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Alpyne's Kustom B-G-M Showcase & Request Thread

Sir Lord Alpyne

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Hey D, what are the chanes you could remix an old gba song? it's called Chaos angel from sonic advanced 3. I love the song but thier are not enough mixes of it... any of the acts will do... or perhaps all three? I'd love to add a chaos angel mixed by you into my collection. EDIT: OMG...i thought big sally was gone forever....

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ok, so these next 2 jointz were inspired by my boi Realest [that's MR. Vegaz Parrelli to you, suckaz! xD], due to his awesome work on tha Nash/Shadow versions of his "Soldier Of Misfortune" stage. if by some chance you've been livin' under a rock & you're clueless to what i'm talkin' about, then go

anywayz, on with tha showcase:

Charlie's Ridge (Re-Defining the Edge)
Shadow's Reign (Breaking The Sound Barrier[sFX version]

linkage [both jointz, plus an sfx version of Shadow's Reign]

i kut together 3 BGMs total, "Shadow's Reign" havin' 2 versions by itself. tha jointz Realist had made for these stages were already on point, i just had a spark of my own i wanted to add to tha greatness, that's all.

anywho, enjoy dem shitz :goodmood:

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Charlies Ridge is a great up tempo song. I'm dancing to it as I type this. It's a great song for Nash vs Guile. And Shadow Reign is so AWESOME! I love techno rock style jointz and this is perfect for a Shadow theme or for Nash vs Bison! It' sounds like you used samples of my jointz on both of these. If so...then I'm honored to be a part of these EPIC tracks... :bow:

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i kut your Nash joint as the beginnin' of Charlie's Ridge, & i was more than glad to do so; it was a great joint for a kool stage. & i'm tha 1 that's truly honor'd here bruh :bow: your work got my gears goin', & i'm glad you dug the outcome. also, hope you read tha 1 fight suggestion i put in tha comment for tha set file, i think you'll get a kick outta it. :awesome

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thanx, i figured you'd would appreciate it. i wanted it to be more prevalent than some storms effects on previous BGMs [which i'm STILL tryna perfect, to tha best of my ability anywayz, tha diff'rent wayz & diff'rent choices of rain/storm sfx. it's been a personal challenge of mine], but still have it take a backseat to the music itself.

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ok, so i felt like kuttin' a couple of jointz together i truly dig. well, it's tha same joint, in a sense; original & remix'd. mix'd it up as best as i could, wanted it to sound as bold & motivational as tha originals are. i'll also be makin' this a BGM later in tha future.

anywho, here it is:

Let Yourself Go [Alpyne D Edition] {Artists: Evidence feat. Phonte, beat by The Alchemist}

enjoy dem shitz. :goodmood:

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next joint: luv tha original, but i ended up kuttin' a version of my own, with hardly any vocals at all; matter of fact, only 1 small sect has vocals, but only cuz tha bulid-up's so phukkin' awesome at that point, i couln't say "no"! started this initially due to me kuttin' a BGM for some1, & i ended up kreatin' this joint as well durin' it.

anywho, here ya go:

Midnight Madness [Alpyne D Edition]

now pardon me, i'm finna go chill for a bit. enjoy dem shitz mofos. :bath:

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fresh outta Da WrekkShop:

Rupture [Alpyne D Edition]

enjoy dem shitz. :goodmood:

also, i'm lookin' for some ideas for BGMs to to properly loop, whether they come from gaming or music, within' reason of course. suggestions?

btw: y'all do realize if you see the bold green "linkage" button, that's tha link to these jointz, right? juuuuust makin' sure..... :awesome



EDIT: link to listen this joint has been refresh'd, just klick on tha title. ignore tha player that's under it, i'm keepin' it there to figure out how to do this with a current site i'm usin' [ironically what used to be FileDen, lol].

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ok, just grinded out these 2 jointz, both kut from tha same cloth, their kreation inspired by a fellow Elder, my boi ZombieBrock. i'm sure he should be able to remember tha band whose song i kut these jointz from, Kreator.

tha 2 1's a loop kut, as well as kut a bit differently from tha 1st; tha 1st 1 i really kinda zoned out on it a bit, so it's not really tha most conventional of Title/Select jointz i've done.....

bah, phukk convention. :fuckyea:

well folks, when it comes to these 2 BGMs, it's up to ZB to judge if they're worthy enuff to be released or not, so Zeebz, tha ball's in your court bud.

i'd luv to have others' input as well, but it seems to me that if it's not tha next character or a stage, then it not much worth phukkin' lookin' at, talkin' about, or havin' as 1's own, which is kinda phukkin' brain-dead to me. i mean, what, do folks fight in silence when they play mugen nowadays?! or listen to voiced documentaries, self-help tapes, dammit-dummy-dubstep, or some other goofy shit?!

:tableflip: is there no appreciation for tha shit that gets you pump'd before a fight? that drives you thru a heated battle? that makes you feel like a muthaphukkin' champion when you've won?! that sync between sound & stage that just goes so well together? is that shit a moot point now, irrelevant & outdated? am i grindin' my ass off on these jointz, just for'em to fall on deaf ears?!! what tha :fffuuu:
*takes deep breath*
ugh. lost my chizz for a sec there.
kreator's rage.
it's been a rough few days. th_085_.gif
i'm damn'd tired.
my bad.

anywhosit, here ya go:

Re-Awakening Of The Gods Title/Select [RoaringFlame]

Re-Awakening Of The Gods Title/Select [FlashFire]

hope y'all dig'em. if any1 needs me, i'll *yawns* just be ov.....053.gif

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shit, hit tha wrong button.

*smacks own head* Baka.

movin' on.....

so i recently came across a past joint i kreated that i thought was lost when my cpu had to be RF'd last year. i had it on tha "must rekreate" list, but i hadn't gotten to it yet. now, luckily, it's not necessary; apparently i had a copy of it buried in a Mugen sound folder on my laptop, so now i can happily share tha sound of this joint, i kinda dug how it came out. i'm workin' on a loop kut version for it right now as i post this.

Fire Burns Title/Select

linkage in tha future, i'm runnin' thru a bunch of shit right now. anywho, lemme know what y'all think, of anything you've heard here, i'd greatly appreciate it.



EDIT: version showcased is now a loop kut version, & tha sound & quality have been tweak'd. enjoy dem shitz.

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