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Mugen Free For All

*Goku Final 4th Release


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Well the only thing holding me back right now is a lack of resources and my deteiorating health. 

Truth be told im losing my eyesight and developing backaches and pains after 8 long years of creating mugen. 

I cant hardly keep up anymore. Ill keep trying as im stubborn like that. :p

Resources have always held me back in the past. It seems i can never keep a pc for too long. My keyboards lose their keys and my pcs overheat.


Mugen is a hobby for others but to me , -mugen is and always will be...



a disease...








Grandpa Ax is getting old...


So in case i lose my mind someday i just wanna say....


Mugen Rocks!!!! XD


                    This was fun!







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I believe the download is offline. The DMCA has taken it offline because of copyright infringement. Besides I'm gonna update it a little more with some fixes.


Yes he absolutely is something fierce. I tweaked him to be like Frieza saga Goku, big and muscular and totally powerhouse to. This version has the old toonami voice rips and has a lot of moves and attacks inspired by the show as well as some inventions of my own. He resembles the movie versions to with ripped clothing along with wounds.


He's the goku I always wanted. He's also Extreme Butoden size by coincidence and even uses sprites from Extreme Butoden Goku and Gohan. This Goku uses a lot of ideas from other Gokus as well and even adopts some things to; including extreme butoden stuff like fxs.

This Goku is packed with a lot of attacks. I tried to give him more to but I was unable to code it in. I would like to enhance his a.i. again and enable air combos like before. He's gonna need a launcher to.


I have a full game planned for him.



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