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Dragon Ball XenoVerse


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I honestly believe it's a new DBZ OC because if it were to be a "create-a" character, there's no way they would go out of their way to make official game art for him.


And if by unoriginal you mean that he looks like a combination of Future Sword Trunks (Outfit), Piccolo (Cape), Pikkon (Red hair) and a Saiyan (scouter), then I agree.

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  • 3 months later...

Fuh, it's been a long time this thread has not active. Well, I hope I can get this thread live back, LOL. Because right now, I am really really satisfied and happy with this new Dragon Ball game. What I really want to see happen in DB game before this has happen (some of it) in this new games! Let start it :-


1) Created your own character

- The mysterious unknown red hair character in this game has been confirm as a create character. This create character will be a protagonist for this game exclusive storyline. Easy say, this time..You are gonna be a hero in DB story instead of Goku.


Some of the example of create characters. Create a character whatever style you want and be the new hero saving the universe.


2) An original storyline exclusive to the game

- It has been confirm this Dragon Ball Xenoverse will have an entirely new storyline. A world/universe of Dragon Ball has been disturbed by an evil force, making the DB universe are in great peril, which most of the event that has happen in DB universe before are in twisted/alternate now. Heroes are die, the timeline in DB universe has been torn apart.


3) A new characters! (Well, only one actually)


Towa and Miira, a villains from the Dragon Ball Online has make a debut as a first time in DB fighting game. Both of them take the role of the main antagonists for this DB Xenoverse. This husband and wife couple are the one that will bring a despair in DB universe by altering the reality of DB universe.



Supreme Kai of Time. An entirely new characters never been seen before in DB history. Another Kai's, the one who protect the flow of time and must make sure the time goes as it should be by stopping the evil Towa and Miira from alter it.


4) 1 vs 1 mode return and the camera is the same as Naruto Storm series

- One of the biggest thing I like about this game. Haha, we don't need that stupid splitscreen anymore. Now we can enjoy playing this game on 1 vs 1 match with our brother/friends in one system with nice view of it.

An example of 1 vs 1 mode. NOTE : ONLY 1 vs 1 mode will use this type of camera. For ONLINE MULTIPLAYER and STORY MODE, the type of camera will be a 3rd person view. Easy say, online multiplayer and story mode will have lock on while offline 1 vs 1 mode doesn't have to need a lock on.


5) A RUMOR that has a BIG CHANCE to happen. (or maybe not too...)

- The beta has been released on Japan right now and of course, some of a few genius people has hack the demo and found out a tons of move of the non-confirm characters for the create character to use. So this might be that this non-confirm characters has a chance to appear in this game. Some of the move, was confirm belong to (just to name a few) Kid Goku, Oozaru, Para-Para Brothers and Jaco the Patrolman.

- Jaco the Patrolman is a character from a new manga by Akira Toriyama. We might get him in this DB Xenoverse game as a guest character.

- The return of GT CHARACTERS in Dragon Ball video games!!! While hacking the demo, our genius friends here found a few characters name in the demo and that was - Broly, Omega Shenron, Super 17 and Beerus. I have no doubt both Broly and Beerus are gonna be in this game since Broly is pretty much a DB iconic characters while Beerus is a new character that fans love now, but the Omega Shenron and Super 17 name really make many people happy as this might be the clue that GT characters will be include in this game. Beside, one of the costume for the create characters are GT Goku costume, the costume name even has a GT letter on it. And the Para-Para Brothers, also a GT characters, has a move that can be add for the create characters.

- AGAIN, THIS PART IS JUST A RUMOR since this info was a hacking info from the BETA VERSION of the game. The game is not finished yet so we don't know this info is legit or not. But the possibility to happen is quite high because this game was made by DIMPS, the one who made Budokai 3 and Infinite World, which has a GT content on it. Plus, the story of this DB game is about timeline, hence the universe itself so we can have a two separate universe in this game, a Z and GT universe. They can make GT universe is one of 12th universe exist in DB franchise.


Lastly, to end this, here the new trailer for this game :bye:

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DragonBall Xenoverse definitely isn't the first DBZ game to feature a new storyline or one in which you can participate yourself using a custom character (looking at the Shin Budokai series for the first and Ultimate Tenkaichi's Hero Mode for the latter).


I've been following this game over the past few months by watching trailers and news updates and as far as I know, isn't the "new" story just a set-up for you to fight all the main battles in the DBZ storyline with your own character? In that case the only difference with the majority of DBZ games is your ability to fight said battles we've already fought a million times with your own character instead of a canonical Z fighter.

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Win, your statement was semi-true. Ultimate Tenkaichi has a create character and participate in the game but the story mode for it are just some story which is just a battle with the DBZ cast, while this DB Xenoverse, the create character - which easy say is us, are summoned by Shenron by Future Trunks request to help him and Supreme Kai of Time to stop both Towa and Miira from destroying the flow of time. The story of DB universe we know will be different, you said you follow the progress of this games, then you should know and see the different, some of the event show that Raditz and Cell has won the fight against Z fighters, thus changing the DB history completely. Easy say, it kinda similar/sort of element like the reboot timeline of Mortal Kombat 9 and X-Men Days of Future Past movie. So, it still has an actual storyline rather than Ultimate Tenkaichi Hero Mode, not some random scene of dream battle for our create character fight with DB cast. Beside, Towa and Miira are from Dragon Ball Online game, a game which also Akira Toriyama has involved in it. Many fans claim that Dragon Ball Online was the true canon sequel for DBZ rather than GT.

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I kind of want them to bring in characters and Transformations from GT and For Vegeta and Broly's SSJ3 forms to be an actual Transformation and not a separate character. Also we could have dialogue between Characters like SSJG Goku vs. any SSJ4 character Also SSJ4 Broly God damn it! Say what you want about GT but it had a lot of good ideas. It just needs a Manga rewrite. Also I want to see DB era characters fight like Kid Goku, Kid Krillin, Roshi, Android 8 King Piccolo and the Crane Hermit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

More news update!!! After the revealed of Super Saiyan 4 Goku, now SUPER SAIYAN 4 VEGETA has been confirm for this game!!!


However...sadly it was a pre-order exclusive..mean you need to pre-order this game to get Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta. Of course he might be released as a DLC in the future like Battle of Z did with Super Saiyan Bardock, Vegito and Sage Goku.



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Maybe later in the future once I see reviews or opinions from fans who have played the game, then I'll pick it up.


Also I'm not really into creating my own DBZ characters but I'm really into "What If" that they did with raging blast so I hope they do that again. For now the only thing I'm hype up for that's DBZ related is Battle of Gods 2 or any interview with Akira.

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For now the only thing I'm hype up for that's DBZ related is Battle of Gods 2 or any interview with Akira.

Well next year gonna have a new DBZ movie but not Battle of Gods 2. The new movie will feature a completely new storyline and a new character design by Akira himself. Although Akira does confirm that the upcoming movie event will take place after Battle of Gods event and the story is actually meant for the original manga after Majin Buu saga.

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Can't say I can imagine Xenoverse for PC to be a good port, mainly due to what the controls could be for such a complicated DBZ game that is clearly made for consoles primarily.


Heck I believe that DBZ only has a few other games for PC, the rest being for consoles, and those PC games we did get weren't all that amazing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can't say I can imagine Xenoverse for PC to be a good port, mainly due to what the controls could be for such a complicated DBZ game that is clearly made for consoles primarily.


Heck I believe that DBZ only has a few other games for PC, the rest being for consoles, and those PC games we did get weren't all that amazing.

WE PC gamers do use controllers you know.

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BEERUS and WHIS has been confirm! Also, JACO the Patrolman (he is the character from Akira Toriyama comedy manga, which was the prequel for the Dragon Ball manga) will be a download code character alongside MASTER ROSHI.




Also confirm Oozaru Vegeta as the boss for the story mode. (Giant characters might not be playable)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shit where do I begin, Im pretty sure this is going to be Raging blast format, which is a simplistic version of BT and may have distance calibration of UT, but that would suck dick lol. IMO budakai 3  was the superior format and should be the base for all DBZ fighters. Every single character in the game was custom and leveled on my memory card. They should add the ability stacking concept from the RB series to make transformering worth a fuck. This has been the biggest scam Namco Bandai runs is their "huge roster" thats just counting each transformation into a individual character. Make super saiyan relevant again. If your a fan of DBZ you know the fights are fast paced and parry/block heavy, so include a perry system that makes since and I know it sounds crazy but this would be perfect for the total strike control mechanics from UFC and Fight Night systems. Hear me out now, DBZ is a slugfest, where the characters beat the shit out of each other until one cant defend themselves any longer. Ribs,legs, and everything elses gets broken however, this takes time to happen so why not have that option. Hell I could go on and on about how to perfect the fight system, so moving on. Specials are fine the way they are, but Ultimate moves should take a degree of difficulty to pull off instead of power up-launch move-heavy smash downed opponent - repeat. If you have to have true 3d movement, then throw in that Naruto UNS camera system because split screen is fucking lame in fighters.

As for the story,I could care less because it ain't canon and if their is difference its always dumb like zarbon defeats freiza. Bardock meets and defeats goku, Cell absorbs krillin. They have the seeds for a great story, make one in one of the other universes that Beerus mentioned in the canon movie battle of gods. Hell this could mean that any movie can be canon because their may be alternate gokus in each one who are depicted in the movies. 

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Every single character in the game was custom and leveled.


huge roster thats just counting each transformation into a individual character.  


throw in that Naruto UNS camera system because split screen is fucking lame in fighters.

Hm..are you following this game progress? Did you watch the livestream yet? Because the thing you trying to say now it is happen in this Xenoverse bro.


This Xenoverse was being made by DIMPS, the one who make that Budokai game.

- Yes, character can be customized and level including our create characters.

- Transfromation is not count as a individual character. It still the same like the previous DIMPS DBZ game, transformation is like in Budokai.

- Yes, NO SPLIT SCREEN anymore. It has confirm the camera for this game is same like Naruto Storm series.

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So its smilier to ultimate tenkaichi camera just without splitscreen interesting... :hmm:

No, no. Like I said Naruto Storm camera style. Local 1vs1 will be like how you play Naruto Storm series games, the camera that utilize full 3D movement with no split screen. For online mode, the camera will switch to 3rd person view.


Here check this vid about the camera use for local and online mode.

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No, no. Like I said Naruto Storm camera style. Local 1vs1 will be like how you play Naruto Storm series games, the camera that utilize full 3D movement with no split screen. For online mode, the camera will switch to 3rd person view.


Here check this vid about the camera use for local and online mode.

I seen some footage of the game, but lost interest due to its similarity to BoZ(That game Blowed son). The way the attack options come up remind me of the capsule system where you do a specific combo and follow up with a super. You got any info on the combat system Sham?

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I seen some footage of the game, but lost interest due to its similarity to BoZ(That game Blowed son). The way the attack options come up remind me of the capsule system where you do a specific combo and follow up with a super. You got any info on the combat system Sham?

You can watch that livestream video, it's a bit long, about 1 hour but it's good. You can see the combo system, how they pull of. It really depth, not a button mashing triangle over and over. You can see he open the movelist on that vid and show some combo command. The player for this livestream is a people on the Bandai Namco, so he know how to pull a combo, not like the rest of gameplay vid we see at youtube now coz that people are just random normal people playing the beta.


About the BOZ likeness, I know what you mean. It was the online mode and single player story mode. This two mode will use 3rd person view and it's okay for me coz for that we just play by ourself, only one player. But if you play the 1vs1 offline/local mode, the camera is like Naruto Storm series, so yea no more split screen. You can play with your friends on the same console with one screen only.


For transformation, example Goku - Kaioken, SSJ, SSJ2 and SSJ3 will be a transformation for base Goku. We need to customize which version of this form we want for Goku to transform. For SSJ4 Goku, this I believe will be a separate character since SSJ4 Goku are not the Z Goku, it was GT Goku so SSJ4 Goku is a separate character. Maybe also for SSJGod Goku. SSJGod Goku may also a separate character since Goku not transform to that form by his own. Easy say, we just gonna have 3 Goku. One, Goku that can transform to SSJ-SSJ3. Second, SSJ4 Goku and the third was a SSJGod Goku. If you ask me, it is make sense to do SSJ4 and God form of Goku as a single character since Goku not actually transform to this form by using his own power (SSJ4 was from GT so the DBZ Goku not transform to this form and God form, Goku need to absorbed others Saiyans power to achieved it)

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