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Sonic Boom (Wii U & Nintendo 3DS)


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  • 9 months later...

Yeah thanks but unfortunitly i got to work during that time Plus I'm not in to CN Like I used too back in my High-School Times. so its cool. :-P



you don't have to be into CN you just watch it when u want, like me


i only watch when new things air. because i've pretty much seen everything they attempt to show all the time.


also youtube.

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you don't have to be into CN you just watch it when u want, like me


i only watch when new things air. because i've pretty much seen everything they attempt to show all the time.


also youtube.

Yeah that too..

But I'm also not as big of a sonic Fan as you are Neo_Fire_Sonic so i'm not going to comment much about the Game or cartoon series. :-P

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Ya I heard the Wii U version was terrible(shame too sense I was gonna get it) and the 3ds version was okay, but not worth 40$. Some people are even saying it is worse than Sonic 06....LOL


Everyone has been jizzin over the cartoon series though

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Sadly the two games and the cartoon are BAD, REALLY BAD! Mainly the games! The gameplay system is awful, the levels are repetitive and boring, the story is terrible and WTF is happening with Knuckles? Did he took some anabolic and being like that? And not only that, he acts so fu**** stupid!


Even though this is a spin-off, seriously, that's really a shame for Sonic! He and the others don't deserve this!

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Sonic Boom has a ton of amateur and bad level design, it's a step in the wrong direction. I'd prefer a Sonic Unleashed without the werehog levels or even an HD remake of Sonic Adventure anytime of the day or Boom.


There's also a rumor as to why Boom is so bad.

Basically BRB was forced by Sega to use CryEngine3 for the game despite the engine doesn't have support for the Wii U's architecture and it isn't suited for a platformer. A good chunk of the dev team left in the middle of trying to make the game work and Chris Senn (the lead level designer) was fired for reasons he can't legally disclose. BRB also wanted to make Sonic Boom into a gofast game but were forced to make it into a 3D Brawler like Pac-Man 3 so they were forced to make a game nothing like what they wanted to with little time and a engine that worked against them.

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eh the cartoon is great, not sure about the games but they are a step in the right direction BECAUSE they aren't shitty sonic 06 edits like the last few sonic games that recently came out.

In that point i agreed with you NFS. The cartoon is really better than the last Sonic games like Lost World, and also better than the games.

But idk, i just don't like them. I prefer this:



Aaahh, the good times.

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In that point i agreed with you NFS. The cartoon is really better than the last Sonic games like Lost World, and also better than the games.

But idk, i just don't like them. I prefer this:



Aaahh, the good times.



but you don't remember the "cliffhanger" though do you -.-

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