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Darkflare's Lair by Vegaz_Parrelli

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:=D: Yep...its real...Lol!

i hate shit talkers especially if they are close to me (nyc) and i can't put my hands on them. but ima cop this stage so rename a shitty dude assflaire and put mitts to him lol. it's amazing what a niggah will do if they know they won't face physical repercussions for it  these days lol

Enjoy, bro. This goes out to all the E-Thugs. Y'all aint hard! Lol! Most of em are straight pop-tarts! Nah...worse. They just a bunch of marshmallows.
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yeah really. He gives some of the best feedback I have seen.



i can honestly agree with this.... but with that being said,  he has, for the most part, a ummmmm " hard time" talking to people like they are people , its not by a ton of "miss understandings " that the general feeling about him is hes a prick, its kind of like if a person a says man, Brocks an asshole, & everyone else is like, nah brocks allright or, ive never had a problem with him, then its just a personal issue between me & said person, now if 5 to 10 or more , are like yeah brocks an asshole....... im an asshole.... lol 




But laharls is right , kid knows a thing or two about feedback 

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yeah really. He gives some of the best feedback I have seen.

I agree. His feedback is thorough. I was actually referring to the "people not getting offended" part. Truthfully he never offended me directly. But offended others so much that it bothered me. I truly despise bullies... regardless of how good they are at what the do.

i can honestly agree with this.... but with that being said, he has, for the most part, a ummmmm " hard time" talking to people like they are people , its not by a ton of "miss understandings " that the general feeling about him is hes a prick, its kind of like if a person a says man, Brocks an asshole, & everyone else is like, nah brocks allright or, ive never had a problem with him, then its just a personal issue between me & said person, now if 5 to 10 or more , are like yeah brocks an asshole....... im an asshole.... lol :awesome But laharls is right , kid knows a thing or two about feedback

True. Its hard to deny so much evidence...
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it not about not knowing how to talk to people. its about the guy being a total dick. i dont give a shit if he can give feedback or not. it possible to give feedback without making an effort to antagonize and be a dick to people.


he went out of his way to antagonize (on purpose) demonkai on imt. and that far from the first time (only the most recent) he acted like that.


the guy is a total douche bag and deserves all this talk, the stage mocking him, and anything else bad about him due to the fact he literally treats people bad on purpose for one reason and one reason only. he thinks it gives himself credibility and he enjoys it. lots of people can give good feedback without acting like that.


here some feedback for the stage. write in bold lettering in the background saying, "darkflare is a douche bag" or "fuck you darkflare" or something of that magnitude. rename it in the same degree too.

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@Volz I feel where you're coming from, but don't let the hate consume you. I know your story, bro. Darkflare, Rajaa and a few other wanksters from all over the community dragged your name threw the mud. But you gotta move forward. I know you'll never forget, but you can at least forgive. He never attacked me personally, so I guess I have less reason to hate him. And I know its easy for me to say move on. But if you continue to feed the hate monster, pretty soon he'll consume you as well. This stage was a way for me to express myself threw creation of a fun and entertaining idea. Not destruction of someone else's character. It also taught me that if I want to change the community, it starts with me. Hate breeds more hate. Forgive me if I have to blow of a little steam, but I'm only human. But if I can make people laugh, then maybe they'll forget about the douchbags like Buttflare. Let's spend less time hating and more time creating. We...can do it.

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i'm not feeding into any hate. i'm merely replying to a topic :) however, there won't be any forgiving, i can tell you that :P


and i like what you did. maybe he never did whatever to you specifically, but you are vocalizing for a ton of people that wish they could have made a bash stage just like that due to his antagonizing, douche like behavior.

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vocalizing for a ton of people that wish they could have made a bash stage just like that due to his antagonizing, douche like behavior.

That was also a major part of my intention. A punching bag wasn't enough. I wanted a entire stage that expressed just what j thought of Darkflare... if you know what I mean. :troll:

Lord forgive me for my thoughts

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only thing ive learned  in the end is to ignore Trolls and use em


It still doesnt make me respect them though.


Lets put it like this. i once thought long ago that cyanide was harsh with feedback at MFG but in the end i realized he was the only one really giving actual ways to fix the issues he saw wrong instead of b*tch talk like the others were doing to folks. meaning coding tips and all that. I actually LEARNED something. i respect the dude's ways of giving feedback because he can give me a straight answer. all business no BS. all about coding and thats it. he knows his stuff^^


and for those who read wrong im not saying cyanide is a troll..no,.im saying thats a GREAT example of real feedback.




for the last word...if i wanted to i could make a sh*t load of videos of a lot of folks characters and stages saying "what i dont like" & "whats wrong". Thats easy^^ 


I could have been doing that since 2006....no one is perfect. you look for whos actually getting better out there and not getting worse at it. You can never please the entire mugen community even if you do it ALL right. somebody is either going to hate or find something wrong regardless.



but anyway i digress...i analyzed that situation and been moved on

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@Demonkai Yea, its important to leave detailed feedback. Sometimes you might not find anything worth mentioning. But if you see a major issue, it would be a great help to point this out to the creator. But by sharing what we know, we can improve as a whole. I'm really glad that feedback helped you. Its OK to be straight to the point. You can be stern without being a jerk. Or assaulting someone's character. If it makes you stronger, then its worth it.

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and sometimes there are legitimately bad creations that have no saving. I am not directing this at anyone particular just saying in general.

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and sometimes there are legitimately bad creations that have no saving. I am not directing this at anyone particular just saying in general.

Indeed. But, I'm guessing your referring to cases where the creation is in bad need of repairs, and the creator has neither the experience nor the skills to accomplish this. That's not not to say that they never will, they're just not ready at that point in time. Then the next step can go in several directions. 1. Give up, and either move in to the next project or stop creating all together. 2. Continue doing things your way and discover a solution on your own. The person will most likely ignore any further feedback. 3. Accept the feedback and try to apply what is given. In this case there are other factors that come into play. A. Can you interpret feedback just from reading it? B. Do you need visual aids(tutorials, Skype) C. What is your level of understanding the terminology, coding involved compared to the advisor. If you're a noob, say you're a noob. And that's just to name a few. I've found myself at #2 alot. #3 on a little less. But #3 is very useful. I've gotten a lot help from friends. Not just coding or grafical advice. Bgm, software and just personal growth. It all comes into play. I've took part in almost every aspect of mugen. Stages...screen packs...lifebars...bgm...pallets...spriting. Others just one thing I have to do and I'll be among the elite. Characters... That will be my greatest challenge. Ryons tutorial seems to be very effective. I learned a few things from his parallax tutorial. His font tutorial is good as well. So...its just a matter of time before I take it to the next level. LightFlare... mugenized.
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oh definitely I am still learning char creation myself I know quite a bit but I still get rather amusing bugs at times, sometimes not so amusing and just rage inducing. which brings me to my next hobby fixing characters that have issues but have potential (currently fixing etrigan by wucash). This can also be hard when you can't figure out what they did to cause the problem like fixing a crouching infinite right now.

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it not about not knowing how to talk to people. its about the guy being a total dick. i dont give a shit if he can give feedback or not. it possible to give feedback without making an effort to antagonize and be a dick to people.


he went out of his way to antagonize (on purpose) demonkai on imt. and that far from the first time (only the most recent) he acted like that.


the guy is a total douche bag and deserves all this talk, the stage mocking him, and anything else bad about him due to the fact he literally treats people bad on purpose for one reason and one reason only. he thinks it gives himself credibility and he enjoys it. lots of people can give good feedback without acting like that. 


To be fair, kai did falsely accuse darkflare of deliberately altering the collision boxes and properties of Terry's attacks before recording the video feedback. Had this not happened, DF's "effort to antagonize" him probably wouldn't have lastest as long as it did.

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like I said people are just really sensitive, you can't use the "this isn't real life" excuse because this is the internet alot of people will tell you whats wrong and its up to you to decide to be smart and fix it or just be stubborn. im sorry but that "ppl say things because they know we can't hurt them" philosphy annoys me. Guess What I would say it to their face. I am not a fighter I would rather think through my battles. this is what it boils down to. This is a wonderful quote I follow. Also anyone who would punch someone in the face over a mugen character really needs a life. I mean really.


"Effort in Mugen does not matter, The only thing that matters is results" in a easier way of saying it if you need to crap you could have worked super hard to take that crap but its still crap. Same applies to mugen you could work on something for days on end and if its still bad. Its still bad. the sooner people realize this the better.


Furthermore you all could be like "oh but be nice they worked hard" but you and I both know you aren't going to use that "character" no matter how much you defend it because you know the problems it has.


I would also like to point out this is my opinion to anyone who thinks im being a dick.

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To be fair, kai did falsely accuse darkflare of deliberately altering the collision boxes and properties of Terry's attacks before recording the video feedback. Had this not happened, DF's "effort to antagonize" him probably wouldn't have lastest as long as it did.

Well, but that was only because Demonkai wanted a fray, after all, Darkflare explained the meaning of his video's name, and Kai kept accusing him, and he said nothing to other people who made videos with his Terry.


The only problem with some MUGEN creators is that they create characters that they know that are bad, and don't accept people's critiques, its like Kong's creations, everybody would be excited, thinking that they would play with MvC2 characters, and find all that sh*t.

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Either way, a move like that is evidence of the author's unwillingness to accept responsibility to fix the characters. Whats sad is that kai isnt the first person to make that claim against Darkflare, or anyone for that matter.

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People don't want to admit to themself their creations are faulty cause in their eyes they are amazing. Giant ego basically. I have an ego to but any issues my chars have id fix.

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i haved problem too with darkflaire and if you guys want my opinion  There are ways and ways of saying things,darkflaire post video ( ironic, or for despise the char in youtube, add stupid comments and shows only the bad by a char, this is wrong, i don't like this, if you want give me feedback ok but no with this method, yuo simply tell me in my post, what's wrong and a'm going to fix, more people give me the feedback and i always accept the feedback, and i try at fix the error, only darkflaire make this stupid video and continue stupid drama with more more creators, the major parts of the people hating this guy, me too, i think this guys do this only to appear important in the eyes of the great creators, and a'm not agree with the people they say darkflaire give a good feedback( yea maybe yes but with the video in youtube?? all the people can show this video ironic with title ironic come on man, why this bullshit???  just say what yuo think in the post of the creator and say the error and the problems, everyone have the own opinion, but my opinion is this guys it's a bad person, with many defects,needs to grow on many things

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