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Sonic Generations


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This is a New sonic game which has both classic and modern sonic playing side by side, teaming up together when a strange time traveling monster rips time and space itself.

Play your favorite classic levels such as the Green Hill Zone, or City Escape, in Classic Sonic (2d) or try them out with Modern Sonic (3d movement)

Classic Style Walkthrough


Modern Style Walkthrough


I've personally played and beat both the console and the 3DS version of the game, and the 2 games are different from each other.

and both are extremely enjoyable to every extent.

the classic on the console is nice and very accurate, and has level change ups.

the modern on the console is very nice as well as you can feel the speed, and it plays much like the Sonic Colours game.

the classic on the 3DS is extremely nice, as it recreates all the 2d levels exactly how they were.

the modern on the 3DS is very nice as well, its not the modern console sonic but rather the Modern DS sonic. so think Sonic Rush except everything is fully 3d now.



Green Hill Zone

Chemical Plant

Sky Sanctuary

Speed Highway

City Escape

Seaside Hill

Crisis City

Rooftop Run

Planet Wisp


Green Hill Zone (Accurate)

Casino Night (Accurate)

Mushroom Hill (Accurate)

Emerald Coast

Radical Highward

Water Palace (Accurate)

Tropical Resort (Near Accurate)



Metal Sonic

Death Egg Robot

Shadow The Hedgehog

Perfect Chaos

Silver The Hedgehog

Egg Dragoon

Time Eater


Metal Sonic

Big Arm

Shadow The Hedgehog


Silver The Hedgehog

Egg Emperor

Time Eater

Personally speaking this game is EXCELLENT as if your a true sonic fan its a must. If your iffy about the entire series this is a GREAT game to get as it covers sonic in his best.

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this game is so fun http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//laugh.png, i've nearly 100%'ed it. Only downside for me is that you can't play as Tails (i'm a die-hard Tails fan so to other ppl it probably wouldn't matter as much lol); there's loads of unlockable stuff though (i.e. Artwork, Alternate Stage music, Skills, Character bios)

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haha I freakin gave that game back as soon as I beat it due to the fact that sega decides to make this like a 4hour game to beat I mean its called generations put more levels from each console in it. Its fun but its lacking on the replayable side.

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This game sunk the Sonic series more into the toilet for me...Mainly because of the voice actors changed and the fact that the song remixes got extremely repetitive except for the theme in which you fight metal sonic and I ended up changing it with touhou music...This game had to be bigger and alot more fun if it's would be 'Generations'.They should have put much more into it and many more game modes...

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