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Street Fighter X Tekken

Black chaos

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The only thing I see capcom doing is making a game of the year type version with all the character and stuff unlocked already even if its already on disk the sales for Sfxt wasn't that good and the feedback from player has been worse people are not enjoying the game like Capcom once did even, Pro players who were playing version of the game before it's release have said the game has let them down now some players say the game is good but the bad out weights the good and if Capcom were to release a super version the sales are going to drop even more like UMvC3 did.

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I haven't played this shitty game since mid March, and I have to say it's the best decision I've ever made. Lets list some flaws. Jabs are literally the best things in the game, they can bait out Alpha counters give you tons of frame advantage on block, lead into a combo, and have hardly any pushback. Infinites/Glitches are everywhere in this game, there's even a glitch that freezes your whole console, if that's not bad coding I don't know what is. No character diversity only characters I see are: Ryu, Ken, Hugo, Kazuya, Jin, Rufus, Rolento with the occasional Lili Asuka or Heihachi. To many gimmicks with this game. Gems, completely safe forward rolls that ruin oki, cross assault, pandora (which is useless). Terirble gameplay decisions. HUGE stages mixed with a short timer, recoverable health, No timer pause when doing supers, and speed gems to make running away faster make it a race to who can hit you and run away first. This game needs a COMPLETE balance patch to make it even remotely fun, Jab X Timeout is dead and I hope it stays that way until it gets the changes it needs.

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The shudder-some thought is that Critic reviews have been mostly POSITIVE. Another good hint that most review critics are hams. ...Of coarse, I cannot say for myself, I haven't played it. I'll usually enjoy fighting games whether they're good or crappy, but I know a good fighting game when I play one.

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think is midway is not retarded like capcom has been lately.

that's an understatement really WB and NRS knew not to milk the MK franchise to death like Capcom did with SF also i could unlock costumes the old fashioned way by earning them in the game and not through your wallet . Also under WB and NRS MK only released one game that feels good and complete and have no plans to make another for a while this is a good thing NRS is not letting the MK franchise grow stale like how Capcom is doing with SF right now. I feel that Capcom should quietly retire the SF franchise for a couple years and wait till it feels fresh again.

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Personally i think the game is fun regardless of a few glitches....and i never heard someone not playin a game because they can take a few glitches here and there...which u run into 4% of the time or shorter lol if thats the case, you shudnt play ANY games :troll:

Gems and Timeouts are a hassle tho but this rant is invalid...

I haven't played this shitty game since mid March, and I have to say it's the best decision I've ever made. Lets list some flaws.

1.Jabs are literally the best things in the game, they can bait out Alpha counters give you tons of frame advantage on block, lead into a combo, and have hardly any pushback.

2.Infinites/Glitches are everywhere in this game, there's even a glitch that freezes your whole console, if that's not bad coding I don't know what is.

3.No character diversity only characters I see are: Ryu, Ken, Hugo, Kazuya, Jin, Rufus, Rolento with the occasional Lili Asuka or Heihachi.

4.To many gimmicks with this game. Gems, completely safe forward rolls that ruin oki, cross assault, pandora (which is useless).

5.Terirble gameplay decisions. HUGE stages mixed with a short timer, recoverable health, No timer pause when doing supers, and speed gems to make running away faster make it a race to who can hit you and run away first.

This game needs a COMPLETE balance patch to make it even remotely fun, Jab X Timeout is dead and I hope it stays that way until it gets the changes it needs.

1. Jabs.....have always lead into combos lol

2. Yea that Rolento glitch is TERRiBLE but noexistant 2 me since i hardly run into him (theres a patch coming 4 that btw)

3. Yea, thats no excuse bro lol i run into Ryu/Ken 15 times in a row be4...thats y u quit rank match

4. We talked abt Gems....but rolls, lol, cross assault are funnny lolz, Youd prolly want Pandora 2 be OP rite?

5.looooooooooooooool dat no time pause excuse :yaoming:

JAB X TIMEOUT is awesome name lol

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Honestly, I still think its stupid you have to wait for the vita version to get the dlc characters that are on the disk but you cannot access them until sony makes the vita verison. just another way of getting our money.

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In the tournament scene we call SFxT Street Fight X Timeout

On the topic of Jabs yes jan have lead into combo but in this game you can just walk forward and hit Jab all day and at times you can't do anything to stop it, Jabs in this game beat out Throws, Crouch Tech, and is hella good on block. Ex. pick Cammy and just walk forward and keep hitting Jab if they don't have quick imput movement you can't stop it.

Now the Rolento glitch is something that shows how much time Capcom put in to testing this game it was a glitch that is worse then anything they have had with the game so far if any character has a fireball you can just freeze the game.

character diversity in this game is something you can blame Capcom for making some characters so damn good like this version of Ryu is one of if not the best Ryu ever.

Now some Gems are really bad but overall not a big problem, Now Rolling forward in this game is a bad move Vs a good player because all you have to do is move to the spot they are rolling and move forward and back so you can get an easy cross up, Cross Assault is nice if you use it smartly or with a 2nd player. Now Pandora is something that wasn't worked on like they should have because if you use it it's auto-lose for the person who does because all you have to do is run and let the 10sec go down.

The Time is one of the biggest issues of the game because of all the Fighting game the Time in this one is way to fast. Now if it was slowed down to how it is to Street Fighter 4 Ae it would be better shot even after the games been out this long in tournament play there are still Timeouts happening.

Apparently Evil Ryu and Devil Kazuya are gonna be added to the DLC chars pack, free of extra charge. This is just a rumor though.

I'm a bit doubtful myself, but you never know.

If this is true it doesn't change the fact the game isn't that good, I've stopped playing the game all together but I had planned to wait till the dlc characters drop but now not so much.

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I didn't say the game was good at all, I haven't even played it. I was merely mentioning a rumor. Besides, I'm gonna wait untill SFxT's price drops or a redone version is made, because while the game is bad, it still looks kinda fun.

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I didn't say the game was good at all, I haven't even played it. I was merely mentioning a rumor.

Besides, I'm gonna wait untill SFxT's price drops or a redone version is made, because while the game is bad, it still looks kinda fun.

Sorry I wasn't saying that you said it wasn't good I was just stating my opinion

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Personally i think the game is fun regardless of a few glitches....and i never heard someone not playin a game because they can take a few glitches here and there...which u run into 4% of the time or shorter lol if thats the case, you shudnt play ANY games :troll:

Gems and Timeouts are a hassle tho but this rant is invalid...

1. Jabs.....have always lead into combos lol

2. Yea that Rolento glitch is TERRiBLE but noexistant 2 me since i hardly run into him (theres a patch coming 4 that btw)

3. Yea, thats no excuse bro lol i run into Ryu/Ken 15 times in a row be4...thats y u quit rank match

4. We talked abt Gems....but rolls, lol, cross assault are funnny lolz, Youd prolly want Pandora 2 be OP rite?

5.looooooooooooooool dat no time pause excuse :yaoming:

JAB X TIMEOUT is awesome name lol

1. Jabs have always lead into combos, but they were never as broken as they are in this game. My argument wasn't about them leading into combos, it was about how they lead into combos and: beat throws, are 4 frames or less on startup for most characters, give RIDICULOUS frame advantage on block to the pint where you can just walk up and continuously jab and you are forced into doing an alpha counter which is easily baited for a punish, or block until they feel like doing something else.

2. If you don't run into any Rolento's, we must be playing a different game.

3.The problem isn't really that I run into Ryu/Ken so much, it's that they are both top tier and really good. It's like Yun/Yang in vanilla AE. Ryu is safe on everything and can punish you for trying to punish him, and Ken's air hurricane kick does ridiculous damage and has insane priority.

4. Gems being a problem is solely my opinion, so thats not really anything to argue about. Rolls are completely safe if you know how to block a crossup, so that's a really stupid get out of jail free card. Cross Assault being stupid is again just an opinion. I wouldn't want Pandora to be like X-factor broken, but I would like it to get a decent buff with like a 15% damage increase instead of 10%, and at least 20 seconds of time before you die so it's actually useful outside of timer scams.

5. It's not an excuse whatsoever, it's a legitimate issue that needs to be fixed ASAP.

Excuse me if this was troll bait, but if it is I was expecting it.

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1. Jabs have always lead into combos, but they were never as broken as they are in this game. My argument wasn't about them leading into combos, it was about how they lead into combos and: beat throws, are 4 frames or less on startup for most characters, give RIDICULOUS frame advantage on block to the pint where you can just walk up and continuously jab and you are forced into doing an alpha counter which is easily baited for a punish, or block until they feel like doing something else.

2. If you don't run into any Rolento's, we must be playing a different game.

3.The problem isn't really that I run into Ryu/Ken so much, it's that they are both top tier and really good. It's like Yun/Yang in vanilla AE. Ryu is safe on everything and can punish you for trying to punish him, and Ken's air hurricane kick does ridiculous damage and has insane priority.

4. Gems being a problem is solely my opinion, so thats not really anything to argue about. Rolls are completely safe if you know how to block a crossup, so that's a really stupid get out of jail free card. Cross Assault being stupid is again just an opinion. I wouldn't want Pandora to be like X-factor broken, but I would like it to get a decent buff with like a 15% damage increase instead of 10%, and at least 20 seconds of time before you die so it's actually useful outside of timer scams.

5. It's not an excuse whatsoever, it's a legitimate issue that needs to be fixed ASAP.

Excuse me if this was troll bait, but if it is I was expecting it.

1. yep agree here

2. same as 1

3. SF X Tekken really needed more time on the development floor to balance out characters better sadly Capcom just didn't seem to care this time around.

4. I'll take Pandora being hardly useful rather then overpowered like X-factor.

5. Again agreed here supers really should pause the timer.

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Wow u guys have very good points. thanks :D oh and abt Number 5 i jus relies wat yall mean.........and YES THATS STUPID! i 1st thot u mean the time u active the super but u meant the time then and while the super IS going on lol ive lost quite a bit of matches tryna finish my opponent with the super be4 Timeout but it ALWAYS ended up 2 late

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