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Mugen Free For All

Tobi_NZC Beta Released updated 4/13/2012


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I decided its been long enough and I would release this as a beta for you all to enjoy he has a few things to add still but id call this about 90% complete I hope you enjoy this I worked hard on it readme is in the folder as well as credits. he plays just like Alexeis NZC characters.

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yeah i saw the release for this over on guild and i was totally gonna give this long typed out thing about it being crap and how i hated it and blah blah... and finish off with ah im just kidding blah blah, but i decided not too cause those pricks on guild would just start bitching if they saw 2 people with MFFA as a Sig.............. nice release bud, not into naruto so i might still DL just to test ur char making skill ...... and then fuck with u about it :=D:

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ha guild doesn't care they have never posted feedback on anything ive made even though I actually put alot of effort into Tobi. Seriously even if you are not a naruto fan try him out hes highly playable and can hold his own against many characters without being a cheap bastard.

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ha guild doesn't care they have never posted feedback on anything ive made even though I actually put alot of effort into Tobi. Seriously even if you are not a naruto fan try him out hes highly playable and can hold his own against many characters without being a cheap bastard.

Don't feel bad Laharl my DW didn't get that much attention either some people on MFG will claim stuff like this

(qoute from Darkflare) "I don't really care if someone makes a cartoon character if it's done right." when really it should be changed to a bit of a more truthful statement.

"I don't really care if someone makes a cartoon character if it's a DBZ character done right or if it's made by Dcat." sadly the MFG tends ignore cartoon/anime characters even if they are well made.

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Honestly speaking, even my big normal characters people tend to ignore. the only characters to ever really get attention is Raging Ken Chibi Solid Snake Raging Akuma mainly cause ken and akuma are street fighter, and I made the first Solid Snake for mugen.

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Ok been meaning to give you some feedback for a while, but I've had my hands all tied up for a while. Anyway this plays alright but there are a few things -The uppercut animation looks wooden is there a way to resprite this it needs a few more frames. -It would be nice if some of his moves outside of standard punches/kicks that didn't drain your super/hyper meter.

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the uppercut animation needs more frames I agree but i don't sprite it someone else does as for the second complaint can't help you there its NZC style and he has a c button for bombs that don't take power away to do it. i am following alexeis style of coding that is why its like that.

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  • 1 month later...

just a heads up Tobi has been updated. Updates include changed his voice quote when he does the launcher to not be so long and unfitting. added guard sounds they were missing last time. fixed the unintentional bug where the opponent can recover out of butt blast. added land dust, air dash dust, super sparks ect all stuff that should of been there to begin with like the rest of the nzc chars. probably some other stuff i forgot lol. anyway try him out and again feedback is always welcomed.

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Honestly speaking, even my big normal characters people tend to ignore.

the only characters to ever really get attention is

Raging Ken

Chibi Solid Snake

Raging Akuma

mainly cause ken and akuma are street fighter, and I made the first Solid Snake for mugen.

and there are way too many clones dont you get tired of seeing so many ryu,kens and akuma i know i sure do or what about king of fighters even tho its been done over 10000000000000 times most are the same or they have a diffrent voice pack or pallets or they copy the moves from a different character
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