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K-Cool (Or K' with Ice Powers) by jjong1917


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Since someone pretty much wondered if there's a K' with Ice Powers.. well, here's one right here.




[Preview Vid]



Don't let the title fool you. It's actually K-cool, not "K Ice".


(Haven't tested him out yet, but from a small look at a preview vid, seems like he's pretty much K' if he controls Ice).


Grab him right here.

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I figured from the moment I saw this topic that it was too much of a coincidence that Sham asked about a K' with ice powers in Duck's Sweet Fire topic and that you seemingly suddenly decided to share this particular edit. XD

Good job Zem!

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Well originally, I was gonna answer to Sham "Yes, there is a K' with Ice powers" and just give him the link from there. But then I thought "..Actually, there's a 'SNK edits' section in MFFA, so why not just share with everybody if anyone's curious?", so I pretty much thought I share.


It's just a little "break" for me though, before I go back to testing chars or something. I might consider sharing more if I find creations that are not "listed" in this warehouse.

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