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Nep MUGEN Releases: Taiga Released

Nep Heart

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 It came to my attention that Holn's AI patch managed to uncover an absurdly busted combo in Lilith that I wasn't expecting at all, one that can be replicated by a human player no less. One of the bigger merits of AI patches, I suppose. With that said, Lilith has been updated accordingly.




- Heavily tweaked Purgatory Flame's interactions during various combo situations.

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  • 2 weeks later...









 Reimu seals the deal as she makes her way into MUGEN. Considerable late for a release due to my MUGEN hiatus as I wanted to put more focus into my other hobbies, but I finally have her out ready for the 1st of the month. From here, I'll be mostly focusing on overhauls for older characters until resources for two characters I really want to do become available later this year, if not next. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this new iteration of Reimu!


Download her here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DilRe__n7c22OI429G?e=faTT2Z




[b]Reisen Udongein Inaba:[/b]


- Most normals have damage reduced.
- Increased start-up on 4z and 6z normals.
- Decreased range on crouching medium.
- Reduced Mind Explosion damage, hitstun and hit velocities as well as slightly increased endlag for all variations.
- Disorder Eye no longer allows air control after use.
- Tightened damage on all versions of Illusory Blast for more consistency.
- Grand Patriot's Elixir now drains power.

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  • 2 weeks later...

 As one of my older characters, Hotaru has finally received a much needed revamp to keep her up to standard with my newer stuff. With that complete, I can move on to another character overhaul to coincide with the return of her series; Haruhi Suzumiya!


All SNK Characters:


- Revised Roll/Air Dodge mechanic to cancel normals on contact instead of canceling guardstun for the 1000 power cost.
- Improved Hyper Drive activation FX.


Hotaru Futaba:


- Completely overhauled.

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  • 1 month later...

 Special Thanksgiving updates for everyone except Haruhi, Homura and Sayaka due to all three having full revamps pending.


All Gen 1 characters (with exceptions of characters pending overhauls):


- Standardized hitstop to 10 frames with exceptions (i.e.: multi-hit moves and throws).
- Tweak framedata across the board.
- Revised throw teching.
- Updated/Tweaked/Corrected many aesthetics.
- Almost all burn and shock hitstates have been standardized to function closer those found in EFZ.
- Series defensive mechanics can be used right at the moment a normal or special attack is reversed/special guarded by opponent.


All Gen 2 characters:


- Corrected a few AI bugs.


Mio Kouzuki:


- Many Long Range normals have drastically increased reach. Movement speed in this Mode is slower and active frames of aforementioned normals have less active frames to compensate.


Doppel Nanase:


- Overhauled Unique Ability.


Kano Kirishima:


- Corrected damage scaling bug for Lord of Vermillion.


Reimu Hakurei:


- Corrected issue with Floating Wall Jump canceling early when touching the ground.
- Fantasy Heaven KO theme changed to attack theme (couldn't find a way to correct delay bug).

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  • 2 weeks later...

 A few minor updates for coding errors and balance.

Hotaru Futaba:


- Corrected posadd intro error against one of Haruhi's intros.


Mio Kouzuki:


- Pre-beam segment of Anyway, A Lot now KOs.


Akari Ichijou:


- Reduced duration for Hagure Hitogata.




- Reduced duration for Stat Multiplier.

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  • 4 weeks later...

 My most recent overhaul is something of a New Year 2021 gift, especially for all those who waited patiently for this particular improvement. Now to move on to Sayaka's revamp.


Haruhi Suzumiya:


- Completely overhauled.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Been a little late on this, but mass updating can be a pretty tedious task otherwise.


All Generation 1 characters:


- Fixed air dash inputs when crossing up.
- Corrected a few more aesthetics.


Homura Akemi:


- Added a special intro that is compatible with Charlotte.

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  • 1 month later...

 Big thanks to JtheSaltyy's efforts for all three, the following have been updated.


Hieda no Akyuu:


- Character icon updated.


Reisen Udongein Inaba:


- Character icon updated.


Youmu Konpaku:


- Character icon updated.

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Hieda no Ayuu:


- Corrected several aesthetics.
- Standing heavy properly forces guarding before its last hit.
- Corrected several aspects for every version of Youma Bon to function properly.


Reisen Udongein Inaba:

- Adjusted damage scaling on most supers to facilitate higher combo damage.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 Quick updates. I may just release Nitori this week and do the trailer later since I'm not feeling like doing the extra work atm.

Mio Kouzuki:

- Corrected poweradd bug for Short Range Mode 6z

Doppel Nanase:

- Maiden Enlightenment charges faster.

Mai Kawasumi:

- Corrected Awakening BG aesthetic bug.
- Awakening's timer now drains faster.

Miyako Arima:

- Adjusted Senshu-Raku's velocity and hitboxes.
- Change formula for all Arc Drive damage.

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 Nope, it's not a joke, I've finally stopped procrastinating and decided to release Nitori today. Gacha is one helluva distracting drug, but I will still try to working on my next Gen 2 character starting later this month. As for her trailer, I'll work on that later, but for now, enjoy my latest Touhou release!


Get her here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DilSNyJ1UGYBo7Npx8?e=f6idxj


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...



 The ferocious tiger is set loose on the competition! After some procrastinating yet again, I finally release my latest Generation 1 character and my very first Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax character reimagined in my own playstyle. Do note that it's not recommended to scale her up since her FX do not autoscale with the character, lacking Generation 2's autoscaling coding. With that said, hope you enjoy thrashing up the rest of your roster with this ferocious feline.


 Get her here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvDqTmHZ37DilSYh4LwHzqVWAHXy?e=bSxCYR

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