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Fight For Dracula (Stage) By ZombieBrock * Updated*

Lord Batros

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*In Game*

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*Updated Stage*

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Added Blood Moon & Stars, if u DLed the old Version, same BGM, oh also

Animated: No

SuperJump : Yes

BGM: Yes

OLD Version

* Stage in Game*

Posted Image

*Actual Finished Stage*

Posted Image




i took sprites from about 4 different sources & had to Frankin Sprite a bit to get it to come together,someday i gotta learn how to make Real Stages, Cause Animated this stage would have been Awesome ,just wish i could have made it look in game like it does prior to that,took me about hour 1/2 from 1st sprite DL to this..... oh well...... BGM Included

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i looked alllover for a decent ,creepy looking moon to Add to it , but couldnt find anything at the time ( it was 2 am lol) & i was half asleep...but yeah i see what ur saying ulti, i mean the fight is supposed to take place on top of a mountain , but i mean in reality , u would still have a background to look at, not just blackness

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Oh, now I see Well, those white dots don't quite...Feel right you know. What's supposed to be, snow? Cinder? Even in the top of a mountain you can see the horizon so you could put something down there, like cemetery, a forest as mentioned, sea or something. According to Bram Stoker's book (yeah, I've read it a couple times) the castle is a mountain area, so you could try to show some other mountains in the distance (but then again, Stoker's never been to Transylvania as far I know) The moon could be smaller and behind those scenery elements, for mood you know ;p

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here's some examples Zombie, its from my PlayZone stage the actionno only changes if you have multiple animated sprites Begin Action is quite simple first number is the group second is the image third and fourth just leave 0 the last one is for the time

[bG Squirtle] type = anim actionno = 0 start = 0, 0 delta = 2, 2 mask = 0 [begin action 0] 1,0, 0,0, 18 1,1, 0,0, 15 1,2, 0,0, 8 1,3, 0,0, 8 1,2, 0,0, 8 1,3, 0,0, 8 1,1, 0,0, 15 1,4, 0,0, 15 1,0, 0,0, 15 1,5, 0,0, 15 1,0, 0,0, 15 1,5, 0,0, 15 1,0, 0,0, 15 1,0, 0,0, 15 [bG Sonic] type = anim actionno = 1 start = 0, 0 delta = 2, 2 mask = 0 [begin action 1] 10,1, 0,0, 12 10,2, 0,0, 12 10,1, 0,0, 12 10,2, 0,0, 12 10,1, 0,0, 12 10,2, 0,0, 12

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Thanks For The Info Ky Also Last & Final Update To tHis Stage Until i learn Propper Animation, but i changed The Manbat Version of Dracula For a more Classic Looking Version , added a new link please Re DL ... sorry lol

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Last & Final Update To tHis Stage Until i learn Propper Animation

You need your animations seperate. from the stuff in your SFF.

I recommend using Fighter Factory 3 to open up the SFF.

this is the ideal way to have your sff. (or at least MY ideal way)

Background Sprite (group 0, image 0)

Midground Sprite (group 1, image 0)

Foreground (group 2, image 0)

animation object 1 (group 3, image 0)

animation object 2 (group 3, image 1)

animation object 3 (group 3, image 2)

This way each little piece of the stage is broken up into groups. the way groups and image work is basically organization. each group is allowed to have any number of images, and images are not restricted to 0 1 2 3 4 5, you could have image 0 , then image 10, then image 5000. thats perfectly fine.

just as long as you remember what number you put your ok. So consider your (Group, Image) To be your reference points.

This is your basic stage coding, to display a single image from the SFF to Mugen.

[bG 0] ; This is the label for the code/sprite

type = normal ; This is the kind of sprite, its either normal single sprite, or anim animation set

spriteno = 0, 0 ; This is where you use your "reference points" from your SFF to implement the image. (group no, image no)

layerno = 0 ; This is used to tell how it should appear -1 = Behind, 0 = Same Layer as player, 1 = Infront of player

start = 0, 0 ; This is the start position of the image, on the stage. If you align the stage properly in the SFF, you can leave this to 0,0.

delta = 1,1 ; This is used to tell the image how to move itself when the character is walking, leaving it to 1,1 it wont move it'll stay in its position, if you use a lower value or higher value it will slide when the player walks.


Now this is a example of how the basic stage would look if you used the back/mid/fore ground images like i mentioned above.

[bG Background] ; Displayed behind all characters and objects

type = normal

spriteno = 0, 0

layerno = 0

start = 0, 0

delta = .9,1 ; This delta in the X axis, is .1 lower than normal, the reason why is so when the character moves around on the midground, the background will slide a little bit, giving the feeling that its part of a faraway background.

[bG Midground] ; Displayed behind all characters and objects, BUT infront of the background.

type = normal

spriteno = 0, 0

layerno = 0

start = 0, 0

delta = 1,1

[bG Foreground] ; Displayed infront of all characters and most objects (unless there coded otherwise, nothing you can do)

type = normal

spriteno = 0, 0

layerno = 1 ; The layerno here is 1, which means it appears in front.

start = 0, 0

delta = 1.1 , 0 ; The delta in the X axis, is .1 higher than normal. the reason is because the object is closer to the player so when the character moves this object will move faster as if your viewing the fight from behind a object. If you want a better example, set to cups on a table, one on the edge, and one in the middle. now bring your face down to table level, and move your head from left to right almost half way around the table, you will notice how the cup near the edge appears to move faster than the cup in the middle of the table, This is a real life perspective that the delta is used for.


Now for how to code animations

[bG Animation 1]

type = anim ; type = normal for single sprite, type = anim , for animation set

actionno = 0 ; spriteno is replaced with actionno, or else you get error. your action number needs a "reference point" just like spriteno.

layerno = 0

start = 0, 0

delta = 1,1

[begin Action 0]

3,0 ,0,0 ,5

3,1 ,0,0 ,5

3,2 ,0,0 ,5

Now [begin Action 0] is animation set 0, and the number (0) is your reference point which you use in the actionno = . This is a explanation of what those numbers under Begin Action mean.

Group No , Image No, X Position, Y Position , Time

If you recall above i set group 3, image 0 1 and 2, to be animation sprites? well we are gonna use those.

We dont need to make it move a position, but other wise you could use the X and Y to move it around.

The time code tells you how many ticks that sprite will be shown in the animation. higher number to show longer, lower number to make really fast. 0 (is like infinite) -1, is like infinite. 1 ~ whatever, will display it at that speed. so for the example i used 5 ticks.

[begin Action 0]

3,0 ,0,0 ,5

3,1 ,0,0 ,5

3,2 ,0,0 ,5

its easier to understand now yes?

well thats all there is to coding animations in stages. there are ALOT more advance triggers but you do not always need them.

so in short how do you make a animation on a stage?

you need type = anim, and you need actionno which points to a animation set

then you need the actual animation set itself, using the [begin Action #] code.

If you read in the Doc's folder a file named "bgs" it explains all about stages.

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