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Dragon Ball XenoVerse


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Stole this one from MFG, since I have a feeling half of the members (or probably majority) in this forum are into Dragon Ball Z.




Here are some Screens:



Yep, another DBZ Fighting game from Namco Bandai has been confirmed for the PS4, as well as PS3 and XB360. Will this be good? Let's hope so.


P.S: Judging from the 1st screenshot, Create a character is confirmed, I think.

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Is this official??? Judge from the screenshot, it looks good. Hm...for both PS4 and PS3? If the graphic just only a tiny different between this two gen like the rest of the game which have for both platform, I might getting it on PS3. BTW, who the hell is the guy on the first image? He's wearing Trunks outfit, yet with scarf and red Super Saiyan hair?


No for XBOne?

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The guy in the first shot is probably a created character.

Yea, I see. A created character. That third image, kinda original to me. I don't think we seen that house, temple or whatever it is in Dragon Ball universe so far...right? It will be nice if we get an exclusive original story/saga in Dragon Ball games. Look at Naruto and One Piece, when it comes to video game, sometimes they created a new original characters and story for the games, and mostly it created by the creator of the manga itself. In Dragon Ball games, what we got so far are only What-if characters, and most of it are only the Saiyans characters who in manga/anime could not achieve higher form (example like Broly SSJ3, Vegeta SSJ3, Vegito SSJ3 and Gogeta SSJ3). A completely new original characters and story will be good for Dragon Ball games, so that we can have a new experience and fun playing it rather than just play the same story which we already and always know the outcome of it.

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A completely new original characters and story will be good for Dragon Ball games, so that we can have a new experience and fun playing it rather than just play the same story which we already and always know the outcome of it.


To that statement of yours, I say : YES!


I love Dragon Ball Z as it was the very first anime I've ever watched. I like the characters, powers, story, fighting and universe but dear Lord, I've become weary of the games always re-telling the same story (mostly from Saiyan saga to Majin Buu saga + some movies every now and again) but with different graphics or slightly varying gameplay mechanics.


I wish the game developers would travel the road of the Shin Budokai games some more, which either expanded greatly on certain events of the anime making it a new story mode all together (like the first one) or adapt a new variation on the lore of DBZ like they did in the second game with Majin Buu appearing in Trunks' future time-line. Personally I'd want to see them to either of those or, as you said, invent a brand new story with brand new characters (may be optional for me) only for the games.


Anything is better than playing through the same story (you're better off watching it) we've all played or seen getting played through countless times already.

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Dude, those are somewhat available at the dbz bt series on the what-if part. Every bt has it.

Okay, I explain more detail. What I'm saying is an Original story and Original characters. Not WHAT-if. What-if is just an alternate twisted story of Dragon Ball we already seen with the same existing characters from Dragon Ball. We need a total new characters, so that we can have a total new storyline exclusive in game. I give example like One Piece Unlimited series, pretty much each installment has an original characters and story. Same also like the upcoming Naruto Storm Revolution games where Masashi Kishimoto himself created Mecha-Naruto and also an origins story for Akatsuki, the life before the members has joined together. That is what we lack in Dragon Ball games. The only games that is close to it was Dragon Ball Heroes, it has some original characters like Adult/GT Gotenks, Baby Janemba, Kid Buu absorbed Kibito Kai, and Super 17 absorbed Cell, but in terms of story, Dragon Ball Heroes story is still like a What-if story. Easy say, an original story/characters of Dragon Ball like a fan-made, example like Xicor, Iced, Aladdjinn and Rigor. That kind of stuff, a completely new storyline will be nice for Dragon Ball games since we don't know now yet either Dragon Ball story will be continue after Battle of Gods or it will end up at that point...if yes, that good because they can add new material for the future game but if it not, Gods know how many more of the Dragon Ball games they will keep milking and twisted the same storyline over and over.

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Stop stealing my posts. >:[


Nah I really don't care. Yeah, I actually have an account here, posting this one time before I forget to log in for about 2-3 months.

Please be more like Budokai. Not big on creating characters for these type of games, but I'll change my tune if they allow for female saiyans.

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Please be more like Budokai.

Hope so. As much as I enjoy with Tenkaichi and Raging Blast style, I'm not really like the split screen when doing vs mode on the same console. It kinda ruined the fun to me. I want it to be like Burst Limit back. If they still want to use the 3rd person view style, I hope they done like Naruto Storm game because Naruto Storm game using a 3rd person view with no split screen.

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Stop stealing my posts. >:[


Nah I really don't care. Yeah, I actually have an account here, posting this one time before I forget to log in for about 2-3 months.

Please be more like Budokai. Not big on creating characters for these type of games, but I'll change my tune if they allow for female saiyans.

Huh.. I did not notice you're actually here. Umm.. Hi?


Anyway, I'm still not expecting much for this game. It's either going to be same old story line (re-living the same story for idk how many years, with a couple of what ifs) with probably more gameplay that makes the game all cinematic (I think Raging Blast tried to do that).


I want this to either be like Budokai, or at least a new twist in gameplay... or if I'm wishing for more, but could be on deaf ears: A return to the Butoden-style of gameplay (Or Hyper Dimension).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a small update/a new screenshot that appeared. It's a scan from a gaming magazine that pretty much has most of the screenshots that are on the site... except:




As expected, this game will also cover the Buu saga. Any thoughts?

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Any thoughts?

Well...of course not surprised coz we already can predict that Majin Buu saga will in it too. I was hoping for more movie event that hasn't been in DBZ game so far like Bio-Broly, Aka, Chilled, Hatchiyack (Hatchiyack does playable in Raging Blast 2 but not his proper story mode since that game doesn't have story mode) or any filler event like the Outerworld Tournament saga...and yea I want to see some GT event back. Budokai 3, Tenkaichi 3, Infinite World and Dragon Ball Heroes have a GT content and is good, prove that GT can be accepted well when it come to video game. And of course, like I said before..an original story event exclusive in game if they can do it.


I don't know, even though I'm a fan of DBZ, their game doesn't excite me anymore after Raging Blast series, because all the title that came after that was really kinda bad (which make me hope this new DBZ game will be good back as it should be). Right now the only anime game that excite me was Naruto Storm Revolution and One Piece Unlimited World Red. When the gameplay trailer of this new DBZ game has been announced, after that I can judge whether this game can excite me or not.

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Well Sham, you said you wanted a exclusive new story, you got your wish.. Kind of. (From what it looks like in the trailer, it's a re-telling of the whole story, with somewhat of a twist).

The gameplay though, idk what it's aiming for (new gameplay, or something akin to Tenkaichi/Raging Blast), but it looks pretty interesting.


Edit: Came across this vid while finding out more about Dragon Ball Xenoverse:




It seems simplified, but a bit more fast-paced.


Also, Idk if this is either going to get people hopes up or not, but the guys who are developing DB Xenoverse is a company called Dimps; same company who were in charge of the Budokai games.

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Okay, so far that is nice. I like the gameplay system, kinda an improve version of Tenkaichi/Raging Blast style. I like how on the ground you can run and in the water you actually swim rather than fly, however I have a feeling this will still have a split screen when play on VS mode. Also the lock-on, I hope it has an option to ON/OFF the lock-on display, I don't really like having a something circle on the characters body, kinda ruined it.

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During E3 2014 there is a demo of the new Dragon Ball Z game Dragon Ball Xenoverse. Bandai Namco has noted on a few new details, read them below.
- You can cancel special moves.
- There is dialogue during the fight and will have voice acting.
- Tenshinhan and other minor characters confirmed.
- Characters show facial expressions when striking an opponent or taking damage.
- Demo ended showing the new futuristic city with the new fighter wearing the Capsule Corp. jacket.
- The new fighter and new area is key to the story.
- Footage was very early in-game gameplay. I can’t emphasize “early” enough; and it still looked quite good.
- We saw three fights: Goku vs. Freeza, Cell, and Buu.
- There will be destructible environments. We’re told that the developers (Dimps) are aiming for full destruction; basically what you would see in the TV shows.
- “Big” character roster that will feature new characters.
- There is one “Mysterious” character that is a combination of various other Dragon Ball characters.
- Players can traverse the levels. Free-roaming in very large spaces. You can be fighting on a platform, go in the air, and then fight underwater.
- Real-time facial animations. This was actually quite impressive. Characters express emotions when hurt, injured, etc.
- Real-time transformations! Yes, you can go super saiyan mid-game. This also means that there won’t be separate characters for normal and super saiyan.
- Game is built on the Havok engine and is “new-gen first”; but will be a cross-gen release.
- Releases 2015.
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Yup, since this was made by Dimps, I have hope this DBZ game will be good. About the mysterious character, I also have read a bit about his info. Judging from the info that I seen so far, this mysterious character is seem like an official original character for the game, not a create character. Also, judge by the name of this game "Dragon Ball Xenoverse", which sound like "Multiverse" and no "Z" title on it, maybe they also aim for the all 3 era of Dragon Ball universe - DB, DBZ and GT. Again because this was made by Dimps, the one who made the Budokai series and Infinite World, we might see it happen. I really want to play as SSJ4 back in the game.

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Found the character art for this game, so far only Goku and the mysterious guy only






Mysterious character


I really hope this mysterious character is a create-character. I don't know...reading the info about it, it look like this mysterious guy is kinda like original character, doesn't seem like a create-character from it info. As much as I want an original character, c'mon I'm sure you guys also agree that this mysterious character look so wacky and horrible to be an original character for DBZ. If this was an original character, whoever create this, even it was Akira Toriyama himself, they really out of idea to create a character...

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