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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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4 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Don't misunderstand. When two knights are facing off, all actions should solely be between them.

Tommy uncrossed his arms.



Oh... I see...


Tommy looked down in shame.



I guess I owe you an apology in that case, ma'am... sorry.

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5 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

map.pnganyways, mr....ummm....what's your name? (referring to Archer), I stand by my point, I'd like to join your team, in order to finally get to the Tower of Fate and accomplish my quest, I think you can be of a lot of help, all of you, the more knights, the better



For now, you can just refer to me as Archer.



I suppose we could all end up helping each other out. You can tag along.



Just don't make any more brash assumptions like you did here.

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The girl cleared her throat loudly in an attempt to get everyone's attention once more.



Nemesis: Hey, you guys, listen up. I'm not going to repeat myself. We need to work together to find out what's going on, and I think we should get moving. Now.

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2 minutes ago, A person said:

The girl cleared her throat loudly in an attempt to get everyone's attention once more.



Nemesis: Hey, you guys, listen up. I'm not going to repeat myself. We need to work together to find out what's going on, and I think we should get moving. Now.


Yeah, I agree with this woman; the quicker we get moving, the quicker we'll find out where we are at the moment...



Wait, are you actually having logical thinking for once in your life!? Who are you, and what have you done to Tommy?



...what's "logical thinking"?



(sigh) Never mind.

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4 minutes ago, A person said:

The girl cleared her throat loudly in an attempt to get everyone's attention once more.



Nemesis: Hey, you guys, listen up. I'm not going to repeat myself. We need to work together to find out what's going on, and I think we should get moving. Now.



Oh, calm down. I was just answering his questions.



Anyways, by all means, lead the way.

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The girl stared at the knight's shovel for a moment, rather confused by his weapon of choice before shrugging and nodding silently. She started to move towards the rocky hill's left side, gesturing for the others to follow her lead. This was finally something she was used to: leading a party into the unknown.



Nemesis: I'll gladly take the lead! Remember, we've got to all stick together, so don't let anything distract you while we're moving unless you think it's a possible threat, in which case, make sure to alert the others about it somehow! Oh, and before I forget, you can all call me Nemesis!


She had a strange nagging in the back of her head, however; she knew that something like this had to be intentional, but that orb that she had when she came, and her missing belongings and friends...what kind of magic was at play that could possibly cause this? The nagging seemed to grow more impatient as she dwelled upon it, almost as if it was something trying to tell her that she was in a much worse situation than she first thought, but she decided to push it aside for now and take over the reins of leadership. She would just deal with the problem the moment it arose.


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Tommy, Edward and Frank followed Nemesis' lead, and decided to pull out his guitar so he could play a good riff or two.



(putting on headphones) Well, let's see what I could play this time around...


BGM: Backwater



Well, this one feels fairly easy... maybe I could even perform a few lyrics on the way ther -



Please... we already know what happened the last time you tried singing... you ending up causing someone to fall asleep...

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The girl, now moving at a decent pace beyond the rocky hill and seemingly deeper into the forest, proceeded to speak up once more.



Nemesis: Since it looks like we're not going to get into any trouble any time soon...how about we make some small talk to pass the time?


Despite seeming to be unconcerned, her defenses were still up, just out of sight thanks to her coat. She was ready to strike if something was to pop out, and ready to flee should they encounter something they were clearly incapable of handling. Hearing no sounds within the forest other than the calls of animals and insects, she was certain that such a thing wouldn't happen any time soon.

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8 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:





Don't even think about it.



Does that mean I can sing, then?

Nemesis let out a sigh of disappointment. This trip was going to be a lot longer than she thought previously.



Nemesis: Can we just talk about something normal? For example...what were your places like before you all got dragged into this one? You all look very different from each other, me included, so it'd be interesting to learn about them.

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Alright, I'll bite; I'm not actually human, although I was raised by some.


Tommy cleared his throat.



I'm actually an alien; my race got wiped out and I was left as the only existing member of my race. My "brothers" found me and decided to raise me by themselves.



There; he just saved you two hours of pointless narration.

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7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


Alright, I'll bite; I'm not actually human, although I was raised by some.


Tommy cleared his throat.



I'm actually an alien; my race got wiped out and I was left as the only existing member of my race. My "brothers" found me and decided to raise me by themselves.



There; he just saved you two hours of pointless narration.



Nemesis: Last one of your race, huh? Sorry to hear that...


She bowed her head, remaining silent for a moment before speaking again.



Nemesis: ...well, you look human enough, so I think you'd fit in a lot better around us, anyway! Even if you are...kinda lacking upstairs.


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07362bab1e.png?width=168&height=250 well then...if you want to know my story (buries shovel) gather 'round as I tell you...


BGM: Strike the Earth!



07362bab1e.png?width=168&height=250 many years ago, the lands were roamed by untamed adventurers, these of course, include yours truly, the legendary Percival Williamson, better known as Shovel Knight!, but I was not alone, I was with my childhood friend, Aline Avalon, also known by the name of Shield Knight...



she's quite a woman, we had lots of adventures together, I tell you...a fair maiden, I loved her more than anything....but dark times came...Aline and I went in order to face the Tower of Fate, where it was told, only true heros emerged triumphant, and a mighty treasure lied, we headed on, with little to no problem, getting there faster than most people would've, but when we found the treasure, Aline suddenly vanished...with no trace...while my older brother, Galahad Williamson, also known as Black Knight, started a quest to find Aline, but was captured, I gave up on knight deeds for a while, but when I returned, what awaited me had no name


BGM: The Betrayer




An almighty magician of dark power, who was going by "The Enchantress" was roaming the lands, having gathered 8 of the most powerful cavaliers on Earth!, Roland Addington, also known as King Knight, a decadent british aristocrat who thinks he's above everyone else, and has a ridiculously crooked goverment, which focuses on fruitless exploitation for the workers, and benefits for him, Donovan Placentaur, who also goes by Specter Knight, a french thief, who is paying for dirty deeds by roaming the land, supposedly trying to keep an old "secret" alive, to a deceased friend, Wilhelm Breidenbach, also known as Plague Knight, a sadistic german alchemist who velates for no one but his crew of occultist allies, and seems to have gone insane overtime, to the point of attacking his friends, Clancy O'Brian, also called Treasure Knight, a scottish pirate and raider, who takes the loot of anyone by his way, and will not hesitate to steal anything, legend has it that he raids the land because he ran out of reaches to take from the sea, Alessandro D'Ascenzo, who prefers Mole Knight, an italian foreman, who ruthlessly exploits grounds in order to gain riches, he seems to have enslaved literal moles to do his bidding, as he only sits there, eats, and yells, and ocassionally uses those big claw hands of his, Björn Magnuson, Polar Knight, one of my big brother's closest friends, enclosed in total mystery, even I don't know much about him beyond him being swedish, and of viking ascendance, Slawomir Kostrzewski, also known as Tinker Knight, a frustrated polish genius who, after being laughed at, became bitter, and relentlessly attacks with high millitary offensive from his tower to anyone who passes by his workshop, and lastly, Claudio Gutiérrez, also known as Propeller Knight, a spanish air-headed failure matador who became obsessed with pleasure and abuses from his ship's capabilities, using them to literally anything, this includes raiding, these men were too much for me, and are resguarded in the Tower of Fate...hopefully I'll find Aline and Galahad while at it...but I must stop the Enchantress before her power, and her men, take over not only Europe, but the World!





07362bab1e.png?width=168&height=250 and that's my story, any questions?



(NOTE: none of these names and nationalities are official, asides Specter Knight's full name, it's subjected to be different once they reveal everything, I just fleshed out the story)

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4 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

sk_defeat-360x537.png well then...if you want to know my story (buries shovel) gather 'round as I tell you...


BGM: Strike the Earth!



sk_defeat-360x537.png many years ago, the lands were roamed by untamed adventurers, these of course, include yours truly, the legendary Percival Williamson, better known as Shovel Knight!, but I was not alone, I was with my childhood friend, Aline Avalon, also known Shield Knight...



she's quite a woman, we had lots of adventures together, I tell you...a fair maiden, I loved her more than anything....but dark times came...


BGM: The Betrayer




Aline and I went in order to face the Tower of Fate, where it was told, only true heros emerged triumphant, and a mighty treasure lied, we headed on, with little to no problem, getting there faster than most people would've, but when we found the treasure, Aline suddenly vanished...with no trace...while my older brother, Galahad Williamson, also known as Black Knight, started a quest to find Aline, but was captured, I gave up on knight deeds for a while, but when I returned, an almighty magician going by "The Enchantress" was roaming the lands, having gathered 8 of the most powerful cavaliers on Earth!, Roland Addington, also known as King Knight, a decadent british aristocrat who thinks he's above everyone else, and has a ridiculously crooked goverment, which focuses on fruitless exploitation for the workers, and benefits for him, Donovan Placentaur, who also goes by Specter Knight, a french thief, who is paying for dirty deeds by roaming the land, supposedly trying to keep an old "secret" alive, to a deceased friend, Wilhelm Breidenbach, also known as Plague Knight, a sadistic alchemist who velates for no one but his crew of occultist allies, and seems to have gone insane overtime, to the point of attacking his friends, Clancy O'Brian, also called Treasure Knight, a scottish pirate and raider, who takes the loot of anyone by his way, and will not hesitate to steal anything, he has not only raided all of Scotland, but likely most of Europe, all by himself, Alessandro D'Ascenzo, who prefers Mole Knight, an italian foreman, who ruthlessly exploits grounds in order to gain riches, he seems to have enslaved literal moles to do his bidding, as he only sits there, eats, and yells, and ocassionally uses those big claw hands of his, Björn Magnuson, Polar Knight, one of my big brother's closest friends, enclosed in total mystery, even I don't know much about him, Slawomir Kostrzewski, also known as Tinker Knight, a frustrated genius who relentlessly attacks with high millitary offensive from his tower to nearby places, and lastly, Claudio Gutiérrez, also known as Propeller Knight, a spanish air-headed failure matador who became obsessed with pleasure and abuses from his ship's capabilities, using them to literally anything, this includes raiding, these men were too much for me, and are resguarded in the Tower of Fate...hopefully I'll find Aline and Galahad while at it...but I must stop the Enchantress before her power, and her men, take over not only Europe, but the World!





sk_defeat-360x537.png and that's my story, any questions?

Nemesis nodded in acknowledgement, listening to the knight's entire story with awe. She wasn't used to the exploits of knights, so this was news to her, though she couldn't help but smirk at the thought of a shovel-wielding knight and a shield-wielding knight traveling through the world together.



Nemesis: I only have one...how come you're still searching for the tower despite being sucked up into a portal and thrown out here? Isn't it...well...moot now? 

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07362bab1e.png?width=168&height=250actually, no, let me explain, I met this knight, simply called "Marth", I know, a boy name on a woman doesn't really work, still, she said he was looking for her master, a man named Magio Toadstool, and is extremely desperated, I followed, thinking that Magio could be locked with Aline in the Tower of Fate, but she then went her way, while I sat to witness this, then I fought Saber, and the rest is history, now I'm looking for a portal back to my world, to head to the Tower of Fate, and defeat the Order once and for all! FOR SHOVELRY!

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2 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

sk_defeat-360x537.pngactually, no, let me explain, I met this knight, simply called "Marth", I know, a boy name on a woman doesn't really work, still, she said he was looking for her master, a man named Magio Toadstool, and is extremely desperated, I followed, thinking that Magio could be locked with Aline in the Tower of Fate, but she then went her way, while I sat to witness this, then I fought Saber, and the rest is history, now I'm looking for a portal back to my world, to head to the Tower of Fate, and defeat the Order once and for all! FOR SHOVELRY!


Nemesis: Hmm...then you and I have similar goals.


The trees were becoming sparse as they continued on through the forest. 



Nemesis: I'm sure we'll be able to find a way for you to get back to your world, maybe even a way for all of us to get back, but I know for a fact that we'll have to stick together for that to remain a possibility. So...are you willing to work with me to achieve that?


Now was as good a time as any to ensure that everyone was willing to work together to get back home. She took note of the currently changing environment as well; this was a good sign. If she could find a tall tree that she could climb, she could use it as a vantage point to find the nearest city. 



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Nice backstory; allow me to tell you mine.


Frank cleared his throat.



When I was just five years old, my father bought me a camera because I had always wanted one since I was a toddler. My dream had finally come true, and in what other way then through a Christmas present?



I started doing the photography job when I was about 10 years old; I decided I had to take pictures of something. I finally got my big break in fame at thirteen years of age when I successfully managed to do my first scoop. It was big news all over the place; who would've known that taking pictures underwater was possible?



I managed to get successful enough off of that to continue my career; I'm still a photographer to this day.


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Location: ???


BGM: City Ruins - Shade of Light still playing



???: Hmm? Who are you and when did we meet...


???: Look! This image... it's...!!


Whoever this person was, it was looking for the same friend... however, memories were few for both of them to remember who he was and his relations to him. At the least, they had the same goal.



???: That's... that's Magio! Then, this means...!


???: ... I suppose you're looking for him. Just like us... it has been two months ever since Magio departed to his last mission. Since then, we hadn't heard news from him, but we're trying to find him.


???: Great! This means we can find a clue!


???: Before everything, a full presentation is in order since you know our names. I'm...


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The Benevolent General of Risks and Odds

Agni Artwaltz

The Second Archdragon General of Multiversal Heaven, Agni was once the removed emotions of a fallen angel, but he ascended to Nirvana and was forgiven of the crimes commited by his other form. He was eventually adopted as the younger brother of the First Archdragon General and became another powerful figure in Heaven. A kind and energetic spirit, Agni never forgets his origins, being against the denominations of "Sir" and "Lord". Known by his huge kindness, he possess the mission of watching the Ultima Knight and aiding him whenever necessary. Now that the Knight, who's also his friend, has disappeared, he sets out in a chase, in hopes to find him once again...

Age: 19.000 (19 in human years)

Species: Angel

Element: Darkness/Fire

System: Under Night IN-Birth + Final Fantasy XIII

Class: Gunner

Weapons: Dual Guns

Universe: Yggdra Union Fan-Made Character/Original Character



???: As for me, my name is...

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Angel of the Future, Protector of the Past

Magnum Alexandria

One of the many commanders in Heaven under Agni Artwaltz's jurisdiction. He's known for being the angel who went to the future by accident, but ended up saving the world there alongside the help of other humans and angels. He's the last to carry the name of the Alexandria, a powerful family alongside the angelic warriors. However, he believes in the honor made by actions, not names. Thus, Magnum holds no ties to his legacy, even if he carries their name. He considers Agni his best friend and always try to accompany him whenever as possible. It was no different for this departure.

Age: 22.000 (22 in human years)

Species: Angel

Element: Thunder

System: Under Night IN-Birth + Final Fantasy XIII

Class: Brawler

Weapons: Ionic Armor/Gauntlets

Universe: Original Character



Magnum: Now with this issue resolved, we have some questions. Who are you and what are your relations to this person?


Agni: We never imagined that someone else would be looking around for him, so it's strange. I'm sorry if it's intrusive but we need to know your reasons for this.

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Masked.pngI am...well, guess there's no need to keep it secret anymore... (takes the mask off)


Normal.png My name's Lucina, I was an apprentice of the Ultima Knight himself...I was by his side most of the time, and I managed to meet his associate Argento, who, from what I can get, is Magio's darkness, so in a way, they're brothers...we were all good companions, I protected them, and they gave me a home and food, it was all going well, we fought for what was right, wiping out the shadows from the Earth...until that fatidic mission we took to El Cairo, turns out Magio's enemies...whose names I don't remember...hired these two men....one of them I have the vivid memories of....he had black hair, and scars all across his body, he somehow managed to protect himself from my attacks using a doll...I don't understand it either, but it's a mysterious ability that, or at least he said "was exclussive to him", the other man, I don't remember much, but he was trying incesantly to get us 3 to step in his shadow, all I remember is that I tripped on its shadow, and all of the sudden...I forgot everything, I woke up in the hotel we rented...and when I returned to the scene...they were gone...the Shadow Man was left unconcious, with a crimson wound on his face, and being taken to the hospital, the other man...I'm hunting for him...he might have answers...either that, or he might have killed Magio...he did tell me about you two, and now that we've met, maybe we can set off to find him

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