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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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Offense Team




Emilia: (So the enemy has deduced our location without forewarning...is this your work, Penelope?)


On 2/8/2018 at 5:17 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




LightFlare looks at Hugh, Rokurou and Emilia. He cuts his eyes and motions his head toward the rear and suddenly dashes towards the left entrance in the rear...

Emilia sent a sharp glare at him and shook her head, instead diverting her route towards the right flank, expecting the others to divide into their flanks. She gestured for them to execute the plan despite the enemy seemingly being aware of their locations, scanning the field for any signs of a prepared defensive maneuver or members in hiding. If the ranged support performed their duties properly, they could quickly seize the maid during the distraction and escape with a swift victory.



Emilia: (Agni, Ludger, do not let me down...)


Tracking Emilia's Movement:





Defense Team


Penelope did as she was told, and remained near the pod. However, she picked up on the approach of Lightflare.



Penelope: (Aww, why so soon?! Guess I better get ready...)


She closed her eyes, focusing on the individual sources throughout the arena. She didn't need to place a barrier just yet, but the time was approaching quickly. If she was too early, then it was going to be destroyed quickly, and if she did it too late, then they would be protected as well. She hoped her teammates would move to hold them off before they could get within range. She flipped her sword in anticipation, pointing the wooden blade down at the ground.



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Arena Trial 001


Soon, both Pods gave them warnings about the movements from the other team.


Pods: Alert: targets entering in area. Proposal: commence immediate attack with shooting.


5T: Request on halt! Our focus is safeguarding the maid, not getting kills!


13P: Tch, they're getting closer and closer! What should we do?


5T: Hold your positions for now. Incessant shooting will only waste energy and leave us rendered. Let them make the move and we'll counter based on what they do.


13P: I don't like this idea that much, but if you say so...


13P and 5T held their positions, awaiting any arrival coming from the opposite team. Meanwhile, Rokurou got out of his hiding spot and looked at Emilia and LightFlare. He wanted to follow the warrior's idea, but their leader's glare gave him another thought.



Rokurou: That look on her face seemingly isn't cool. Maybe I should stick to the plan and-


Agni: Rokurou, a moment.


Rokurou: So you had an idea. What's on your mind?

Agni: Who's your target once again?


Rokurou: It's Hinamori. Yours is 5T, right?


Agni: Right. If their only attack was that one, then I imagine...


Rokurou: ...?


Agni: I have an idea to open them. Once I do that, you advance.


Rokurou: Alright.


Agni dashed towards the watchtower in the middle and once reached it, he quickly climbed the stairs with small hops while Rokurou stood on his position, waiting for the idea to be executed. Once Agni reached the top, he could get a view of the Defense's flank from above. He also knew this left him open to be seen, but the tower had its strategical use. and so, he attacked, in order to let the defense open up a bit.


BGM: After Burner -∞ Climax Mix- (Bayonetta)



Agni: I hope you enjoy the rocket rain, Defense. Spread Disaster!


Aiming at the flank's middle, Agni took out his rocket launcher and shot 8 missiles. The missiles were innacurate and scrambled through their destinations. But his goal wasn't mainly to hit someone: the sudden attack would leave them exposed or at least worried about being hit, switching their focus to the incoming bombard.



Rokurou: Whoa...


Agni: *looks at Rokurou and nods*


Rokurou: Time to rush in!


Rokurou kept moving while following Emilia, unsure if his target would be there or not. However, he felt as if it was a good idea not not be the first one to land a hit, much to his dismay.



13P: What the- incoming rockets!


5T: From where did they come from?! Wait...


13P: Pod, shoot them!!


5T: Damn it...!! Pod!!


Under they commands, the Pods began shooting the missiles. However, because there was a bit of Agni's dark magic on them, they were sturdier than common rockets. Still, they tried to block them, without success.


System Information

Agni's Bullet Gauge: 2/10


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Kirimuri: Well, see you guys later!


Kirimuri drops a smoke bomb in the middle of the map, near the middle wall of the Defense team. The blast radius was just enough so that Agni can scout the Defense team's base without getting his view obstructed.


He becomes invisible then proceeds to sneak quietlg in the Defense team's base from the right flank of the map.

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On 08/02/2018 at 9:17 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




LightFlare looks at Hugh, Rokurou and Emilia. He cuts his eyes and motions his head toward the rear and suddenly dashes towards the left entrance in the rear...


Music: Stand on Earth


Offense Team



Hugh: (This entire thing reeks...I'll stay a bit behind and analyze this better...)


    He follows LightFlare, but at his own pace. Meanwhile, Hina waits for the right timing to dodge one of the missiles with a roll, landing near the pod.



Hinamori: (Alright, they used one of their cards.) Left Entrance, hold your ground, the enemy is heading towards you. 5T, Kirimuri is heading this way while being invisible. When he gets close enough, I'll point at his direction so that you can shoot him. Emilia might also be heading for this direction.


Leaf: Alright, you want me to hold her back, right?


Hinamori: Only if she attacks. I'm sure someone like her is being wary of something. Let's first take advantage of our surprise factor and deal with Kirimuri when he approaches.


   Since Hinamori had to dodge Agni's missile, her communication with spirits is interrupted until the next turn.


Left Entrance Team



Ryuko: Here they come...Guess it's time for your Valiant Knight to shine.


Joyce: (Agni is up there...but it's not a good idea to focus him first when there's a freight train coming at us. If they try anything from the distance, I'm sure Penelope would act.) Alright then. Going to be needing your support.


    Before starting her chant, Joyce fired a different type of fireball, one that flew over the L-shaped wall and landed on the ground, spreading fire all over the floor.



Ryuko: (I see, this will force them to do a longer jump, giving me a chance to snipe one of them.)


    Ryuko prepares for their next move.



Etomo: We have to do this carefully...Or else we'll get squashed again...The floor is on fire and that wall is just the obstacle they need to hit anyone that jumps over it...


    Ludger then, pulls out his pocket watch.



Ludger: I have the feeling that if we resort to long ranged attacks again, Penelope might act and her barrier will end up delaying our advance...So the only alternative is being faster than her...In that case...


Music: Corpse Shell Release






    Since the Chromatus transformation doesn't require a chant, Ludger managed to transform faster than Joyce.



Etomo: Whoa!


Ludger: Let's go!


        Ludger jumps in the air, using his Dark Projection move to quickly warp to Joyce and Ryuko's position and attacking from above them.



Ryuko: Watch out!


      Seeing Ludger vanishing and guessing Joyce was the target, she managed to push her away in time.



Joyce: (Urgh...I musn't lose focus...)


Ryuko: Okay, time out! What the...


Ludger: (I don't have time to waste!)


    He went after Joyce, not wanting to waste the chance to eliminate her while she was chanting.

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Defense Team


The rain of rockets from above had thrown Penelope off. Her original idea was to create a barrier to block them out and allow her and her teammates to laugh as they tried unsuccessfully to penetrate it, but now she had to save as many people as she could from an explosive surprise.



Penelope: Sorry guys, but I gotta do this right now!


Penelope sent her sword into the ground summoning a barrier around herself that would protect her, those around her, and the maid from the onslaught of blasts around them, though it was clear that the damage was taking its toll on her.



Penelope: How are rockets even allowed?!


Tracking Penelope's Barrier




Offense Team



Emilia: (Thank you, Agni! I shall not squander this chance!)


However, the recklessness of his action gave her cause to worry about the future if they were to all work together. But that was a bridge to be crossed later. She proceeded to advance further into the flank, glancing around as she did so to avoid falling into a trap.



Emilia: Their defenses have been penetrated! Now, tear down that barrier and retrieve the maid!


She was aware of the risk involved in issuing commands during the heat of battle, but she was ready to engage any challenge that may approach her.


Tracking Emilia's Movement



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The battle is in full swing. The defense team makes the first move but are quickly countered by the lighting fast Etomo. Agni shows of his agility as he finds a camping spot with a birds eye view of the arena. He sends a volley of missiles towards the defense...much to Darkflares' displeasure. Meanwhile, in the center a major standoff begins as the fighters begin to show their true colors. Ludger...decides its time to go all out and beat Joyce to the punch. But before they collide, Joyce sends an attack that blocks LightFlare from easily advancing to her position...



(That attack created a small firey gap. I could cross it but I'll be open...that is...if i were to jump...maybe I'll just...)


14 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: Sorry guys, but I gotta do this right now!


Before LightFlare could advance toward the middle he looked to right and could see the smoke clear from the missle attack. Penelope was still standing but she was visibly shaken from the last attack. LightFlare could also see 5T, 13P and Byakuya. Now that he had visual confirmation he was able to distinguish the 2 robots apart and had pinpointed Byakuya as well. LightFlare looked straight across...


14 hours ago, A person said:


Emilia: Their defenses have been penetrated! Now, tear down that barrier and retrieve the maid!


She was aware of the risk involved in issuing commands during the heat of battle, but she was ready to engage any challenge that may approach her.




(Emilia...she's taking the right side...just like she said...then ill take the left...it's now or never...)



Hugh...I know you may not trust me...but i need your help. I'm going to do a move that may leave me open to an attack. But if it's successful...it will turn the tide and possibly seal the victory for us. Please cover me...


@Mister Fael


LightFlare does a short dash into the left entrance...and prepares for his signature move...)



No holding back....




LightFlare unleashes his LightFlare Cannon. He aims it directly at Penelope. His intent is if it connects, and breaks through, he will continue the attack in order to strike Penelope the moment the barrier breaks. 


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Arena Trial 001


His plan began to work as he wanted. Though risky and deserving of Darkflare's complaints, the missiles gave the others a chance to invade the flank. Agni took cover and reloaded his bullets, while also thinking about two important things.



Agni: (... Risky, but the plan worked. We're managing to advance. If we keep this rhythm...)


As he kept engineering his next move, the sudden attack from behind surprised the androids.



13P: What in the hell?! How did he-


5T: (So you can truly warp, huh...)


13P: Dammit, we're losing control of the situation! I'm going after this beam bastard!


5T: Wait... there's something else we can do.


5T pointed out to the pillars that held the watchtower. Without a single noise to avoid drawing his attention, he and 13P ordered the Pods to destroy them with lasers. It was a successful hit and the structure began to crumble apart.



Rokurou: Agni, get out of there!


Agni: (Crap, this thing is falling apart...! I have to get out and shoot- wait, where's my gun?!)


Agni: (An upgrade?! C'mon, guys, now's not a good time...!!)


It was too late. The watchtower fell and Agni was supposed to go down with it. There were no signs he jumped.



13P: Alright, one's out. Now, let's take care of-

5T's Pod: Alert: living creature detected inside of debris.


5T: Inside the debris?! Then, that means-


BGM: Rushing Heart (Under Night IN-BIRTH)


As some of the debris fell, he was revealed. Holding a grimoire and protected by a dark barrier, he was hiding his face, expecting to be dead. When he opened them...



Agni: Wait... I survived?!


Rokurou: That's not expected.


Agni: A grimoire? Where did this...?


13P: Pod!!


13P's Pod opened his hatch and began shooting at Agni. He evaded the first shots with a quick hop but soon began to run away. He had no time to hide nor to defend himself, since he had no idea how he conjured the barrier from earlier. He opened the book and began to read it.



Agni: Better to stop thinking and make use of it! Let's see... Dark Plasma!


Agni shot a small laser towards the Pod, hitting it and decomissioning it.



13P: What?!


Rokurou: Nice!


5T: (This guy... what even is he?)


Agni: That's one less problem. Now I just need to understand how to use this... but right now, I need to help the others.


Agni ran forward towards the area between the flank's two entrances to execute an idea. Meanwhile, 5T turned to Hinamori.



5T: Hinamori, can you find Kirimuri? We need to catch him before dealing with the rest.


13P: Don't be stupid! We need to-


5T: Don't get desperate. That's what they want. Someone else will go after Light. We need to focus on the snake first.

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Byakuya: (This situation gonna be hard to get out of, getting rid of some of them should help)


Byakuya:(Lets just see who's are next victim)

(Seeing Emillia coming in from the right gave him an idea)


Byakuya:(Heh, I'm sure putting it right here won't hurt)

(After laying the nest, Byakuya started to charge towards Emillia)



Purple: Byakuya

Green: Nest


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Kirimuri was standing by in the room in the right flank. He was thinking how to infiltrate the Defense team's base. He could notice Emilia approaching his side.


Kirimuri: (Change of plans? Oh we-)


Then he immediately spots Byakuya's laid trap waiting at the exit.



Kirimuri: (I doubt she's the type of people who'd brainlessly charge into the trap without planning ahead. I don't like to do something like this... but I'll use her as a bait, sneak around both of them and land a hard blow on the back of that guy's head before he could even touch her. Then I'll smoke bomb the whole place or become invisible then sneak the maid outside... Hopefully the left flank manages to penetrate their defenses in time as well.)



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Left Entrance







Joyce: (No barrier for me it seems. Guess she was too much in the middle of the missiles to risk a dodge and putting her in a bad position.)


Music: Heavenly Sunshine



Joyce: (That's okay though...I was prepared for this.)


    Suddenly, Joyce was engulfed in a tower of fire, however, since she knew she didn't had time to complete the transformation, she instead used the concentrated energy for an attack.



Ludger: Wha-





   Joyce fired a big, phoenix shaped projectile. Ludger used dark projection to jump to the container while Ryuko dodged rolled to the opposite direction. The attack was aimed at LightFlare.



Hugh: Okay, no way in hell I can cover him against that...


Etomo: FLARE!!!


Right Entrance


On 25/02/2018 at 5:36 PM, Agni Blackheart said:



5T: Hinamori, can you find Kirimuri? We need to catch him before dealing with the rest.



Hinamori: (Let's see...)


     As she starts talking with spirits again, she soon notices Kirimuri's position, then points at it without saying a word.



Leaf: (Whoa! That's pretty close.)


Hinamori: (Emilia will be here at any moment...I'll set up a defense to stall her for a bit while trapping Kirimuri with us. After that, I won't be able to focus on spirit communication since I'll most likely be in combat.)


    She uses her other hand to raise a stone wall in front of Byakuya's trap.

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Defense Team


Penelope's barrier shattered as the Lightflare Cannon connected with it. There was nothing more she could do to stop it.



Penelope: (Looks like it's nap time...)


She was struck by the attack and sent backwards into a wall, the shock from the arena paralyzing her soon afterwards. Maybe dodging would've been a much better idea, after all.


Offense Team


On 2/26/2018 at 10:20 PM, Sinjik said:


Byakuya: (This situation gonna be hard to get out of, getting rid of some of them should help)


Byakuya:(Lets just see who's are next victim)

(Seeing Emillia coming in from the right gave him an idea)


Byakuya:(Heh, I'm sure putting it right here won't hurt)

(After laying the nest, Byakuya started to charge towards Emillia)

Emilia glanced at the foe before her, now alert to her surroundings as she was, in a sense, now in unfamiliar territory.



Emilia: A wielder of eight blades? Hmm...this shall be an entertaining fight. Come!


She raised her sword, preparing herself for combat; however, she was aware of the trap laid nearby. The odd silence alone was enough to tell her that his allies would be coming out of the woodwork at any moment, so she had to set herself in the right position to turn the tide, though the stone wall placed in front of it would be somewhat of a hindrance. But since she knew who was most likely responsible for the earthen wall, she decided to shift herself towards it slightly, anticipating an attempted surprise attack using either the wall or hidden spots between the walls close to her location. The excitement coming from the left flank worried her somewhat.



Emilia: (We have come this far...please, do not fail us now...)

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3 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: (Looks like it's nap time...)


She was struck by the attack and sent backwards into a wall, the shock from the arena paralyzing her soon afterwards. Maybe dodging would've been a much better idea, after all.



(I broke through...now to...)


On 2/28/2018 at 3:44 PM, Mister Fael said:


Etomo: FLARE!!!


LightFlare doens't have time to celebrate. He hears Etomo frantic plea. Having struck Penelope, he turns to see Joyce's Phoenix projectile coming right at him. He couldn't "just defend" it. It would most likely crush his guard. And he had no time to focus and it may be to powerful to parry. And with no time to warp, his only hope would be...to negate the attack...



(Here goes...)




LightFlare creates a fire wall canceling the Joyce's attack. The force of the attacks colliding pushes LightFlare deeper into the south territory. He looks to his right to see that the maid is unattended. He quickly grabs the maid, tbrows her on his shoulder and begins his escape back to the north.



I've got her. Hugh! Emilia's plan worked! We made it to the rear. We have maid. Now I need cover. With you and Rokurou close and Agni on long range, we've got this! ARE YOU WITH ME OR NOT?! 




LightFlare doesn't wait for Hugh's answer. He goes on with one arm holding the maid on his shoulder. The other arm facing towards his opposition ready to take on all comers...

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Arena Trial 001


BGM: Imperial Code II (BlazBlue Chronophantasma)



Rokurou: He got the maid!


Agni: Yes! All we have to do now is-


It was too soon for commemoration. Two black flashes went towards the advancing Lightflare.



5T: Where do you think you're going?


13P: We're not letting you get away.


The speed of the androids were more than enough to reach his advance. Without a sound, the Pod shot the Gravity field, pulling Lightflare backwards. 5T did a quick turn while 13P went another way. WIth that, 5T did a quick sommersault over Light, getting the maid in the process.



5T: See you around. Have a nice day.


As 5T landed and dashed back to the flank with the maid, 13P did a quick turn towards the way he went, having the container at his sight. He rushed once again towards the object.



13P: Fly, you cubed piece of trash!


He punched the container with a strength that it went towards the wall Light was close to. He didn't wait for long and ran after 5T in order to protect him.



Rokurou: Goddamnit, those two...!!


Agni: They're not running away for long. Razor Wind!


Upon using another spell, 3 wind discs appeared and were shot directly at the androids.



5T: Huh?!


13P: Shit...!!


13P quickly grabbed the maid from 5T's arms and threw her towards the roof. They grazed the discs, almost getting hit by two of them.



13P: That was close...


5T: Don't rest yet, here they come!


Agni and Rokurou charged towards the androids. 5T opened fire with the Pod but Agni learned how to use the Shadow Veil and generated a barrier upon himself once again, jumping in front of Rokurou to defend him.



13P: Tch, that barrier again!


Agni: Rokurou, now!


Rokurou: Heh, finally I can fight to my content!!


Using the barrier as a step, Rokurou leaped towards them and was ready to slash 5T. 13P got in front of him and defended one of his slashes. They began clashing their weapons as Agni went directly to 5T.



5T: *unsheates sword* You may have surprised me with this book of yours, but I'm defeating you.


Agni: Less words, more actions!


Agni went with a kick in the gut, but 5T defended it with his blade. He tried to slash Agni, but the angel managed to evade it. Soon, they remembered about something and looked up. The Mech-Hisui was falling towards 5T.



Agni: Ghastly Sprinkler!


5T: What?! Whoa!


A pillar of purple water rose under 5T. He evaded it before getting caught, but that wasn't the reason Agni used it. It was to create a safety "platform" for the maid to fall without being hurt.



Agni: Whew, that was a close one...


5T: You know you could've won if you just let her fall, right?


Agni: I don't resort to cheap tactics and I don't sacrifice people for victory, especially innocents. I'll take this win with her alive, fair and square.


5T: This part of being "fair and square" ended a long time ago with Mr. Warp right there. Preach all you want, you're going to be defeated in the way you want to!


Agni: Then don't blame me if I end up beating you on your own tactical game!

System Information



Agni's Battle Properties (Type B)


As a grimoire user, Agni retains the usage of the Paradigms from his gunner type. However, his way of fighting becomes different. While he loses a little of attack speed, he gains larger projectiles and is able to effectively hit larger and more consistent areas of effect with his magic. His spells are divided into 3 levels, with them being availble with a specific action. Every time he uses a move once, a dark crystal is generated. Once he gains at least 5 crystals, he'll be able to activate another tier and gains usage of stronger spells.


Tier 1 Spells

  • Black Blaze: Agni shoots a dark fireball at the enemy. Can shoot 8 fireballs in succession.
  • Ghastly Sprinkle: Agni raises a small dark water pillar under an enemy's current position. Deals no damage, but launches enemy upwards.
  • Razor Wind: Agni shoots 3 homing wind discs at an enemy. If more enemies are in the area, the discs will change directions to the closest enemy to them.
  • Dark Plasma: Agni shoots a single dark thunder laser at an enemy. If charged, the laser penetrates defenses.
  • Stalagmite Fall: Agni calls a stalagmite that falls on a single enemy.
  • Shadow Veil: Agni generates a dark barrier around self or to one ally.
  • Chaos Code: once 5 crystals are generated, Agni unlocks the second spell tier.
  • Nature's Judgement: Agni attacks with all spells in succession. Only usable if Agni has 5 crystals.

Tier 2 Spells

  • Hellfire Wolf: Agni shoots a dark fire wolf-shaped projectile at the enemy. Can shoot 4 wolves in succession.
  • Flood Shark: Agni raises a small dark water shark-shaped figure under an enemy's current position. Launches enemies upwards.
  • Tornado Raven: Agni shoots 6 homing wind raven-shaped projectiles at an enemy. If more enemies are in the area, the ravens will change directions to the closest enemy to each of them.
  • Lightning Lion: Agni shoots a single dark lion-shaped projectile at enemies. If charged, the lion penetrates defenses.
  • Quake Gorilla: Agni calls a gorilla-shaped figure that falls on a designed area. Generates a small quake once it lands.
  • Dark Embrace: Agni generates a dark barrier around an area close to self.
  • Nemesis Code: once 5 crystals are generated, Agni unlocks the third spell tier.
  • Carnage Unleashed: various beasts begin to attack a determined area. A little far from it, Agni summons a dark dragon that charges his breath. Once it ends charging, it shoots a giant dark orb that explodes once it enters in contact with the area of effect. Reverts him back to Tier 1.

Tier 3 Spells

  • Satan's Prominence: Agni shoots a dark fire dragon at the enemy. Can shoot another dragon in succession. Once it reaches the enemy, it'll hit the ground, creating a powerful explosion.
  • Leviathan's Deluge: Agni raises a dark water dragon under an enemy's current position. Launches enemies upwards. Once reaching a certain height, the dragon will fall and create a large tidal wave towards a direction.
  • Mammon's Wild Tornado: Agni shoots a homing wind dragon at an enemy. The dragon will rise in a circle, generating a tornado that slashes and raises the enemy. If more enemies are in the area, they will be pulled towards the tornado.
  • Beelzebub's Tempest: Agni shoots a dark thunder dragon at an enemy. It penetrates defenses and if charged, a thunderstorm will fall on the area around the enemy hit..
  • Belphegor's Rockfall: Agni calls an earth that falls on an enemy's position. Once it hits the ground, an earthquake will happen, damaging all enemies in the area.
  • Asmodeus' Desperation: Agni generates a dark dragon that creates a larger barrier around himself and allies.
  • Lucifer's Expiration: Agni calls upon a powerful demon and summons a giant meteor storm. Only usable if Agni has used all other moves. Reverts him back to Tier 1.

Agni's Crystals: 4/5

Turns till 13P's Pod Restores: 1

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