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Resident Evil 6

Black chaos

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Exactly. "O" usually for males, "A" for females, and it's pretty much in many latin-based languages. Names also usually go by this norm, with some exceptions in a few languages like Italian. Some more info if you want to learn a bit more: And yeah, there are no genderless nouns. So "the moon", "a lua" is female, while "the sun" ,"o sol" is male. Just simple examples. And when it comes to animals, most of them you can just change the "o" or "a" at the end. Cat can be "gato" or "gata". And the grammar is chauvinist: you can have a thousand women and a single man at the same room, you'll refer to them using male articles and nouns,

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Exactly. a/as, o/as instead of la/las and el/los Both languages are from the Iberian Peninsula and they had this story that when they weren't fighting each other trying to conquer each other they were marrying each other or something until both of them got their asses kicked by the Arabic.So they are quite close but with few hilarious exceptions. Like I said at the chat another day, "embaraçado" means 'ashamed' in Portuguese but means 'pregnant' in Spanish. Some grammar rules are different but it's not hard for a Brazilian Portuguese (which got a sightly more flexible vocabulary) to understand Spanish, but the other way around is uncommon in my experience. Spoken French and Italian aren't too hard to understand if you pay attention and they are spoken slowly.

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Google translator is a start although it can be troublesome. There was this case, YEARS ago at that old BR forum where this guy (French, I think) was in a heated argument with a Brazilian dude who got this incredibly poor English (it was painful to read, believe me). So the French guy used the translator, came and "So I'm going to say something in your language so you can understand with this thick skull of yours". He intended to write "Kiss my ass" as in 'butt', 'buttock', but the translator got "ass" as 'donkey' LoL

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Tohno, You me RE6 if co-op storymode is available, lets rock.

other wise.. yeah.. you haz RE5 on ps3?

I DO http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png

and this game looks epic and bak 2 its roots and whoever said dat it doesnt look "resident evil" capcom must make it more worldwide. it jus cant be a "i gotta get outta town" or "i gotta get outta this fuckin mansion" story .

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I DO http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png

and this game looks epic and bak 2 its roots and whoever said dat it doesnt look "resident evil" capcom must make it more worldwide. it jus cant be a "i gotta get outta town" or "i gotta get outta this fuckin mansion" story .

I'm a DIEHARD resident evil fan.

this game is NOT back to its roots, infact its much further.

This is a Action Horror game.

It uses a mix of RE5 system with Gears Of War, and what looks like a little hint of Metal Gear Solid 4.

Resident Evil Revelations for the 3DS.

now THAT is a resident evil game thats gone back to its roots.

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yeah but for people who arent fans of resident evil and just like cheesy bad acting with zombies and stuff they are ok to me they are bad but eh.

if u never played RE and watched the movies, they're actually quite good. If you played it and watched it you'd wanna murder yourself

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I was like ten when I went to see resident evil 1. it was so bad me and my brother left after ten minutes and snuck into a different movie http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//sad.png

degeneration wasn't all that great either but at least it gave some backstory on re4 and re5, which deviated from the original storyline anyways. damnation's trailer looks pretty good though, because it shows leon getting swarmed by lickers and wesker

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