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Wanted : Fellow Hearthstone Players


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Greetings fellow MFFA'ers,


Since a few months ago, thanks to a great deal of videos I have seen about it, I've been playing a game known as Hearthstone.


Now Hearthstone is a CCG or in other words, a Collectible Card Game based on the World of Warcraft universe created by Blizzard Entertainment. You can download and find more about it here : http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/


It is a Free-to-Play game but you have the option of using real money for two things :


1) To speed up your progress by buying a lot of card packs to make your card collection bigger faster


2) To purchase a Arena Ticket (more on that later)


However it is perfectly possible to play and enjoy Hearthstone without paying anything as you can earn in-game gold by completing various flexible daily challenges you get. With this gold you can do the same things as you can with real money : buy card packs and purchase Arena tickets.


This is the list of current Game Modes you can participate in :



1. Tutorial


The tutorial is the initial experience designed to introduce players to Hearthstone. It is composed of six 'missions', battles against special computer heroes, and must be completed before the player can play Hearthstone proper. The gameplay during the tutorials is heavily directed and limited, featuring special dialogue and instructions. The tutorial is not a regular game mode, as it can only be played once.


2. Practice Mode


Practice mode allows players to do battle against a selection of computer opponents. Players can choose which class to play against, as well as one of two difficulty settings: basic and expert. Each opponent and difficulty setting features its own deck.

Basic opponents offer players a chance to learn the basics of the game, explore a new class, or prepare for battle in Play mode. Expert opponents offer a stiffer challenge, giving players the chance to try their hand against decks featuring higher rarity cards and specific plays.

Players can unlock and level heroes in Practice mode, making it the ideal mode for exploring a new class and acquiring its basic cards. The choice of opponent also allows players to focus on problem classes.


3. Play Mode


Play mode matches players against other human players of similar skill, in random matches. Players can choose to play Casual 'friendly' games, or take part in Ranked play, earning ranks and special rewards to reflect their skill and standing within the community.

Play mode represents the standard mode of Hearthstone play. Play mode offers rewards in the form of the completion of daily quests, as well rewarding players with 10 gold for every 3 victories. Participation in Ranked play is also rewarded by earning special card backs and golden heroes.


4. Arena Mode


The Arena offers a unique challenge, with players forging a new deck from a random selection of cards before using it to do battle in a series of games. A successful run in Arena can offer substantial rewards, including gold, Arcane Dust and card packs, but can be costly and difficult to achieve. Access to the Arena is purchased with gold or real money.

Unlike other game modes, the Arena does not use a pre-made deck, but one that is assembled at the start of that Arena run. Upon entering the Arena the player is given a random selection of 3 classes to choose one. Once a class has been chosen, the player is provided with 30 selections of 3 possible cards, choosing one - and only one - from each selection, slowly building a full deck. Unlike other decks, which are limited to 2 of each card, decks made in Arena may feature any number of the same card. As in any game mode, the strength of the deck constructed is a large part of achieving victory, but Arena's randomised process offers players an additional challenge in anticipating the cards on offer.

Once a deck is constructed, the player is placed in a series of matched games using that deck, although the games do not have to be played all at once. Once the player has won 12 games, or lost 3, the Arena run is ended, and the player is offered a reward determined by their accomplishments that run. Players who do well can reap handsome rewards, but failing to achieve a good run can turn the Arena into an expensive gamble.


5. Duel Mode


Players can also choose to challenge players on their friends list to Duels. These are unranked matches which offer few rewards, save the satisfaction of crushing your friends in combat.

A player can challenge to a Duel any friend, who may choose to accept or decline the challenge. Players can choose which deck to use, although their opponent will be none the wiser until battle begins.



Keep in mind that more Game Modes are planned to be implemented in the game in the near future.


Considering I never was in WoW nor did I ever play a World of Warcraft game, the fact I greatly enjoy playing this game is quite noteworthy.


So whether you like WoW or not, I think it won't hurt you to try this game out. If you enjoy playing it, and you'd like to add me to your list of friends to duel against, let me know via PM or this thread (whatever you feel best with) and I'll gladly accept your request!


Finally, if you have any questions about Hearthstone, please do ask them in this thread and I'll be sure to answer them to the best of my abilities.

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