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2015: The Return Of Ky


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I don't usually take request, but I'll make an exception just this once. Whatcha have in mind?


HOWEVER! I don't do 3D characters or characters that have messed up pals... they're really hard to work with.

I agree with you. Sometimes 3D characters have so many colors and they are messed up all over the place and some characters have colors that are mixed in with other colors and I am like no. Too much and I am with you on this Squirtle.

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ah hell Ky, u cant stop because i do, & im not going to stop doing pals all together, but im only going to do chars that have CSPatches  & no longer do request ... i feel horrible, since so many depend on me for doing request alot of other pal makers wouldnt touch , bt im not in a good place mentally to create so im going to back off it a while & no it definitely was not you , it was someone else who when they first started a few months back, wasn't very good at all, & now its like WOW , i cant compete with that , plus the mugen universe is saturated with pal artist , so it will survive without me 

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Don't say that, man. Your pals have so much variety. Nobody makes palettes like you do.


Also, not all people develop skills at doing things at the same rate. So what, he's a fast learner. You may not be as fast as him, but you can still develop your skill more by practicing with it some more. You just need more practice, that's all.

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i mean im not trying to be like , oh they're better than me ,so im taking my ball & going home, far from that, it just seems like the winds of palette making are going in the direction of that persons style & its just not what im into ,but it seems to be what everyone is into  & thank u very much for the compliments Tony , it means a lot......sorry for throwing off your Pal thread Ky my bad bro 

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O no, no its all good, buddy! you guys can do whatever you want to my thread, except post porn... thats why I refuse to make a site of my own (besides the one I have now for hosting my creations), cause thats all people do is post that shit... I'm not saying I like or don't like it, but c'mon, have some respect!


Besides, everyone has their own unique style. Your a damn beast at custom palette making and I'm a damn beast at making source game palettes.


This might come off a bit awkward but, I'm a huge John Cena fan and I'm hoping this speech will give you the courage and drive to continue, cause this has helped me out alot:


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that is VERY true, u do amazing accurate game pals, & thanks for the video, it helped lol , i think what i need to do is almost completely kill the request part for a while & just do the pals  i want to make ,not get bogged down with 10 request a day, & im going to look at some tuts on how to make color sep patches & make some of my own for the community 

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