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Mugen Free For All

4808~ characters, many from MUGEN Museum, some from my sporadic decade-long personal archive. Yes. there are some leaks in here too.


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1.mega.nz always give me 99% stuck when downloading big file on firefox.

2.you don't know when you meet your death. it can be accidentally eat poisoned food, killed in the road, or killed by something unexpected any time anywhere then your effort showing that link without making the key public will be pointless and basically you waste peoples times

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well All respect to you PZT..... I can't really go against how you feel man..


Well I have alot space on my PC so I'll see if I can download this..... if possible.. :-P


[edit post]

.....It need a 'decryption key' to download the file by the way.... 

Never-mind LOL! XD

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I remember PZT, I came from The Hidden Elect. It is my first forum where i served Zodiac and where I learned the ways of warehousing and sprite stealing LOL



Those were the good ol'days where warehousing merited a ban on every forum. I hope you archived Leech in there.



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34 minutes ago, AxSeeker said:

I remember PZT, I came from The Hidden Elect. It is my first forum where i served Zodiac and where I learned the ways of warehousing and sprite stealing LOL



Those were the good ol'days where warehousing merited a ban on every forum. I hope you archived Leech in there.



I remember those times too, very vividly. Too bad for them they were on the wrong side of history. I don't recall Leech ever being publicly released, nor do I recall ever receiving it, so no dice. I'd include it if I had it. However, if you remember that, here's an amazing blast from the past you might recognize. I know when I found it again I was losing my shit.


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On 1/20/2016 at 3:16 AM, PZT said:

A lot of this content is a big chunk of Electrocaid's MUGEN Museum


This sounds familiar. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that the same compilation released over at MFG that had some very tasteless stages including stages made from photos of corpses in a nazi death camp and mass-lynchings of african-americans during the mid-late 1800s?

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13 hours ago, Ryoucchi said:

To make it more convenient, i edited PZT's post so that the MEGA link works with single click.

No problem. thanks! Ryoucchi


I already downloaded the file and I see thier is alot rare characters in it that we probly won't see online to much anymore:goodmood:


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3 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:


This sounds familiar. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that the same compilation released over at MFG that had some very tasteless stages including stages made from photos of corpses in a nazi death camp and mass-lynchings of african-americans during the mid-late 1800s?

This pack does not include stages, and those stages were never considered a Museum project to begin with. (speaking in a general sense here) It was an auto-generating program, he didn't pay much attention to the images he was using (if I recall) and you should all get some thicker skin. Oh no, someone used freely available photos to make something I don't like! If you don't like it, don't download it. It's not like anybody is forcing you to have it. People do awful shit that upsets me every day, but I don't cry about it. He's an odd guy, and not a native speaker. Some people just have different standards for what's considered acceptable, the way he sees it he's just preserving what people made, for good and for bad.


Electrocaid has saved literally dozens of thousands of creations from being completely lost, and he deserves commendation for that. I honestly don't understand why people get confused and treat him like an unknown, like you, because he's incredibly important. It's almost shameful so little people acknowledge his accomplishments. He's done more for MUGEN than 99% of everybody at Guild, certainly more than all those hipster egotists with tens of thousands of posts, spending literal thousands of hours on updating things for compatibility, backporting them to DOS, meticulously storing and organizing hard-to-find content for the future, running mailing services to disseminate that content to the masses, so on and so forth. I saw how people went all "who???" in the Guild thread and that's really goddamn shameful considering how he's saving your irresponsible asses from yourself. He was even a mod there once but, unlike him, everybody on Guild has the memory of a goldfish, which is exactly why they didn't work to save things like he did, the irresponsible bastards. "Not my problem!" How you hardly recognize him says more about you than him.


This is a really spicy opinion here, too; he's more valuable to the community than any regular creator, weird, politically insensitive behavior besides. But no, outrage culture is in vogue, all you people choose to do is focus on when people do something wrong as opposed to when they do something right, and this is why we can't have nice things. Way to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Doing weird insensitive shit doesn't devalue the wealth of good he's done, he's been doing this since like 2003. I hope you have fun when he quits because the lynch mob drove him out and 80% of everything from 1999-2005 is completely lost, because if people dwell on shit like that and choose to disregard that he's the single most important historian in our entire community, that's exactly what's going to happen.

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10 minutes ago, Ricepigeon said:

Nobody's trying to drive anyone out of the community. I don't understand why you're getting so defensive but it sounds like you're going way off topic and I don't want future posts in this thread to follow suit.

I'm formally retiring and I'm saying how I feel. It's not off-topic at all, actually. I felt like what you said was an important cue for me to point out just what exactly he's done for us all. If you close this thread because I disagreed with you it'd be really childish. He's the backbone of the community and the reason this big file I uploaded exists. He's an important person and I really dislike how people choose to dwell on something like that instead of respecting and admiring his accomplishments. While people on Guild were infighting over irrelevant nonsense for years and years, he was saving literally everything. If people choose to dwell on his social faux pas to the point it blots out his name in the eyes of others, he'll probably quit, and that would be a huge loss for all of us. That's basically what I meant to say. If I seem awfully confrontational, I apologize, I'm more familiar with 2006 MUGEN bantz than 2016.

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