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Montblanc (Final Fantasy Tactics Trilogy)


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Montblanc, Kupo!




Welp, 3 months of creating this little guy. I don't feel like it's fully complete but I think he's good enough to be played and I am desprate to share my characters to MFFA. 


Montblanc is one of the main characters of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Not a self character), a playable Moogle Black Mage (From the start. He can be any class for their race much like everyone else in the game.).

He in Mugen is a Smash-esque character with a few gimmicks in hand including normal attacks. The sprites come from a single sprite found here: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/d/da/Montblanc-ffxii-sprite.png/revision/latest?cb=20140814121710 The sprite was given brighter colors, a smile, a staff, and bigger and more detailed eyes.


Also note that the AI will act weird. For some reason, I am not fit for this AI Smash character stuff so Montblanc would behave oddly in Ai. But not to the point of getting stuck all the time. Still fightable. He cheats and can be a little rascal though.





Montblanc takes use of his canical class, and a personal second class I used for Montblanc on my playthrough of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which is Time Mage. Montblanc overall is quick on his knees but he doesn't do much damage (Compared to that SSBB styled Ness. Did I mention how OP that Ness was? Holy crap.)


Neutral special:

Magic energy: A 3 tier attack. Each tier has a different purpose. Tier 1 is Stop, tier 2 is Thundara, Tier 3 is Fira


Forward Special:


Haste: Makes some of your moves faster and changes your walkspeed and run speed greatly.


Down special:


Ice: Slow sweep move. unfortunately doesn't freeze opponents. (Don't know how to do that)


Up special: None yet


Final Smash:

Death: (Not a summon)This Final Smash takes down 47% of your health making the spell true to it's name. In original source, Death will automatically KO opponents randomly. Death in here is not unpredictable. If your health is below 50, it's an automatic KO. As long as you are not on ground, you will not get caught by this.  








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