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2015: The Return Of Ky


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I think it's a because the texture of the dark color is really good wait I think Both :)) Nice job Squirtle


i like the shading better on B  especially the skin tone , both are excellent though 

Thanks friends, I too, personally, like B better than A cause of the skin tone. Don't get me wrong, A is good too, but when I look at it, just feels... off

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Super Smash Bros. 4 styled palettes for Zero Suit Samus by chuchoryu + small portrait as an extra bonus






Very Cool, hopefully by the time my net resets Oni will be released as well so i can do a two fer release 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am so sorry for your loss. I wish to be your friend Squirtle, and sometimes if I lost someone dear to me, I would feel the same way and take a break from life and spend time with personal matters such as family and most important situations such as yours. Also, if you have a request for me, please let me know. I have four request spots left open, and yes, I am here for you Squirtle or Ky.

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Thank you very much. Your post means a great deal to me and of course we can be friends! I'm an easy going person until rub the wrong way, but hey, that's like with any person. My dad is in a better place, he isn't suffering anymore,  even tho, I believe it was the doctors that killed him. They went way too strong on the Kemo. Its hard to believe that this week coming it'll be 5 months since he passed. Somedays are fine and others aren't. But, my family and I are doing alright.


Also, to clarify any confusion, you can call me Ky or Squirtle, were the same person. Some prefer calling me Squirtle, so they can joke around with me "Squirtle, I choose you!" and others call me by my real life name, which is Ky. 

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Ky, is a cool name. Mine is Mikayla, but you can call me Miki for short. Also, have you played Dynasty Warriors 8, sorry for asking and yeah. I love all characters in that game and if you checked out my profile here, I am role-playing as Wang Yuanji, and I know she is wife to Sima Zhao but I have a crush on Wen Yang. If you are wondering who he is, he is in my profile.


Also, my deepest condolences are always to your family because I care about everyone and I never want to lose anyone, I love all people, but if you treat me badly or talk about me in a wrong way, I will never love you or treat you the same way. If you need anyone to talk to, you can always talk to your MFFA friends and I am one of them Ky or Squirtle, Squirtle is so cute (off topic again, lol)! Just remember, I love you all and all my mugen friends here, other mugen sites, and "Master Wen Yang" <3

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use the CSP my freind it makes things so much better lol, i almost went with the blueish metal two when i did it, but i wasnt sure if that was effect or if it was the actual color, this is a Great palette man 

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Thank you very much friend! I'll use the CS patch that you supplied in your thread! :)


defiantly should man, it makes paletting so much more fun, im doing a brand new set of Bison pals as we type lol 

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