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Mugen Free For All

Show off any figures that you have


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Just a small "show and tell" thread that I feel like making. It's kind of simple; Just post pics of your figures in here (it can be posed as well, or even a figurine/statue if you like).


I'll go first, starting with a figma of Ein from Requiem for the Phantom:

(Warning, big pics coming up)


Pic 1:



Pic 2:



Pic 3:



Pic 4:



(Sorry if the pics look kind of blurry. Apparently my phone is not really the best when it comes  pics. :P )

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I have a good amount stashed away in my vault of storage. but heres one of my old favs 


This is from the CVS series...great stuff. a lot joints to move. parts to change. haha im sure LightFlare would dig it







i wish the company did a lot more of those characters. A terry Bogard, M bison and God Rugal would have been hot

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lol yeah its pretty damn cool. you can put him in a lot of positions. nice piece of work. trust me it was MONTHS to a year before i finally gave in to even but him in that pose you see there....damn cool figure to prop up some where chillin. I have the Shin Akuma one too from that series^^

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I have the Shin Akuma one too from that series^^

Lord DeMoNk@I

I came here to do more than say hi

For your Ryu figure is quite the thing to behold

Reading you say you have a Shin Akuma figure too makes me say the next thing quite bold

To you I am willing to bow

If you show that figure to me and the rest of MFFA now!

pretty please? ^_^

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lol I would but hes packed away in storage since i moved into this new place in 2012. i only kept a few figures with me since the place is way smaller than my last apt :(



but anyway its this version here i have....this from an image i just found so u can at least see how it looks




Im still THIRSTY to get that terry bogard by D-Art...great piece of work...that shit is like 55 bucks er so though in midtown comics i believe here in NY


Its this one here.....im over due having this. Best version out there for a collector to have


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So.. when did DemonKai took over this thread? :P


J/K. In all seriousness, I could possibly recommend you a site for that D-Arts Terry you wanted (Then again I'm planning to get him too. Just slightly bummed that it's not his MOTW outfit, but it's still good).

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well send that info. im curious what they talking on prices. i seen one before connected to a japanese site. If its cheaper than 50 thats a steal right there




But Yeah thats actually a hot idea for MOTW terry though^^ i wouldnt be surprised if that same guy behind that terry figure does that one too one day. thats a good gem there to have

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