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Sonic Generations


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i would have loved it if they put some of the Master System/Game Gear Sonic stages in. Also where the hell were Fang the Sniper, Big the Cat and Mephiles? Did u know that Sonic's new VA is Chris Redfield's and Siegfried Schtauffen's VA, Tails' new VA also voices Torakaka and Saya from Blazblue, Knuckles' VA does Relius Clover in Blazblue, Cream is voiced by Carl Clover's English VA; cheers to Blazblue :bow: .

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I don't understand why things like voices would ruin the game maybe they weren't perfect, but Sega pretty much fixed the one issue I had with the Sonic games for years gameplay and to me thats all that matters. Hopefully Sonic 4 part 2 will have physics like the Genesis games I'm so crossing my fingers on that.

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The new voices aren't even that bad, except mabye Amy's and Shadow's. Amy sounds too much like Minnie Mouse, and Shadow sounds like he's trying to be Latino... and failing at it. I'm also gonna disagree with you on the remixes. I can't get enough of them! But it's your opinion DarkSpirit, so I'm not gonna try to make you change it, because that's rude. For me, this game, despite being pretty short, is definitly a great one and has a lot of replayability. Also, I agree with you on the Megadrive/Game Gear content Neo. I would've loved to see Bridge Zone added, along with remixes of its awesome music.

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I played Sonic Generations 3ds on my cousin's 3ds. Classic Sonic's control feels so much better on this version. The roll actually feels like it did in the Genesis games. Modern Sonic is pretty fun, but I'd of liked to see some 3D view like on the console, rather than always 2.5D. I'm sure the 3ds would've been able to do it. And the addition of two more stages would've been nice, like an Advance series stage for the Dreamcast Era and a Rush Adventure stage for the Modern Era. Still a nice game though. The bosses kick ass. Also, the addition of the homing attack to C. Sonic was such good trolling on Dimp's part.

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