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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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5 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

The mecha maid extended her right arm in an attempt to grab the living ball of fire she just created disregarding any burns she would obtain. If succesful, she would toss the creature airborne and fire missiles at it.

The living fireball was grabbed, the flames beginning to cover her arm as she pulled it closer to herself. Once it was thrown and the missiles were fired, it seemed to rain the red flames down upon the ground below.

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11 minutes ago, A person said:

The living fireball was grabbed, the flames beginning to cover her arm as she pulled it closer to herself. Once it was thrown and the missiles were fired, it seemed to rain the red flames down upon the ground below.



Before LightFlare could continue the assult on his current foe, he notices the calling flames...



What the...





Without time to dodge, LightFlare fires a LightFlare Cannon straight up at the approaching fire balls..


@A person

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12 minutes ago, A person said:

The living fireball was grabbed, the flames beginning to cover her arm as she pulled it closer to herself. Once it was thrown and the missiles were fired, it seemed to rain the red flames down upon the ground below.

(Seth uses swift movment to dodge the falling flames)



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10 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Before LightFlare could continue the assult on his current foe, he notices the calling flames...



What the...





Without time to dodge, LightFlare fires a LightFlare Cannon straight up at the approaching fire balls..



Seeing that he was distracted with clearing out the fire in the sky above, the creature proceeded to thrust the knife at his stomach, taking advantage of this key moment while it still could.

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36 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Nice! That certainly makes my job easier.


Joseph gets near the now grounded enemy, and is prepared to unleash a barrage of swings from his Hamon-infused clackers.

The creature tried feebly to defend itself with its weapons, but it was unable to as it was savagely beaten to presumed death by the clackers.

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Well, that one's down. Now to worry about what's left...


7 minutes ago, A person said:

Seeing that he was distracted with clearing out the fire in the sky above, the creature proceeded to thrust the knife at his stomach, taking advantage of this key moment while it still could.


Lancer takes notice of the wound inflicted upon Lightflare, and rushes towards him and the creature. He thrusts his spear towards the creature as he's moving over there.

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6 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:


Well, that one's down. Now to worry about what's left...



Lancer takes notice of the wound inflicted upon Lightflare, and rushes towards him and the creature. He thrusts his spear towards the creature as he's moving over there.

The creature, occupied with the selfless warrior in front of it, was unaware of the incoming attack and was subsequently skewered by the spear.

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13 minutes ago, A person said:

Seeing that he was distracted with clearing out the fire in the sky above, the creature proceeded to thrust the knife at his stomach, taking advantage of this key moment while it still could.



LightFlare dodges him...but is immediately struck by another one...but grabs the creatures arm upon contact.



Ahhh! (GET it together...) You shouldn't be so predictable!


LightFlare pulls the creature in and opens his palm expelling a powerful close quarter blast...

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7 hours ago, A person said:



He would only manage to cut off one of its arms before it tried to wrap the other around him, the red flames beginning to soak into his clothing and begin burning them quite quickly if it managed to succeed.

Kiryu sees the creature hugging tommy trying to set him ablaze

Ar50fJG.png-shit that's bad I gotta do something

Kiryu jumps over the flames as if they were hurdles and sprints over to Tommy he then lines the creatures head up and furiously kicks It in the side of its head making it fly off tommy and roll across the ground. he then takes his shoe off and starts slamming it on the ground to put out the flames


Ar50fJG.png-well this is worrying I better get out of here before I get toasted



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2 hours ago, A person said:

Upon seeing the lantern vanish within the smoke, the creature proceeded to charge straight at the male, swerving around to the right of the smoke as it saw that it was just a cloud of death and destruction, and attempting to get behind him.

battle_stance__by_duckmann18-dbjmnv4.png"Trying to go sneaky-beaky, eh?

Kirimuri halts his ranged attack, then proceeds to channel smoke into the end of the staff again. This time, the edge conducts the heat from the smoke and turns bright orange-yellow. He swings his staff around him in attempt to hit the charging creature.

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5 hours ago, A person said:



He would only manage to cut off one of its arms before it tried to wrap the other around him, the red flames beginning to soak into his clothing and begin burning them quite quickly if it managed to succeed.

Tommy performed a short-range explosion to get the creature off of him.



Get off!

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Battle #1


BGM: The Angels Foretell Their Demise still playing


Agni Artwaltz and Lancer



Agni: Those monsters... the Tonberries have a skill called Deep-seated Grudge. Their strength increases relatively to the life they lost. In other words...


Agni: If we don't finish this quickly, they will be able to kill us in one single shot!


The Tonberries are fierce foes, even if they don't look like it. One attack coming from those monsters couls instantly kill them.



Agni: (I can't change my Paradigm now... They're getting injured and this is going to become troublesome...!)


Agni: Light, see if this helps you rush through! Haste!


Agni used his ability and boosted Light's attack and movement speed. He knew that the Tonberries would become dangerous, but changing from Synergist to Medic was something Agni wasn't able to do now.



Agni: I can't change to my healing skill set right now! You'll have to attack and evade those guys as much as you can until I can switch Paradigms!

Lancer: Master!


Already armed, Lancer approached Agni and stood by his side.



Lancer: I'm ready to fight! Let me tell you, I know how to skewer them with the pointy end!


Agni: Alright, Lancer! I'm counting on you!



Lancer's Skills


Les sang des Hongrie: Lancer gains a regeneration buff that lasts for two turns.

Skála Sárkány: Lancer gains a defensive power boost buff that lasts for two turns.

Vér Salgóvár: Lancer attacks her enemy with a grown tail attack. Causes Stun on enemies who are guarding.

Lert sügér Tran: Lancer entices her opponent and then throws her spear at them between her two legs. Has a probable chance of inflicting Paralysis.

Estet Repülés: After doing an idol pose, Lancer sits on her spear and goes flying at the enemy. After that, she has a slight problem to remove the spear, which leaves her open to attacks.

Adó Kinzás: Lancer blows a kiss and then throws her love-infused spear at the enemy. She restores health with a rain of blood once the spear enters in contact.

Noble Phantasm -Bathory Erzsebet-: Lancer spins her weapon, thrusts the ground with it and summons a giant castle made of amplifiers. After that, she screams and her soundwaves attack the enemy. Has a high probability of inflicting Curse.



Lancer: Now, admire my beautiful dragon scale~! Skála Sárkány!


Lancer boosts her own defensive power, in order to resist the attacks.



Agni: Take good care on the front! Protect!


Without telling her the effects, Agni boosts her defensive power even more. With both effects in action, Lancer charges to attack.


Magnum Alexandria and Mirfah


Magnum, on the other hand, have joined Mirfah who was fighting all by himself. Since Nemesis and Hisui were taking care of the injured Hinamori, he had no need to cover them.



Mirfah: Thanks for the help, man! I thought I was screwed.


Magnum: Don't worry, I'm here to help!


Mirfah: That's good, because I'm ready to burn them!



Mirfah's Skill List

Brave Frontier

Ardent Gleam: Mirfah attacks with a series of Fire slashes and finishes it with a spinning cut. Using it adds Light, Fire elements to attacks of surrounding allies.
Crimson Blade: Mira Disona: After charging his blades with flames, Mirfah slashes enemies and finishes them with a big explosion. Using it adds Light, Fire elements to attacks and doubles normal hit count (50% damage penalty) of surrounding allies.
Conquerer Flash: Mirfah's passive skill. Boosts the damage of his Fire attacks and doubles his normal hit count (50% damage penalty).



Mirfah: Let's see how those guys enjoy my flames! Ardent Gleam!




As the battle went on, Melina went on hiding above in the trees. She was trying to hold herself back so she wouldn't show her assassination skills.



Melina: They're strong... we even have robots mixed up in this mess. I won't attack and only appear when everything's over.

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8 hours ago, Sinjik said:

ezgif-4-f135aad0ad.png (Tch.  Darn this restraint)  Are you alright?


8 hours ago, A person said:




Nemesis: Hina!


She immediately ran to the girl's aid. Her allies' well-being was far more important than ensuring that the creatures were all dealt with.


6 hours ago, A person said:

Now with the flames wrapped within the lantern, the creature that pulled them in proceeded to thrust its knife into it before pulling it out, red flames shrouding the blade. It glanced at the injured Hinamori and proceeded to thrust the weapon in her general direction, a stream of red fire being shot at her and anyone around her from the knife.


6 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Before the Mecha maid could respond to Light's question, she activated her thrusters to head in front of Hinamori trying to get there in time to put up a barrier to protect her.


6 hours ago, A person said:

Unaware of the location of the third, the creature found itself being blown over by the projectile, landing upon its right side and laying there for a moment as it was wounded still.


Nemesis noticed the flame blast coming and quickly tried tackling Hinamori out of the way of it, taking herself along. Fortunately, the mecha maid would be able to put up a barrier in time to block the blast, the flames fanning off into random directions and landing upon the ground. Seeing that it failed to target the injured, the creature proceeded to shove the dagger into the lantern once more and thrust it at Hugh, sending another red flame blast in his direction. Nemesis looked over at Hisui and nodded.



Nemesis: You're a lifesaver, Hisui! We probably would've gotten cooked if you hadn't protected us!


She looked over at Hinamori, a silent way of asking if she was okay.


6 hours ago, A person said:

Without a word, Nemesis proceeded to carry Hinamori away from danger, following the maid's orders to a T. The lantern was hit by the eye beam, causing the extreme flames within to shroud the creature and turn it into what was essentially a living fireball. It began to charge towards the party, intent on setting the others ablaze, a trail of red flames being left behind by it.


    Hinamori managed to recover her senses.



Hinamori: I'll be fine...Let me keep fighting.

???: You don't look that good to me, we have to get that checked.


Track: Keep Pushing, Until the Sword is Exhausted



Jude: Over here!, Quick!


    Jude signalled Mech-Hisui to bring Hinamori and anyone else injured to his position, while Ludger and Ryuko decided to fight the monsters



Ryuko: Alright, time to crush these things down!


Ludger: I'm not surprised that you're this excited.


Ryuko: Wait, you're righting too?


Ludger: I wasn't going to work as a cooker at first...It's a long story.


Ryuko: Ok then, let's see what you're made of.


Ludger: I'll give you cover! Rapid Burst! 


     Ludger starts to rapid fire his guns at his target in order to keep it in place.



Ryuko: Take Flight! EX DRAGON DIVE!!!


     Ryuko followed up by jumping in the air and performing a dive kick at Ludger's target.




9 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


A gunshot could be heard. A bullet was shot near the monster attacking Hugh.


Agni: Good, we managed to reach on time!





Yomi: Hey dumbass, your ass just got saved by the newcomers.


Hugh: Eh? Damn, these things know how to coordinate.


Yui: S-Sorry...I should've noticed it.


Hugh: That's okay. Nobody is a instant expert. Now you know what to look out for.


Yui: Right. 


Hugh: Anyway, why aren't you fighting?


Yomi: What are you talking about? Navigators can't possibly fight these things. I'm just here for moral support.


Hugh: One of these days...


Yui: Hugie! Formation Back-to-Back!


Hugh: Ah! Gotcha!


    They turned their backs on each other, one covering the other's blind spot. Hugh went for another tonberry and threw another Thunder Knuckle at it, while Yui closed in on another one and swinged her sword in a way that would send her foward, she called the move Blade Rush


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As the batte rages on Morrigan watches from the side but something seems to be bothering her

egQMTSS.png-why do I feel all dizzy all of a sudden? damn it am I really in that much of a weakened state?

as she says that though Kiryu comes back to see if she was alright 

A36lwBp.png-whats wrong? you don't look so good

rFJ4p3I.png- just feel a little dizzy is a all nothing to be concerned about how is everyone doing?

A36lwBp.png-well the majority of the enemies are gonna but I think there are still some left but by the rate everyone's going it should be over soon

rFJ4p3I.png-I see I'm going to go sit down my head is spinning too fast for me to concentrate

Oj0cnXv.png-hmm I hope she's okay she didn't look so good

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48743e771b.png?width=194&height=250 (slams one of the beasts on the head with his shovel, jumps at another one, quickly equips his Dust Knuckles and proceeds to punch it repeatedly with quick jabs, ending it all with an uppercut to its jaw, notices another one and equips his Throwing Anchor, throws said projectile at the beast, aiming to its skull)



Angry.png(attacking a Tonberry with her Falchion, swiftly slashing it, she ends it all with a stab to its skull)


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Suddenly a group of futuristic robots teleport into the scene, tasked with two missions, one of them is finding out about the detected dark energy source. Coincidently, they decided to land on the scene where the other heroes are being attacked by Tonberrys. One of them, TrinitroMan teleports right in front of one.

pi5Wlrr.png*quickly dodges a Tonberry stab* Whoa! *quickly shoots the Tonberry from behind* Pfew, that was a close one...

Soon the rest teleports in as well.

u4EsOao.pngAt least that means we're at the right location.

I7nXesJ.pngAnd look, some other guys are trying to fend those lizard creeps as well. We should help them out!

LG1wLF4.pngAlright, in that case, it's time to rock'n'roll!

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48743e771b.png?width=194&height=250 (picks up his Throwing Anchor from the Tornberry's skull and stabs him again in the chest, he proceeds, with herculean effort, to lift both the Anchor and the beast, and throw the both of them at another incoming Tornberry equips his Propeller Dagger and soars his way into another one, slamming the shovel on his head, quickly equips his Dust Knuckles to deliver a meteor punch into the beast, after this however, due to exhaustion, he collapses)

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The creatures that had jumped into the battle during the chaos found themselves dispatched rather quickly by those within the party and the new arrivals, others who were planning on jumping in now deciding to stay out, their eyes being visible within the shadows of the trees as they glared down at those below. The scene was left a mess: the path, one consisting of only dirt and rocks, was now a mess of soot, corpses, and puddles of red fire all along it in the current area. Fortunately, none of the trees had been set ablaze by the chaos, but that may have been due to the creatures knowing what would happen. 


BGM: Brassy Road


Seeing that Hinamori was doing alright, Nemesis nodded and stepped away from the girl, allowing the others to help her out if they were able to. She took a glance at the road ahead. There weren't going to be anymore trees up ahead, but, rather, tall grass and large rocks. A change of environment, it seemed, as they got to the city. 



Nemesis: I think it's a good idea for us to get going right now, before they get the courage to try again.


She was now confident in her party's skills, despite some mistakes here and there. If they were going to get attacked, then it was a good chance that the attackers were toast at this point. She started on her way, glancing back at the party, and then noticed the unconscious Percival. 



Nemesis: Dammit...can somebody carry him? We shouldn't leave him behind just in case he found himself on the sharp end of a knife.


Well, at least the creatures were gone! There was still the problem of the red fire on the ground, however...

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Hurt.png (tries lifting the cavalier) HNNNNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHH.....I'll do it, by the way, introductions are needed, I am Lucina, daughter of Chrom, Magio's apprentice, what're your names?


07362bab1e.png?width=168&height=250 (having the following scene happening in his mind)


BGM:The Requiem of Shield Knight

Shovel Knight was having a dream, a dream that was chasing him from several nights ago, where he was swarmed of several enemies he had already faced, as he saw a silhouette falling towards him




901bfefd72.png?width=194&height=250  !!! (runs to the falling sihouette) ALINE! (smashes an enemy knight with a clean strike from his shovel) ALINE! (hops on one of the rats, using it as a spring to jump up to her) I'LL SAVE YOUUUUUUUUU!


but suddenly, the dream was over, SK awoke, being carried by Lucina, and heading with the others to the outside of the forest that they just burned


07362bab1e.png?width=168&height=250 (muttering) ...why....why did it have to be a dream....it was so certain that I would save her....


Happy.png (puts the knight down) guys! I think he woke up!


37b92a6bcc.png?width=195&height=250 (gets up and marches foward) thank you, Marth


Happy.png just call me Lucina, is that okay?


37b92a6bcc.png?width=195&height=250 sure...I guess

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"These flames....I would not discard the possibility that the creatures wouldn't have created these flames if they would risk burning their home. Regardless,I must agree with the young miss, we should move toward the city especially since we have injured."

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@Agni Blackheart

18 minutes ago, A person said:

The creatures that had jumped into the battle during the chaos found themselves dispatched rather quickly by those within the party and the new arrivals, others who were planning on jumping in now deciding to stay out, their eyes being visible within the shadows of the trees as they glared down at those below. The scene was left a mess: the path, one consisting of only dirt and rocks, was now a mess of soot, corpses, and puddles of red fire all along it in the current area. Fortunately, none of the trees had been set ablaze by the chaos, but that may have been due to the creatures knowing what would happen. 


BGM: Brassy Road


Seeing that Hinamori was doing alright, Nemesis nodded and stepped away from the girl, allowing the others to help her out if they were able to. She took a glance at the road ahead. There weren't going to be anymore trees up ahead, but, rather, tall grass and large rocks. A change of environment, it seemed, as they got to the city. 



Nemesis: I think it's a good idea for us to get going right now, before they get the courage to try again.


She was now confident in her party's skills, despite some mistakes here and there. If they were going to get attacked, then it was a good chance that the attackers were toast at this point. She started on her way, glancing back at the party, and then noticed the unconscious Percival. 



Nemesis: Dammit...can somebody carry him? We shouldn't leave him behind just in case he found himself on the sharp end of a knife.


Well, at least the creatures were gone! There was still the problem of the red fire on the ground, however...



Take my hand Nobel warrior ...


LightFlare reaches out to Percival....

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After Battle


BGM: The Land of Beginnings (Bravely Default)



Agni: Whoo... Glad we're done.


Lancer: Over already? How fast. I haven't even attacked well enough.


Magnum: Let's not pull any more fighting tricks here. Those Tonberries seem like a real problem to fight.


Mirfah: Yeah... phew, we managed to survive at least.


As the battle ended, Melina jumped from the branch she was on and walked towards them.



Melina: Good work. I was watching from the tree.


Magnum: Were you hiding all this time?!


Melina: I cannot fight. What would you want me to do?


Agni: (Liar... you don't want to break your cover, do you?)


Lancer looked at everyone and identified a really big number of people. She was rather surprised with the whole amount of new faces she got to see.



Lancer: Oh my, oh me. There are so many people here!


Mirfah: We're a rather large and weird group, aren't we?


Lancer: What?! Don't pin me with you weirdos, you pig!


Mirfah: P-Pig?! W-What gives you right to call me that?!


Agni: Enough. For now, we need to move out before those other Tonberries end up attacking us as well.


Melina: But what about those who are injured? They may not be able to move. We might have to set camp, I suppose.


Magnum: That won't be needed. Agni, Paradigm change is ready again.


Agni: Alright then. Changing Paradigm to Medic.


A green aura enveloped Agni and then vanished. He was finally able to support everyone when it came to injuries.



Agni: Everyone, gather around me so that the heal works on everyone.


Magnum: Alright.


Mirfah: Fine by me.


Melina: Well, I will stand aside since I have not fought with you all.


Lancer: I'm staying back too. I couldn't have my moment and now I'm frustrated.

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17 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

Hurt.png (tries lifting the cavalier) HNNNNNNNNNNNNNGHHHHH.....I'll do it, by the way, introductions are needed, I am Lucina, daughter of Chrom, Magio's apprentice, what're your names?


Nemesis: Nice to meet you, Lucina. You can call me Nemesis, and thanks for the help in carrying him! I already know that I can't, what, with all of that armor on-


19 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

but suddenly, the dream was over, SK awoke, being carried by Lucina, and heading with the others to the outside of the forest that they just burned


07362bab1e.png?width=168&height=250 (muttering) ...why....why did it have to be a dream....it was so certain that I would save her....


Happy.png (puts the knight down) guys! I think he woke up!


37b92a6bcc.png?width=195&height=250 (gets up and marches foward) thank you, Marth


Happy.png just call me Lucina, is that okay?


37b92a6bcc.png?width=195&height=250 sure...I guess

Since he awoke, it was a good idea to let him know that it was a bad idea to do what he did.





Satisfied with the mouthing off, she looked back at the others, now realizing the sheer size of the party.



Nemesis: ...umm...whoa, where did all of these people come from? Did we get some new people during the fight or something?

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@Agni Blackheart @A person@Oxydoom 

18 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

37b92a6bcc.png?width=195&height=250 (takes Ligthflare's hand) thanks fellow traveller, my name's Sir Percival Williamson, but I've been known by most people by my title: Shovel Knight...like how long was I unconscious?


Not too long. We have been keep moving. This place is more dangerous than I remember... (What happened since I entered the forest?)

6 minutes ago, A person said:


Nemesis: Nice to meet you, Lucina. You can call me Nemesis, and thanks for the help in carrying him! I already know that I can't, what, with all of that armor on-


Since he awoke, it was a good idea to let him know that it was a bad idea to do what he did.





Satisfied with the mouthing off, she looked back at the others, now realizing the sheer size of the party.



Nemesis: ...umm...whoa, where did all of these people come from? Did we get some new people during the fight or something?


Sure did...and some of them look familiar... (Somewhat regrettably)


14 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

After Battle


BGM: The Land of Beginnings (Bravely Default)



Agni: Whoo... Glad we're done.


Lancer: Over already? How fast. I haven't even attacked well enough.


Magnum: Let's not pull any more fighting tricks here. Those Tonberries seem like a real problem to fight.


Mirfah: Yeah... phew, we managed to survive at least.


As the battle ended, Melina jumped from the branch she was on and walked towards them.



Melina: Good work. I was watching from the tree.


Magnum: Were you hiding all this time?!


Melina: I cannot fight. What would you want me to do?


Agni: (Liar... you don't want to break your cover, do you?)


Lancer looked at everyone and identified a really big number of people. She was rather surprised with the whole amount of new faces she got to see.



Lancer: Oh my, oh me. There are so many people here!


Mirfah: We're a rather large and weird group, aren't we?


Lancer: What?! Don't pin me with you weirdos, you pig!


Mirfah: P-Pig?! W-What gives you right to call me that?!


Agni: Enough. For now, we need to move out before those other Tonberries end up attacking us as well.


Melina: But what about those who are injured? They may not be able to move. We might have to set camp, I suppose.


Magnum: That won't be needed. Agni, Paradigm change is ready again.


Agni: Alright then. Changing Paradigm to Medic.


A green aura enveloped Agni and then vanished. He was finally able to support everyone when it came to injuries.



Agni: Everyone, gather around me so that the heal works on everyone.


Magnum: Alright.


Mirfah: Fine by me.


Melina: Well, I will stand aside since I have not fought with you all.


Lancer: I'm staying back too. I couldn't have my moment and now I'm frustrated.


Agni...you guys ok? Uuugh...


LightFlare was worried about the others, although he himself was a bit hurt...

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