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A recent YT video about "Problems in the Mugen Community"


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A recent YT video about "Problems in the Mugen Community":



I am not going to say anything about the content in this YT video, except for one thing:


There seems to be too much namedropping.  If I were the YT video author, I wouldn't use so much namedropping, unless really necessarily necessary.


I admit that every Internet community does has some problems, not just MUGEN ones.  Thanks to Ryon and the forum staffs, MFFA seems/is healthier.

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A recent YT video about "Problems in the Mugen Community":



I am not going to say anything about the content in this YT video, except for one thing:


There seems to be too much namedropping.  If I were the YT video author, I wouldn't use so much namedropping, unless really necessarily necessary.


I admit that every Internet community does has some problems, not just MUGEN ones.  Thanks to Ryon and the forum staffs, MFFA seems/is healthier.


I responded to this video, not sure if it will add something:


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from my opinion

that video little more shocking...

after those years on mugen creations and so on...someone's saying about big problem in community


I disaggree with some text's in that video

My opinion:


A:why people is doing spriteswaping and making character more worst?

B:because people think that the source code is graphical element of the whole engine,or they are doing that from "fun"


A:Stealing codes

B:it's the normal thing in community,let's remember eSKRo,Acey and HOT,they give to us too much codes what we should know,yes I'm using codes too,but they are useful!and it's free too...


A:good sprite making,bad coding...

B:for example,chuchoryu from Mugenmultiverse is doing nice sprites,but he's using to work alone with some of his none of work,he always geting into the worst form of mugen creator,like I have updated his ryu hayabusa for example,and used it,but he didn't applied to his next update,he just made it worst! :(


A:kids on mugen communities?

B:some kids are lacking the responsobilty to make fun on public forums and so on...they think that mugen forums are "for fun".


A:some users are trolling and making shit posts?

B:the thing is that people sometimes feeling the pleasure to make something wrong,and even to create more alternative accounts,after that "criminal" they are geting banned,but they are creating another acount and they are starting with that again.


A:what we should do?

B:for now,I don't even know...maybe more privacy and security like internet policemans will be good idea...


maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan...community is bad thing in some reasons...

please report if I have grammar mistake...

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I agree with the part about some of these creators needing to grow up. Looking at you, Supermystery. I don't think he every admitted that his horribly broken UB22 characters were shit.


I don't mind the name dropping, tbh. Look, if you're going to steal code in a setting were people can publically call you out on it, then those people will just have to deal with that. If you posted a shit MUGEN character, suck it up. Learn from the embarrassment that is having people call you out on how bad your character is.


>if you make a bad character in Mugen, you are a scum for life to them

Not really, it depends on how that person deals with the criticism. Sounds like this Daniel fella hangs around some shitty community.


Plus, this is the internet. You could always make an alternate account from a different location and resume making characters if you do get some bad rep for some reason.


>even if you stopped making Mugen videos, they will go after you and start requesting away.

ummm...yeah. If you don't give them an indication of that via a youtube annotation or description, then how could they know you stopped?


I had a decent amount of views on my reneo93v2 account on youtube. To this day, I don't mind it if someone asks me for something, and if I don't have a link, I just tell them. I'm kinda lost myself these days, so I can't be of much help, at least not in comparison to, say, 2007. This is not a big deal, if you quit MUGEN and don't know any links, just tell them, you freaking idiot, don't be such a baby about this.

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>> I responded to this video, not sure if it will add something:

Sorry Sanae_RP I am not an English speaker and listener so English reading and writing are only my best English skill.

If it doesn't cause you much trouble, then would you please send the script of your response video to me please?


If it does causes you much trouble, then please ignore my request.  Thank you!

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Edited: Anyway, um, you put up a video with stuff people may want then wonder why people ask for stuff because you didn't provide a link. Um, you advertise the stuff, why should someone have to hunt through Google to find it? Why not just provide a link? But it must be everyone else's fault. Oi vay. SuperMystery Junior = Nesphext if he ain't the original SuperMystery himself.

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