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Alpyne's Kustom B-G-M Showcase & Request Thread

Sir Lord Alpyne

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ok, so here's a couple of jointz for ya: 1's in the final stage of oversight [OS], in case xtra work on it is deem'd to be needed by the inspirational being behind its kreation [i'll elaborate on that further in a bit]; the other 1's complete, & is part of an upcomin' SP 'ject, kreated by 1 of our own here, tho i won't reveal who/what, so don't ask me suckaz! :P however tho, due to these circumstances, neither 1 of these jointz will be available for linkage ATM. hopefully that status will change soon for 1 of'em at least.

anywho, let the showcase begin:

Brock Be Tails, Alp Be Sonic [Title/Select OS]


kut from 1 of ZBrock's favorite bands/jointz, i just figured he'd dig it. took some chances with tryin' to rearrange it a bit from the song's normal flow, so i hope i did it justice. ZBrock my my dude, it's up to you to decide if this joint it good as it stands, or if i need to make any slight adjustments to it.

____A____ Select :troll:


as usual feedback is appreciated. hopefully i'll have more jointz to display soon, includin' the 1 that's had me on twitch'n'tic mode for quite awhile now [ :confuse: thanx alot Drama, you phukker. i dislike you so much right now.....].

btw Tohno: i haven't forgotten that challenge you gave me last year; i'm dinkin' on it slowly but surely

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a'ight ZBrock, i gotcha faded. linkage for BBTABS will be available later on. as for you, Drama: looky here dammit. you see i don't try to throw out half-ass'd work, right? so breathe sucka. you should take my ribbin' as a compliment, since that's its intention. just means you gave me a mission i refuse to give up on, a'ight? now, go back in the corner, before i brain you.

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as for you, Drama:

looky here dammit. you see i don't try to throw out half-ass'd work, right? so breathe sucka. you should take my ribbin' as a compliment, since that's its intention. just means you gave me a mission i refuse to give up on, a'ight?

now, go back in the corner, before i brain you.

Okay, I'm not trying to start an argument anyways.
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1---2---1---3---4-4-3---2---2----------------------------------------------------------------2--2---3-4-------6-7----7-7-7b-----------------------------------------------575357530--0---2-2-3-4-6-6-57-8-9-a-------------------------------------------------- Guess what this goes to

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ok, so this next showcase doesn't really fit in the BGM category, but i had to grind these next jointz out for 1 of my boyz. well, actually, he only ask'd for 1 thing, but becuz of how my mental flies at times while kreatin'/kuttin', i ended up doin' more than that.

my boi OutLaw ask'd me to kut him a ringtone of the Knights' Oath that's said on the klassic 90's action cartoon, "King Arthur & The Knights Of Justice" [for those that don't know, then search it on youtube, then prepare for epicness! xD], then send it to him. thru about 4 hours of grindin', multiple brain lightbulbs, 7-10 different video files, & umpteen audio splits/kuts, the followin' jointz were still standin' 1ce the dust settled.

anywho, let the showcase commence:

King Arthur & The Knights Of Justice Oath



King Arthur & The Knights Of Justice Oath (Epic) [Alpyne D Edition]



King Arthur & The Knights Of Justice Oath ReVamp'd [Alpyne D Edition]



King Arthur & The Knights Of Justice Transformation Theme



King Arthur & The Knights Of Justice Transformation Theme (Build-Up) [Alpyne D Edition]



now even tho this is nowhere near the 1st time i've done kustom-kut ringtones for myself or others [like this "Tranzor Z" theme i had to kut for my boi Sinister. he waited thru 1 year & 2 phones before he was able to save/use it, but he was so glad when he finally could!], i didn't think of sharin' them with you all before, tho that's due to me & my worried brain of bad impression that i had before, & i just felt that this is now the time to share a little somethin' else of myself.

btw: for any 1 that want the actual tone form if these jointz, or other themselves for their cell phone, pm me the number you want me to send the tone(s) to, & i'll knock it out as soon as possible.

hope y'all enjoy dem shitz. :goodmood:

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ok, i'm drawin' a total _____ right now DBS, so please tell me what tha clusterphukk is that Sugar Honey Iced Tea above?!

btw: nice bgm display, tho i'm not really feelin' "Kick'd In The Teeth" so much. still tho, nice showcase bruh.

I found my old flash pin & found some codes to Punk-O-Matic

An old flash game I played when I was younger.

K.I.T wasn't capturing the mood I wanted so I changed it.


(What I used before "Receive & Bite You)


(What I'm thinkin about usin now)

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ok, so tha next 2 jointz sprouted from the same concept, in a sense. however tho, there's 2 different tales here: the 1st 1 you might've heard already, dependin' on whether you've seen the vid it was kreated for [klick >>here<< dweebs] or not; the 2nd is the origin of the 1st 1, & was kreated for a vid as well [same concept, remember? :p]. i grinded my ass off to kut that joint as best as i could, since it was the 1st time i had ever kut a joint together with a mix-type style. but alas, it was never released, which is a phukkin' shame, due to the vid it was kreated for not bein' made, & i'm admittedly still a bit bitter about that 1, it should've been don.....

*takes a breath*


kreator's rage.

my bad.

movin' on. i decided to display the jointz here for my people here, in hopes that y'all enjoy the outcomes of the finish'd products.

anywho, on with the showcase y'all:

GFFA Tribute [Alpyne D Edition]



GFFA Tribute [unreleased]



feedback is desired here, whether it be by word or by download, & thanx in advance for the support. enjoy dem shitz y'all :bath:

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hot damn, i liked the begining to the tribute. but i LOVED the entire Unreleased Tribute, definately some hardcore stuff there. the nostalgic intro to the epic beat, nices transition and the overall beat and pace of the song is great. I prefer your actual Kuts, then your kuts with older "16bit" games.

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i know you do Ry, you're just rock-wired that way, tha same way i'm old-skool arcade bgm/16-bit bgm-wired, lol. it can't be help'd :awesome:truestory: well Ry, the original 1 still needs a vid to side with, so gather the gaming footage from folks that you need in order to make that vid come to light. it'd be a shame if 2 week's worth of grindin' & kuttin' went to waste, don'tcha think?

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  • 1 month later...

ok, so this is another joint i just kut today. even tho it's a song & not a bgm, i kut it mainly to warm myself back up to tha frame of mind i'm gonna need to be in to start kuttin' BGMs again after this recent hiatus i took [half-needed, half-unavoidable], but also cuz this was a fun 1 to do, & i've been meanin' to do this 1 for awhile now. i'll be gettin' this show back on tha road soon, & my humblest apologies for the delay y'all. :bow:

anywho, here goes it:

Auto Tune [Alpz Kut]



linkage to tha original joint by B.o.B

see y'all again soon, enjoy dem shitz.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok, so awhile back, around last August sometime, Bruce requested AirMan's theme from me. so me, bein' the over-thinker/do-er that i oft-times am, figured i'd do somethin' a lil' xtra for my boi. so i went & roam'd around a bit, kollected & rip'd serveral different versions of AirMan's theme, did some quick kuts to tha 1s i deem'd worthy, then kreated a pack of'em. i just recently look'd at it again & tha shitty rush'd job i did [which i'm not too proud of, but meh, it happens], but also saw some room for much-needed tweaks, & some additions that could be made as well, so i grinded out & re-kreated another pack with new kuts & tweaks put in. it's nothin' too fancy, but i still couldn't let it be so.....droll.

anywho, here's a couple of jointz from the set:

AirMan RiffJam [Alpz Kustom Kut Edition]


AirMan: Tha Hip-Hop ReMix [via colvin900]


AirMan Theme Pack Linkage

enjoy dem shitz :bath:

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