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Who wants to be the new owner of Mugen Free For All?




Yup that above part was written by my son.

by owner I do not mean just a administrator.

You will also be taking on the financial burden of MFFA.

You will be paying the bills, and fixing up the site and updating and all that.


I use the term "Financial Burden of MFFA" because that is what it has become to me.

I love my site, I love my community, I sadly can not afford to pay it even with donations.

My son is Autistic, I fear my wife is also Autistic, I'm the only one working. We have some medical bills amongst other bills, I'm pretty stressed out.


Who wants to be the New Owner? This is not a debate either, I'm willing to give this to anyone who is willing to pay for it.


MFFA costs 45 dollars for 3 months of hosting (but you can buy a 1 year 2 or 3 year package but its expensive)

Invision Power Board cost roughly 75 dollars to renew Yearly (I believe yearly)

Domain Registration is 15 dollars a year, But as of now it's good until 2017.


Guy, This is serious. I love you all. I really do, but I have my own demons to deal with, and I don't have help.


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On 2/10/2016 at 7:11 PM, Laharl said:

well this is a problem I hope someone can take over thats reliable...


On 2/10/2016 at 7:20 PM, Алексей said:

I already had to decline because it would be just another financial responsibility... and one that I'd have for no other reason than keeping the site alive. I'm sorry, but that's not enough incentive.


25 minutes ago, Ryon said:

It has been several days, Rice and Alexei have turned down the offer, I am not expecting Phantom to take up this offer.


Is anyone willing?




.......[gripping fist]......




........[deep thoughts...deep breaths].....


....This is something i (and possibly others) really need too think about. i could be able to save this site from shutting down before 2017 and take on the financial responsibility However i need to see how my income goes over all since I do have my own responsibilities to take care of. Then again... Agh!!! it might take me some time to see if im capable.

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3 Months - $ 44.97
6 Months - $ 89.94
12 Months- $ 155.88
24 Months- $ 287.76
36 Months- $ 395.64


Domain (MugenFreeForAll.Com)
1 Year - $ 15.00 (It may be 10 I could be wrong)


Invision Power Board (The ENTIRE Forum)
1 Year - $ 70.00


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1 Year + 1 IPB + 1 Domain, is about $240.00

3 Year + 1 IPB + 1 Domain, is about $480.00


I do not believe there is tax in this since there is no physical product.


$605.00 is what you would be paying for 3 years Server + 3 Years IPB.

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The plight of running a website. The money. =/


I hope someone comes forward who can help.


If worst comes to worst, is there no way to use a cheaper alternative and still keep posts and such? I think the true mffa-ers will support the site, no matter how it looks/operates, as long as content and friends are around.

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37 minutes ago, Demitri said:

The plight of running a website. The money. =/


I hope someone comes forward who can help.


If worst comes to worst, is there no way to use a cheaper alternative and still keep posts and such? I think the true mffa-ers will support the site, no matter how it looks/operates, as long as content and friends are around.

indeed...I might be able to offer the money to keep the forum going doe with my income so far im only looking at a once per-year plan......:-P

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i looked at alternatives , because of our high rate of visitors (6k Daily) it requires more server power (about 302gb data, In January).


Bluehost is actually so far the cheapest solution I found that can support our growing community.

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IF you go that route, do your research on these webhosts. Some lie about what they offer. It's why I changed hosts the first time around.


e.g. UNLIMITED store and UNLIMITED bandwidth for x amount of money, but they just stuff you and a bunch of others paying nicely on the same server (hence why paying for a server on its own is usually so expensive, yet webhosts can offer such "great deals"


My site wasn't even generating THAT much traffic but we had random downtimes during the night, some overseas users like Ghost couldn't even connect at times. These kinds of host work better if you have an individual website rather than a forum.

I'm not saying this is the case with BlueHost (apparently I looked at them at one time but i dont remember why i didnt choose them), but be careful.

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DigitalOcean is what I would use to be honest, but they don't have support. It's for seasoned web admins to just get a VPS up and running. Hell, I'd rather build a new MFFA from scratch than have to pay for all that unnecessary stuff. Unfortunately, that would be the tradeoff of money for time...


Assuming that you don't use it for storage, the cheapest plan they have is $20 per month lol. That would be $240 per year of course, but you'd pay monthly instead of annually and obviously find ways to cut costs in other areas. Like paying for the forum's software is something I don't agree with at all. It's not that great and really has only been getting worse over time.

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1 hour ago, Laharl said:

Ryon could you clarify if someone actually funds the site if you could still take care of the technical stuff? cause That might get more ppl helping.

I can agree on that.  personally I and maybe other people can provide funds for the site Ryon and all the Admins. can still run it.

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Im giving the person who wants to pay for it complete owner ship.

they can do as they like.


one of the side effects is that I can not be removed as administrator. I am the # 1 member, and thus I am not able to remove my own account nor is anyone else able to edit or alter mine.

so I'm stuck here. I don't mind taking care of forum related issues.


the main problem as mentioned is Money.


@ RobotMonkeyHead. Illegal. Nope.

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On 2/12/2016 at 5:06 PM, Galvatron said:

I can agree on that.  personally I and maybe other people can provide funds for the site Ryon and all the Admins. can still run it.

My boy Gavi makes a solid point. say we treat this like a business. Ry and Alexi can continue to be Admin Sensi and Admin Al, keep the staff the way it is and form a financial committee. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to monetize this site? I would seriously quit mugen socially if this site falls.

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We could have ad's.

If I can get the right kind of ad's (ad's that will get you money based on impressions (views)) I think we should make good small change (given that we earn roughly 181,337 View's every month or so.


But I would really like to pass the entire burden on to someone else, as in give someone else ownership and all that.

I could still administrate if need be, I don't mind. but I really want to pass it on to someone else.

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