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Greetings duralminn,


I've never seen you around before but seeing you only registered today, I guess that's only normal. =P


Truth be told I was surprised to see you made over 20 posts in one day. Now I see that's because of all the videos you posted and believe it or not but I watched every single one of them. They're entertaining to watch and you've got skill, especially with MC'Chris, which makes your battles even more exciting.


Anyway, you might consider posting a introduction in the "INTRODUCTIONS" thread in which you can tell us a bit about yourself but also why you joined here among other things you'd like to share with us.


Oh and remember, if you've got any questions about how we do things here, feel free to ask anyone.

Though seeing you've made some friends already, I guess you already have some people to turn to, for which I'm happy.  :goodmood: 


I guess all that's left for me to say is : "Welcome to Mugen Free For All, I hope you'll enjoy your stay!'.   :bye:


P.S. I saw you were wondering in one of your videos where Another Blood originates from. I'll gladly provide you with an answer : she comes from a game called "Nitro Royale : Heroines Duel" and you can check out our collection dedicated to that game here : 

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Greetings duralminn,


I've never seen you around before but seeing you only registered today, I guess that's only normal. =P


Truth be told I was surprised to see you made over 20 posts in one day. Now I see that's because of all the videos you posted and believe it or not but I watched every single one of them. They're entertaining to watch and you've got skill, especially with MC'Chris, which makes your battles even more exciting.


Anyway, you might consider posting a introduction in the "INTRODUCTIONS" thread in which you can tell us a bit about yourself but also why you joined here among other things you'd like to share with us.


Oh and remember, if you've got any questions about how we do things here, feel free to ask anyone.

Though seeing you've made some friends already, I guess you already have some people to turn to, for which I'm happy.  :goodmood: 


I guess all that's left for me to say is : "Welcome to Mugen Free For All, I hope you'll enjoy your stay!'.   :bye:


P.S. I saw you were wondering in one of your videos where Another Blood originates from. I'll gladly provide you with an answer : she comes from a game called "Nitro Royale : Heroines Duel" and you can check out our collection dedicated to that game here : 


Oh I'm so happy for greeting!! :D


Thanks for good advices and tips..!!

It seems MFFA people is much kind and nice than South Korean mugen forums' people..!


And I 'll visit 'INTRODUCTION' thread!!



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Nanaya Shiki(player) vs Slayer(cpu)







This nanaya is quite differ from original..

It treats more attacks, and move.

I think it is interesting for player

If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
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MC'Chris(player) vs Mithra(cpu)







Mithra is last boss in my mugen now.


* I recorded another video from bosses rush... :)

If you want to know what BGM I used from my videos, check here!
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MC'Chris combo MV





I made a brief combo video with MC'Chris.
I used Vega pro, Flash for making this movie.
All combos are look little similar, but they have some gap.. :hmm:
MC'Chris doesn't have such many attacks, but by transforming
orochi mode, he has more attacks and skills.
* MC'Chris also can transform into Mizuchi, Orochi(kor97)
but I didn't use that. They are powerful, but have less combo..
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