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Greetings fellow MFFA'ers,


Today I'd like to share a hilarious little series of videos I've come across recently with you all. This series consists of various videos in which every individual one welcomes you to a new kind of community by using painfully true social satire while at the same time maintaining the effectiveness of a basic introduction to said online communities. These were all made by JelloApocalypse on Youtube and if you like this, feel free to check him out!


Episode 1 : Welcome To DeviantArt!





Episode 2 : Welcome to Facebook!





Episode 3 : Welcome to Youtube!





Episode 4 : Welcome to Twitter!





Episode 5 : Welcome to Tumblr!






Now just for fun, I'd like to know which community/communities you'd like to see featured in future installments of this series!

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I don't use (register/login/do stuff..etc.) all these five (5) social networking online providers.  At most, I only watch and read something that interests me at these web sites. 


And, does it mean some kind of alternative success for these five (5) social networking online providers, as they are being used in some "2nd-hand innovative re-creations"?

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And, does it mean some kind of alternative success for these five (5) social networking online providers, as they are being used in some "2nd-hand innovative re-creations"?


I don't quite understand the above statement. Could you please be more specific on what exactly your question is or elaborate more on it?

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I don't quite understand the above statement. Could you please be more specific on what exactly your question is or elaborate more on it?


Sorry, my English is not as good as my Chinese................I meant something roughly like this:


For example, Werewood's MUGEN stuff has been mocked and made fun of by someone in some YouTube videos.  His MUGEN stuff is infamous, yet at least some YouTube videos display his MUGEN stuff, that might serve as some free advertisement.  Better than nothing.  Some different kind of success.

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Well yes, in your case that's still some kind of advertisement. Like you said : it's better than nothing.


The communities which are made fun of in these videos are all great ones in their own right. It's just that like with everything else on the planet, you'll always find something to make fun of due to trends, certain behaviour or certain concepts. That does not necesarrily mean said communities are bad and that you should be scared or refrain from joining them. As long as you don't take part in things like feeding the trolls, let certain things get to you too much or in aforementioned cringeworthy behaviour, you'll be fine.


I myself have a DeviantArt and Youtube account and I follow people on Tumblr but while I do see people complaining a lot about Youtube (because of forced Google + integration), DeviantArt (because of certain groups and themed deviations) or Tumblr (because of people flaming you for whatever reason if you don't agree with them), I let nothing get to me because I know it's not worth it to fuel a useless flame, hence I use aforementioned communities sparingly (I only use my DA account for watching certain pieces of art, my YT account for watching videos and sending messages and I don't have a Tumblr account, instead I am contented with just following the people I like).


All in all, publicity is always publicity. Be it bad or good. Compare it to somebody giving a less than favourable review to a bad game : assuming thousands of people watch that reviewer's videos, every single one of them will be very likely to check out the store page of said game, giving it views and publicity (because of the video). It's up to the people themselves if they want to buy it or not or in this case join those communities according to their individual needs.


I'm not sure if this answers your question for if it is, I am sorry. :bow:

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