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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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7 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I won't be long."


The ship being much earlier on schedule meant they wouldn't be able to explore a little longer. With that in mind, Lilith took one of the bags and waited for her turn at the counter.


The clerk scans Lilith's items.



I hope you found everything you needed ma'am. That'll be 25 zennies!


Melina was about to approach LightFlare but notices Anwalt and Umbra. They seemed a bit tense but Melina just pretended to not notice...



Hey guys. You ready to go? I know I told Penny to sit with me Anwalt, but that doesn't mean you can't sit across from me, right?




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Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport



Umbra: Yeah, about the sitting part, we won't exactly need to do that.


Anwalt: Why not?


Umbra: The class Lord Lucent bought for us is the high class, exactly that airship #13 that was announced. They don't have seats. At least, not the ones you're used to.


Anwalt: Really? But is it that unnatural for it to not have seats?


Umbra: Look outside. That tells you a lot.



From the windows of the airport, they could see an enormous ship arriving. It landed on the field slowly, without too much problems. The entrance and exit, located on the ship's tail, opened as a lot of passengers went down.



Anwalt: Whoa, that's enormous! It's like a flying house!


Umbra: That's... kind of what it is. According to Lord Lucent, it'll take a while for us to arrive at Candor, even if we go through the air, so he bought us a trip into a literal flying house.


Anwalt: I think he gets things too over the top sometimes. Something a little simple wouldn't hurt every once in a while.


Umbra: We both know how Lord Lucent is. There are tunes I worry about this somewhat altruistic spirit he has...


Talking about the one who bought the flight, he was surprised as well. Just like with the hotel, Lucent didn't think it would be something... big as the airship in their front was.



Lucent: OK, I... wasn't expecting it to be this gigantic. I thought it'd be a normal airship, but I should've expected something different from the high class.


Lucent: I'm going ahead to the boarding site in order to save our places on the line and because of our tickets. Tell the others that I'm there and for them to be quick!


Lucent held his bag tight and ran to the boarding site. He somewhat expected the line to be really big, so it was necessary to guarantee they wouldn't take long.

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


From the windows of the airport, they could see an enormous ship arriving. It landed on the field slowly, without too much problems. The entrance and exit, located on the ship's tail, opened as a lot of passengers went down.



He got us...that?! I beginning to think your brother has a problem...but who am I to judge. Besides...I get to ride for free.




3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: I'm going ahead to the boarding site in order to save our places on the line and because of our tickets. Tell the others that I'm there and for them to be quick!


Lucent held his bag tight and ran to the boarding site. He somewhat expected the line to be really big, so it was necessary to guarantee they wouldn't take long.



(Bossy little...meh, whatever. At least he's paying...)


LightFlare walks over to Melina, Anwalt and Umber.



Lucent has graciously appointed me as messenger. He's headed to the boarding area. He requests that we make our way to him, post haste!


LightFlare had a big smile but the tone in voice hinted he was not exactly "happy."



Looks like someone put on their sarcasm suit today. I take it our ever charming young royal friend Lucent got under your skin?


LightFlare immediately chuckles...



Maybe just a teeny weeny bit. I commend you Anwalt. You seem like a guy who can really keep his cool. I didn't mention it before, but back at the bottom even though I was meditating, I could sense a power level slowly rising. It was gradual. Almost like the person who it belonged to was also meditating. But when we met, I realized it was the same aura. So even though you were in the heat of battle, your power did not deminish...it was actually growing. When you told your story it all made sense. Your training must have been intense...



Anyway...Once the others show up, we'll catch up to Lucent.



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Anwalt Vermillion and Umbra



Anwalt: Heh, thanks. The training was hell indeed. I don't tend to lose my cool too much, except on some cases. For example, servants who don't obey.


Umbra: If you think I'm bothered, that hardly affects me, so joke's on you.


Anwalt: Tch. Little pest...


Umbra: Heh. Anyway, Sir LightFlare, was it? Thanks for doing the "messenger" job and also for not hiding that you're somewhat bothered with all of this.


Anwalt: Do you blame him? He's my brother, but even I can say he's acting like a brat.


Umbra: Do I sound like I'm defending Lord Lucent's actions? Your ears and your brain need some fixing.


Anwalt: Hey, shut it with the insults, wolfboy!


Umbra: In any case, I assure you he means no harm... even though he might sound a little twisted and spoke things about "inducing Nightmares on you if you try something funny" against me or Lord Anwalt.


Anwalt: Did he seriously say something like that? I'm beating him up once we board-


Umbra: Calm down or I'll beat YOU up. It's already a plus if he convinced himself to give a chance at all. We don't need to cause turmoil, especially if we're going to travel as a group from now on. Let's just try to keep our acts together.


Umbra: Lord Lucent will come to full terms with it eventually. For now, let's not take him as a bad person. After all, getting bothered over a kid's whim is pretty petty for human adults like you all are.


Anwalt: You know, you could at least sugarcoat the words a bit there.


Umbra: I don't like that, so I'll say it how I like to say it. If you are being petty and childish, I'm telling you that and I'm not using sweet words to make it less painful.


Umbra: Oh, and he has no problems with money, Miss Melina. Believe me, Lord Anwalt's gambling problems are far more concerning than Lord Lucent's expensive shopping.


Anwalt: I haven't lost that much money at gambling, asshat!


Umbra: Says the guy who lost almost 3 million gold at blackjack once. Hahahahaha! Oh, the utterly defeated face you made when you came back home was hilarious! And a 17-year old kid had to console the crying grown-up loser! I wish I had photos to show them!

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2 hours ago, Dumanios said:




"Here we go," Raina replied, counting out 45 zeni from her winnings.


The clerk hands Raina the items she purchased.



Thanks and come again!


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Heh, thanks. The training was hell indeed. I don't tend to lose my cool too much, except on some cases. For example, servants who don't obey.


LightFlare smiles in response..



I'll keep that in mind, Walt.


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: Heh. Anyway, Sir LightFlare, was it? Thanks for doing the "messenger" job and also for not hiding that you're somewhat bothered with all of this.



No prob...


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: I haven't lost that much money at gambling, asshat!


Umbra: Says the guy who lost almost 3 million gold at blackjack once. Hahahahaha! Oh, the utterly defeated face you made when you came back home was hilarious! And a 17-year old kid had to console the crying grown-up loser! I wish I had photos to show them!


LightFlare and Melina where highly amused by Anwalt and Umbra's little dispute.



You two are a regular riot...



No love lost between THOSE two...

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The clerk hands Raina the items she purchased.



Thanks and come again!




"You're welcome!"


With Raina's shopping trip done, she now went to head towards the airship terminal, bag in hand. The fact that the flight was earlier than expected was a bit unexpected, but it'd probably be fine.  Once she saw the size of the airship though, she couldn't believe it.




"Woah!" Raina hadn't expected vehicles could come in that size!

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14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The clerk scans Lilith's items.



I hope you found everything you needed ma'am. That'll be 25 zennies!

Lilith reached into her pockets and pulled out the money, counting them before handing it over.



"That should be the correct amount if I counted it right."

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8 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare and Melina where highly amused by Anwalt and Umbra's little dispute.




You two are a regular riot...



No love lost between THOSE two...



Umbra: Heh, those two can't function well if I'm not around. Like Lord Lucent said, I'm their mentor. In more ways than one.


Anwalt: I don't need you around me! I'm the boss of a yakuza gang! Besides, who would ever need you, you sadistic piece of shit?!


Umbra: Really? Then maybe I should tell Lord Lucent and see what he has to say, hmm?


Anwalt: ...


Umbra: What, thinking on taking that comment back?


Anwalt: S-Shut up, I don't have anything to take back.


Umbra: Oh, sure you don't. Anyway, since I'm travelling with you all right now, I'll say beforehand that you all can count on my services for as long as we travel together.


Anwalt: Just don't expect Umbra to be subservient that much. He ain't the type to listen and blindly follow what you have to say.


Umbra: That's also true. My main task is to protect the Vestal, a.k.a your "wallet", and I'll fulfill that to the very end before anything else.


Anwalt: Uh, what was with that tone of voice for that part?


Umbra: I'll leave that to your brains. Hopefully it'll figure it out on time and you won't die thinking.


Anwalt: Stop calling me dumb already!!


Umbra: Haha! You get angry at the slightest offense I say at you! That's gold, keep it up!


Anwalt: I repeat what I said: sadistic piece of shit, through and through!

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On 2/24/2019 at 3:19 AM, Darkflare said:

Lilith reached into her pockets and pulled out the money, counting them before handing it over.



"That should be the correct amount if I counted it right."


The clerk takes the payment and completes the transaction. She hands Lilith her items purchased.



Thank you and come again!


On 2/24/2019 at 7:40 AM, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: I repeat what I said: sadistic piece of shit, through and through!



Walt...you seem a bit to intense. Perhaps you've been working too hard lately. Maybe I could help you..."loosen up."


Melina winks at Anwalt. LightFlare just chuckles slightly and shakes his head..



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Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport


As Melina did her "offer" to Anwalt, Umbra didn't lose a chance to jump in and comment once again.



Umbra: Oh, so she's not only our ally, but the next girl to trick Lord Anwalt and make him lose a wallet! How come no one told me that?


Anwalt: Will you shut the hell up for once?!


Umbra: Wait, I haven't finished speaking. Hey, Miss Melina, when you take away Lord Anwalt's money, can you take some photos of his face and send them to me? I don't have pics of the face at the actual moment, only at the aftermaths.


Anwalt: *crackles fist* I'm seriously considering to kill you with my fists right now.


Umbra: Ooh, scary. Come on, tough boy, show me what you got.


He was about to punch him, but Raina interrupting by asking about Umbra. The question left Anwalt confused. Wasn't Raina with them when Lucent first introduced Umbra? DId she get distracted at that moment and didn't pay attention?



Anwalt: Wait, weren't you with us when Lucent introduced Umbra?


Umbra: She was distracted. Even if she wasn't, I don't mind. Anyway, I'm Umbra, General of the Vestal Guard. Pleased to meet you, Miss Raina.


Anwalt: And he's... sort of a friend. Not one that I'm entirely happy to have sometimes.


Umbra: We just like to do these little bickerings with each other. I mean, isn't it funny when you drive someone to their limits until they begin to bark at you like some sort of mad puppy?


Anwalt: No, it isn't. No one shares your twisted vision of fun, Umbra.


Umbra: Is that so? Heh, you guys don't know what you're losing. In any case, why are you all together like this? Lord Lucent gave me a little rundown, but not too much.


Anwalt: Alright, I'll explain.


Anwalt gave Umbra a rundown of what happened ever since the beginning. He tried to be as concise as possible for not dragging the explanation for too long.



Anwalt: ... And that's what happened so far.


Umbra: Interesting. People pulled against their will, people who live here, people on a trip and one single person with an actual plan. I can already feel this advernture is going to be wonderful.


Anwalt: Well, exploring other worlds is fun, right? I've never went into these sorts of trips!


Umbra: Ugh. Sarcasm. Do you get that concept? Do I need to teach you how to actually notice sarcastic comments?


Anwalt: ... Yeah, I think you do.


Umbra: *sigh* OK, let me explain. By the looks of it, none of you have any idea of what you're doing. Sure, Miss Lilith's goal was to go there, but what about YOUR goals? Going aimlessly from world to world to find any sort of clue?


Anwalt: We're on a trip, Umbra. I don't guess neither me, Lucent or even you need to plan everything from the start. We can have some spontaneous fun!


Umbra: Yeah, sure, whatever. You and Lord Lucent are two lost causes, anyway. But what about the rest of you? You're just tagging along for the sake of it or do you have anything in mind as a reason?


Meanwhile, Lucent waited on the line. big as it was, it moved pretty fast. He was already getting closer to the item check and the bag deposit as he looked at the clock.



Lucent: I wonder if they finished what they're doing. I hope nothing bad happened or else we'll lose the ship.


Lucent: (Also, I have the feeling that Umbra just badmouthed me, for no reason. He loves to do that anyway, so I'm letting it pass.)

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41 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: Yeah, sure, whatever. You and Lord Lucent are two lost causes, anyway. But what about the rest of you? You're just tagging along for the sake of it or do you have anything in mind as a reason?



Well...to be honest, I'm interested in how this encounter with Liltih and Darkflare will go. I have a feeling there is more to this story than meets the eye. Also it's always good to check in on my old friend. Business has been booming for him these past couple years. I'm interested to see how his facilty has flourished.



I wanna see the place as well. I hear it has an epic arena that can look like anything you want. Plus I just wanna get out of Kalos. 


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18 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Her purchase done Lilith headed back to regroup with the others.



"Oi oi, it's surprising noone has called you out for being so noisy."



Great. Now that the party pooper is here, we can head for the boarding area.



Yea. Let's get a move on. Umbra, I'm sure we can talk more along the way.


LightFlare and Melina head towards the boarding area.

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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Great. Now that the party pooper is here, we can head for the boarding area.


Penelope snickered at the comment, but decided to side with her anyway. She might have been kind of strict, but she was doing it for a good reason! Probably.



Penelope: Hehe, she's probably right, though. I have a feeling it'd be a better idea to talk about this somewhere more private since we're...y'know...not all here because we wanna be here. Who knows who could be listening in...


She followed after them to the boarding area. Her moment of shock at the sheer size of the airship happened when she was younger; by now, she was used to seeing them. She still wanted to fly in a jet, though; that was a lot more fun to her!



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21 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Her purchase done Lilith headed back to regroup with the others.



"Oi oi, it's surprising noone has called you out for being so noisy."



Umbra: No one pretty much cares for our noise. This whole place is bustling with talkative tourists after all.


Anwalt: Pretty sure any noise we're making is blending with the rest.


3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Great. Now that the party pooper is here, we can head for the boarding area.



Yea. Let's get a move on. Umbra, I'm sure we can talk more along the way.


LightFlare and Melina head towards the boarding area.


Umbra and Anwalt followed LightFlare and Melina. As for the talk, he decided to leave it at the ship, with everyone reunited.



Umbra: Our talk witll continue on the ship. There's something I need to do in regards to Lord Lucent's brat attitude.


Anwalt: ... You don't plan to embarass Lucent in front of a lot of people, do you?


Umbra: To be humble, one should go through a really harsh experience. So yeah, I'm embarassing him and I'll make him cry if I have to make him cooperate with us.


Anwalt: Weren't you who told us not to mind that he's being like this? Why are you taking matters into your own accounts?


Umbra: First, I'm not human. Second, because I want to. Also, it has been a long time since I saw Lord Lucent being embarassed, desperate or something of the sort. Since I already had my fun playing around with you, I'm playing with him now.


Anwalt: Can't we just talk this out with him instead? Pretty sure Lucent's mature enough for us to chat-


Umbra: He had the chance. He wasted it. If the easy way isn't working, the pain will. Now, let's get going or else he's going to whine.


Umbra went a little more faster, grinning. He already had something in mind and couldn't wait to do it. Anwalt sighed hardly, not liking the thought of it one bit.



Anwalt: *sigh* I don't actually care for what he says about me, but I don't need him doing these sorts of stuffs to Lucent...

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With the full introduction of Umbra as well as Lilith’s arrival, Raina followed the rest of the party onto the airship. Umbra... well, James back home would probably liken him to a troll, but he seemed like he had Anwalt and Lucent’s best interests in mind, if an ‘unusual’ manner of seeking them out. He’d Probably get along with Gertrude back home, given her penchant for causing trouble.

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They soon arrived at the boarding site. Lucent waved to signal them, as he was the next in the line to cross.



Lucent: Oh, hello once again. We're the next ones, so I'm glad you all are here in time.


Anwalt: Alright, but where are our tickets?


Lucent: All here in my terminal. I'll just check them with the guards right there and everything will be fine.


Umbra: Actually, before you can do that, there's something we need to talk, Lord Lucent.


Lucent: OK. What is it, Umbra?


BGM: Hora theae


As Lucent wondered about it, Umbra slapped him right in the face, getting immediately serious afterwards.



Lucent: Ow! Hey, what did you do that for?


Umbra: Remind me one thing. When we were talking, didn't I say that you should take it nicely and have a conversation?


Lucent: You did. And that's what happened-


Umbra: "That's what happened" my behind! Peaceful talks don't include threatening, you brat! Lower your levels a bit, you don't get the right to determine what someone should do or not!


Lucent: A-Alright, I understand I was in the wrong, so please stop making a scandal-


Umbra: Now you're worried about the scandal? Look and see if I care. Now, how about you behave and go apologize like a good kid?


Lucent: C-Can't I do that when we're inside the ship? People are looking all around and I'm uncomfortable with it-


Umbra: Should've thought about that before being a jerk. Either you apologize or we're losing that ship. Hurry up, we don't have all day long, Lord Lucent.


All the other passengers were looking directly at the group, throwing them various eyes,most of them at Lucent. He got instantly embarassed. His wish to protect Anwalt and Umbra from danger worked against him in a way he couldn't expect. Won by the pressure and knowing he was wrong at the end of it, he went to LightFlare and bowed.



Lucent: I-I'm sorry for what I said before. I didn't mean to... I just wanted to...


Lucent: *sigh* Nevermind, I'm in the wrong no matter what I say to explain myself. Not to mention I can't even think on the right words. Just... ignore what I said earlier...


Anwalt: ...


Umbra: There we go. Nice and easy. Now we can go to the ship.


Lucent: R-Right...


Lucent went over to the guards, completely distraught and embarassed, wanting to hide himself into a deep hole. Umbra looked happy at the result, but Anwalt's mood went completely sour.



Umbra: And with this, the problem's solved. I'll make sure you both behave while we're around our group.


Anwalt: ... Umbra, stay away from me or else I'll throw you out from the window.


Umbra: Why are you mad about this? He's going to cooperate now. Isn't that good?


Anwalt: Use your genius brain to figure out, asshole.


Umbra: Getting sensitive over that? Come on, that wasn't even that bad-


Anwalt: Lucent, are you done over there?


Lucent: A-Almost. You all... can put your bags over the trays and... just wait for a little more.


Anwalt: Alright then. I'm putting our bags.


He put his and Lucent's bags on the tray, as they went forward for danger detection and packing.



Lucent: I'm done over here... you all can pass now.

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12 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Lucent: I-I'm sorry for what I said before. I didn't mean to... I just wanted to...


Lucent: *sigh* Nevermind, I'm in the wrong no matter what I say to explain myself. Not to mention I can't even think on the right words. Just... ignore what I said earlier...


LightFlare and Melina were both disturbed by the "servants" treatment of his "Lords". 



(That was tough to watch. As condescending as Lucent was, I still feel sorry for him. This Umbra guy is a sadistic prick...)



I humbly except your apology, Lucent. Thank you...


LightFlare walks and is checked by authorities before he is declared ok to board the ship.



(This guy is supposed to be their servant? Seems more like "he's" in charge)



Umbra...you seem like a great guy. I think you and Lilith would be perfect for each other.


Melina puts her things in the trays and walks threw the scanning devise and is cleared to board the ship.

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Slums, Candor City




Sasuke Uchiha's had learned quite a bit about Candor, despite his recent arrival. It seemed that this city, like Amegakure, would soon be beset by internal troubles. Normally, Sasuke wouldn't want to get too involved - his intention was to create a low profile for himself - but with his inability to portal out of Candor, he may have to get involved sooner or later. He needed to know why he'd been trapped in this way, after all. Asking around might lead him to the information he needs.


After talking with that shady man in the bar, he'd had another talk with an officer, who'd given his own view on the Knights. He'd been very positive about them, how they'd helped reduce crime in the slums. He'd also mentioned how few officers there were to patrol the slums, leading to crime becoming a problem before the Knights showed up. Sasuke had asked where he could exchange some currency and recieved a couple adresses, one within the slums and a few outside of it, in the main town. Hopefully he could exchange some of the spare Ryo for whatever the local money was...


???, Candor City


BGM: Dark Clouds to Clear


A woman sat at a computer desk, located within a former office building. It'd once been a bustling business, but its location in the slums eventually made the owners seek a new location. Still, the building remained, and now had new "ownership". Legally it was under a certain James Artenborough, but he'd been turned into a puppet of her new ally. Sometimes sacrifices were necessary for the greater good.


When she'd found herself in this world several months ago, she'd been disgusted to see this world infested with monsters that threatened to vanquish humanity. Like Fantasia, humankind had to stick to cities, having to travel in large groups just to remain safe. The forests between even major cities were unsafe.


It'd taken some time to get used to using the technology of this world, but now she could hardly get enough of it. The amount of information she could obtain was frightening. When the time was right, she and her partner would become the heroes this world required - finally, humanity would be free.


On a whim, she went to an image-sharing website, perhaps there'd be something amusing there.


She saw a picture of a girl flying around a city. Wearing red, white, and blue. Blonde hair.




That damned shrinemaiden. She hadn't seen logic the last time they'd fought, almost a year ago. Claudia Interitia had intended to save the humans of Fantasia from ever losing any more of their number to the monsters and demons that roamed the realm, but Raina hadn't seen it that way. Worse, she'd allied with that damn Thunderbird as well. Raina and one of those monsters had fought to keep the status quo. Now though, Raina was alone.


"This time Raina, I will win. Hopefully, I'll prove the truth of my views."



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Lilith placed her bag in the tray as she underwent the security check. While she understood why Umbra did what he did, she couldn't agree with the method he chose to do so. The experience did point out to her how troublesome it was to get along with the others. Although it was very likely they will go their separate ways once they met with Darkflare, nonetheless it wouldn't hurt to at least try to get along with them better. The only problem would be towards Melina as she sensed she was particularly hostile toward her. That's fine, she wasn't fond of her narcissistic attitude anyway.


Once she was cleared, she grabbed her belongings and boarded inside.

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BGM: Hora theae still playing


After dropping their bags, Anwalt and Lucent passed through the gates. Umbra put his axe away in darkness and passed through as well. Lucent was still distraught, so Anwalt decided to distract him from what happened.



Lucent: ...


Anwalt: So, about the airship, how does it work? It looks like a literal flying hotel for me.


Lucent: O-Oh, right. Well, the airship is really big. Unlike other classes, the high one features cabins for us to rest, a lounge, a restaurant-


Anwalt: It's basically what I said! It's a flying hotel!


Lucent: I-If you want to consider it as one then maybe you're right. Except that the cabins will be shared by four people instead of each of us getting one.


Anwalt: Oh. So how we're splitting then?


Umbra: Boys on one cabin, girls on another.


Anwalt: ... Really?


Umbra: Do you have anything else in mind? And don't say shared rooms, that's not the best option.


Lucent: We can think on how we share when we're in the ship. Let's just follow the passengers for now.


Anwalt: Right then. To the airship!


Lucent: OK. Let's go ahead and see it up close.


Lucent and Anwalt went ahead to the airship. Before he could follow them, Umbra looked at Melina.



Umbra: Don't think I haven't noticed the hint of sarcasm on your tone. I hope you do enjoy the trip, because this might be the last good thing you'll get from them.


Umbra: I don't want a freeloader like you abusing of Lord Lucent's kindness. He might not be the best person ever, but he's not evil and he's trying his best. And since you don't hold anything back as much as to consider him only as your personal "bank", who knows what you think of Lord Anwalt. Best if you act like Miss Lilith, since you're pretty uncouth for a human woman of your age.


After saying that, he leaves to follow the brothers to the airship. Even though he did all of those things earlier with them, he had them at his best interest. And protecting them from allies with "suspicious interests" was one thing he would do.

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