, i try at fix but a'm not a coder,in the update version, i decrease the value of the AI, it's always strongher but less, but don't tell me the char it's bad like gameplay, because it's fast, new move,new sounds, sprites,new combo, after if you don't like i don't know the colors, or because it's a symbiotes i don't know  it's your opinion i respect all the opinion

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Whats sad is that kai isnt the first person to make that claim against Darkflare, or anyone for that matter.


Speaking of the devil...


TheJARRO77 (3 weeks ago)

and for all the people who have seen the video, do not believe in Darkflares because, first him open varnage with fighter factory or other type of programs, after he change the clns and put the clns in the wrong position ( to sabotage the char) lol SHAME, if you try at play with varnage in arcade,training and others and try at do the same move, you can see the move are good, and the clns are good too, do not believe in him



TheJARRO77 (3 weeks ago)

no ,you don't sabotaged everyone's computers, but only you have this problem lol , you change the clsn and you know this, i think you is a fake people and you want to be always right ( so your brain is small small )growth and do not despise the work of others and remember this for the rest of the life you is the supreme king of the shame, the mugen it's 1 game, and you have to have fun with the characters if you like the char good, if you don't like i don't care it's yuor opinion


TheJARRO77 (3 weeks ago)

your'right,but I just wanted to say the last thing,you've changed the clns and the other people must not believe in you


TheJARRO77 (3 weeks ago)

hey this is my last messagge here, i don't like this think about the video, you can't post video in youtube against the char or the creator, if you like the char good, if you don't like i don't care,for the last time the char it's good,perfectly playable and and we all loved except for you and other 2 person,don't continue this stupid stuff, because i think you must ashamed, you can do this only because you its behind a pc remember this



TheJARRO77 3 weeks ago

lol are you kidding me in the video you change the clns lol hahahahahaha so as not to hit the opponent char Shame Shame You is the king of Shame


TheJARRO77 3 weeks ago

Hey Darkflares you have the shit in your brain, but no THE NORMAL SCHIT( YOU HAVE THE ALIEN SHIT MAN LOL) you posted 1 video in youtube for despise my char??? lollll are you kiding me??? i don't never used the exuse that this is my first char so it's normal, i try at do 1 char and the result it's good, all the people liked this char except for you and other 2 person, the char it's good and it's perfectly playable, if there is any error now i try to fix, but you it's only a person of shit



TheJARRO77 3 weeks ago

you'r saying so much bullshit,and people will believe you lol,test the policy man, i think it's your natural world , remember ,you can say this only because you it's behind the pc,if you had a problem with me or with this char,you had to talk to me,in the life there are Things we like, and things we no like, there is no need to this theater (lol) aniway for the other people first test the char and after Spoken if we were face to face I'll break your face for this Darkflares Shame


In all honesty the incident with Terry was tame in comparison.

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man , but my char it's good,i haved problem only with darkflaire and other 2 person for the base AI, i take only the base AI  from 1 other char ,( but only the base AI, if you look my char, i add new original moves, sounds  there are not present in the mugen ,after if you don't like the moves, the sound, and other ok it's your opinion, but the base for the sprite it's perfect, it's the base who used the other creators for make the other chars like scorpion venom, venom by T.O.P.S. a'm talking about the base for the sprite, i already explaine this, if the problem it's the AI too strong, i can't fix this, i try at fix but a'm not a coder,in the update version, i decrease the value of the AI, it's always strongher but less, but don't tell me the char it's bad like gameplay, because it's fast, new move,new sounds, sprites,new combo, after if you don't like i don't know the colors, or because it's a symbiotes i don't know  it's your opinion i respect all the opinion

Even after all that you keep that stubborn? I won't say why the character is bad nor say how you should fix it again, if all that incident with Darkflare didn't help you fix the errors in Varnage's gameplay, I won't lose my time trying to help.

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listen first off i apologized to the kid. im the bigger man on that. im seeing all the comments and pretty much i see no one really knows what pissed me off. when i realized what was going on i took a step back investigated. the option to show the hit boxes on i wasnt too familiar with. in THE AIR FILE the boxes look ten times smaller than what it actually shows in huge size on the game play screen. THATS A FACT. no matter how small you shrink those hit box sizes it will look huge. To a person like me who wasnt hip to that option YES THATS HOW I TOOK IT. and the fact is he had to tweak down my damage in the character which i clearly saw in the video made it even worse. THAT WAS POINT ONE. Its still editing another person character no matter if its damage. one simple FX or sound..his lil argument meant squat after that.


after a while i laughed at the issue but i saw him post another video of his friend fighting my terry and my terrys win states where clearly SCREWED UP and  changed i clearly took it as troll attack from certain group and hes just at IMT postin and postin to start somethin. And of course Me being hot headed should have been calm about it from the gate. but i fell into the trap. it was already put out there he was on some raid to do that to folks....


but whatever back to this so called help and me not taking feed back nonsense. there were a number of people who came in my thread giving feed back and i was listenin to everyone...if you dont want to see the facts with the character updates then you will keep on assuming kai was just gettin pissed and not listenin.  A LOT of sh*t got fixed once i got the @sshole to post more videos like he did VS KFM.


YOU SEE..the very first video i wasnt aware of. it was there to bash the character in his own lame way to point out flaws...When the tech vids came that you guys are suckin him off of THATS BECAUSE ME AND HIM BUMPED HEADS. HE WASNT GONNA DO THAT AT FIRST. it was just gonna be that one video of Grant veresus my terry with that lil girl and thats it. he Threatened to make more and i said GO HEAD!! that dont scare me,.,,




when i seen how that first hit box video with KFM in it came out i laughed my ass off. i even told him to make another one (sarcastically) "YOU FORGOT THE HIDDEN SUPER"...DF says "you gave him 15 F*ckin supers??!"...i laughed again i said YUP!


if youre gonna troll AT LEAST do it right!



my thing with this whole mugen thing and feedback is like this. If you are going to give feedback DO IT DIRECT. im not gonna post some video else where OTHER THAN THE PERSONS THREAD WHERE HE CANT SEE. and then call it feedback. thats NOT f*ckin feed back man. BC of mugen evolution can even tell you that. he would post tech pics and everything else with a clear way or option of advice to fix the issue...stop acting like all of a sudden yall slow. i dont know DF from a hole in a wall and all the creators and tech heads i know in mugen dont do that kind of lame crap.



i hate when a bunch of people side up with some one like everybody else stupid er somethin. it doesnt bother me  some folks dont like what i created, its a lot of folks stuff i dont like either. THATS A WHOLE LOT..but that doesnt make it acceptable for me to be an @sshole about it.


Thats real talk

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man you'right, darkflaire modify my clns too, in the standing punch,and the crouching strong punch  and after post a video in youtube with the clns wrong,and more people believe him and the video lol come on guys, it's a fake video, i can hit without problem all the chars with the standing punch and the crouch strong punch, when this guy do this with me, i think in my mind oh this guys hate me so much for post a video in youtube lol, after more people talked to me about darkflaire and yours video against the chars, and i understand who is this guy


there is so much video ironic in  his youtube channel


so i don't care, everyone have the own opinion, if i don't like one char a'm not going in the post of the creator and start at make Giant drama or post video in youtube for despise the char, symply i don't download the char it's easy,the mugen it's one ( game, hobby) no theater for giant drama and problems,the mugen it's for fun

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he didn't edit anything not one thing. for you to think he did is hilarious Honestly. if you took the time to listen to his feedback which is good btw you would get somewhere. MMV needs severe work in the coding department.

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personally I think this should stop before this escalates further bottom line is people won't admit their mistakes and want to make a fake excuse to make up for it. can someone lock this? I am sorry vegaz but this thread is turning into something that it should not. its turning into a "hur hur bash this guy cause hes mean" kind of thread.

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who can truly say either or laharl . the fact remains dude could've picked a better way of giving people feedback instead of coming out of left field with the fuckery. and i beta tested that terry fighting with and against him . assflaire's vid smelled kinda funny. just sayin' i understand it's free speech , but being a clown because you can't get fucked up is a bit annoying to some. anywho , a better avenue for advice could've been chosen instead of trolling, trashing and other people throwing in their 25 cents and probably didn't play with the character.

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none of his videos are fake I can guarantee that (espescially for venom) I tried the char from the site it came from it had those exact issues.

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looking back saying "you are just flaming someone" was probably a poor choice of words I meant that in general lol. its k sorry for the confusion.

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I do agree that Darkflare's ways are aggressive, but its not like he's wrong. People come to MUGEN with a bunch of horrible chars or even chars with issues and expect only cheers in return. If someone publish any kind of work, not matter if its MUGEN, he should be ready to an aggressive answer from those who are using it, after all, they are using it because they were allowed to.

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I find this whole thing funny because big bad mean ol Darkflare is actually tame compared to some of the others out there. I'm not going to drop any names but if you think Darkflare is the worst of the bunch then you guys have another thing coming.

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oh definitely I am still learning char creation myself I know quite a bit but I still get rather amusing bugs at times, sometimes not so amusing and just rage inducing. which brings me to my next hobby fixing characters that have issues but have potential (currently fixing etrigan by wucash). This can also be hard when you can't figure out what they did to cause the problem like fixing a crouching infinite right now.

Glad to hear your still trying to improve yourself as well as help others.

Gee, I didn't know Darkflare had antagonized people in the level of having them making chars against them. I agree he is aggressive, but he doesn't give bad feedback, everything he says about chars being bad is right.

True. But he should at least treat people like human beings.

To be fair, kai did falsely accuse darkflare of deliberately altering the collision boxes and properties of Terry's attacks before recording the video feedback. Had this not happened, DF's "effort to antagonize" him probably wouldn't have lastest as long as it did.


People don't want to admit to themself their creations are faulty cause in their eyes they are amazing. Giant ego basically. I have an ego to but any issues my chars have id fix.

:truestory: I believe to be true...

i haved problem too with darkflaire and if you guys want my opinion  There are ways and ways of saying things,darkflaire post video ( ironic, or for despise the char in youtube, add stupid comments and shows only the bad by a char, this is wrong, i don't like this, if you want give me feedback ok but no with this method, yuo simply tell me in my post, what's wrong and a'm going to fix, more people give me the feedback and i always accept the feedback, and i try at fix the error, only darkflaire make this stupid video and continue stupid drama with more more creators, the major parts of the people hating this guy, me too, i think this guys do this only to appear important in the eyes of the great creators, and a'm not agree with the people they say darkflaire give a good feedback( yea maybe yes but with the video in youtube?? all the people can show this video ironic with title ironic come on man, why this bullshit???  just say what yuo think in the post of the creator and say the error and the problems, everyone have the own opinion, but my opinion is this guys it's a bad person, with many defects,needs to grow on many things

Agreed. Just post feedback in a thread. A video seems Luke overkill.
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Speaking of the devil... In all honesty the incident with Terry was tame in comparison.


listen first off i apologized to the kid. im the bigger man on that. im seeing all the comments and pretty much i see no one really knows what pissed me off. when i realized what was going on i took a step back investigated. the option to show the hit boxes on i wasnt too familiar with. in THE AIR FILE the boxes look ten times smaller than what it actually shows in huge size on the game play screen. THATS A FACT. no matter how small you shrink those hit box sizes it will look huge. To a person like me who wasnt hip to that option YES THATS HOW I TOOK IT. and the fact is he had to tweak down my damage in the character which i clearly saw in the video made it even worse. THAT WAS POINT ONE. Its still editing another person character no matter if its damage. one simple FX or sound..his lil argument meant squat after that. after a while i laughed at the issue but i saw him post another video of his friend fighting my terry and my terrys win states where clearly SCREWED UP and changed i clearly took it as troll attack from certain group and hes just at IMT postin and postin to start somethin. And of course Me being hot headed should have been calm about it from the gate. but i fell into the trap. it was already put out there he was on some raid to do that to folks.... but whatever back to this so called help and me not taking feed back nonsense. there were a number of people who came in my thread giving feed back and i was listenin to everyone...if you dont want to see the facts with the character updates then you will keep on assuming kai was just gettin pissed and not listenin. A LOT of sh*t got fixed once i got the @sshole to post more videos like he did VS KFM. YOU SEE..the very first video i wasnt aware of. it was there to bash the character in his own lame way to point out flaws...When the tech vids came that you guys are suckin him off of THATS BECAUSE ME AND HIM BUMPED HEADS. HE WASNT GONNA DO THAT AT FIRST. it was just gonna be that one video of Grant veresus my terry with that lil girl and thats it. he Threatened to make more and i said GO HEAD!! that dont scare me,.,, when i seen how that first hit box video with KFM in it came out i laughed my ass off. i even told him to make another one (sarcastically) "YOU FORGOT THE HIDDEN SUPER"...DF says "you gave him 15 F*ckin supers??!"...i laughed again i said YUP! if youre gonna troll AT LEAST do it right! my thing with this whole mugen thing and feedback is like this. If you are going to give feedback DO IT DIRECT. im not gonna post some video else where OTHER THAN THE PERSONS THREAD WHERE HE CANT SEE. and then call it feedback. thats NOT f*ckin feed back man. BC of mugen evolution can even tell you that. he would post tech pics and everything else with a clear way or option of advice to fix the issue...stop acting like all of a sudden yall slow. i dont know DF from a hole in a wall and all the creators and tech heads i know in mugen dont do that kind of lame crap. i hate when a bunch of people side up with some one like everybody else stupid er somethin. it doesnt bother me some folks dont like what i created, its a lot of folks stuff i dont like either. THATS A WHOLE LOT..but that doesnt make it acceptable for me to be an @sshole about it. Thats real talk


personally I think this should stop before this escalates further bottom line is people won't admit their mistakes and want to make a fake excuse to make up for it. can someone lock this? I am sorry vegaz but this thread is turning into something that it should not. its turning into a "hur hur bash this guy cause hes mean" kind of thread.

Heh...its just honesty. But this was a part of what this stage was meant for. In the beginning, it was designed to bring awareness to Darkflare's shenanigans. So its relevant to the stage itself. I don't want it locked.

it's not about no one admitting mistakes , it's about people doing something other than being a dick about their so called feedback...

Indeed. In the case of Admitting Mistakes vs Harsh Feedback, the feedback is worse. Not admitting your mistakes mostly effects you in a negative way. Harsh feedback mostly effects others in a negative way. See my point?

bashing him on this thread is also un-necessary and I doubt was vegaz intent, you are just flaming someone now.

You're right. Flaming wasint my soul intent, but I knew it was a possibility. It always is. Its a part of mugen. Just like people like Darkflare. I came to accept that...

I do agree that Darkflare's ways are aggressive, but its not like he's wrong. People come to MUGEN with a bunch of horrible chars or even chars with issues and expect only cheers in return. If someone publish any kind of work, not matter if its MUGEN, he should be ready to an aggressive answer from those who are using it, after all, they are using it because they were allowed to.

This goes with my previous point.

I find this whole thing funny because big bad mean ol Darkflare is actually tame compared to some of the others out there. I'm not going to drop any names but if you think Darkflare is the worst of the bunch then you guys have another thing coming.

He's right. Some of Darkflare's girlfriends that flamed me where pretty rude. Heh...but I laughed it off. It was what I'd hoped for. In the end, all this does is provide a means to vent frustration. Nothing ever changes...
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