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Mighty No. 9


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Dina, we already got a female "Mighty No. 9", so shut the hell up!


Nobody bothers with your feminist ideas and gender bender is NOT making a female protagonist.


Female protagonists would only be legit if they were already announced like that.

And gender bender doesn't work like an actual female, since being trully female is being conceived as one.

Toshio, that's not what this is about.

All she does is design robots supposedly. And besides, as said Beck and Call are pretty much solid, so she wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


This is about how she failed her job so quickly. How she and the mods pretty much tore the community apart.


People are demanding refunds

People are being banned and censored, sometimes even for petty reasons (hell, one person got censored for a GUNDAM joke)

People are still arguing


A few quick-mouthed people (Like yourself) are actually making the situation worse. This is NOT about feminism. It was just a component of the dynamite. It's the people who jumped on that and caused an argument that lit the match. Now Dina's stalling until Monday to answer questions, and mods and people for Dina are basically acting like they're in the right and trying to put money to make up for the people leaving, making the community actually look a bit worse. Worse yet, someone called Kotaku, a "news site" that is so heavily biased it's not even funny, and now they're about to release an article most likely about feminism and how the people who were against Dina were purely wrong.


I'll say it again:

This is NOT about feminism, this is about how she fails at her jobs as Community manager and as a designer of this project and even if she wasn't . She should have clarified at the start of things

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I see, if she fails at everything which you mentioned, then have no room to speak.


Her attitude of banning people and calling people names is unprofessional.


She should quit the project since she is obviously NOT helping.


Since the designs are solid it was pointless for her suggesting a change, after all, everyone desliked it.

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It's been over a week and the situation at the MN9 forums are still shit. People are getting banned, people are still leaving, and there's now a GHOST on the forum. No joke.


Also here's the specifics on another situation involving NSFW content and hypocrisy in the mod team. (Yes, Dina got herself involved  by screwing up again)



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Lol welcome to internet forum moderator circle-jerking. I'm sure that if a moderator had giant tits flopping all over the place as an avatar no one would do anything.

Also with my experience with forums, moderators can't do jack shit about what's on another mod's profile without either begging them to change it or going to higher-ups.

Also his "satire" was really unfunny.

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I personally think that changing the concept now is a low blow against the backers. Which means that everything which they supported was a mere false advertisement since it wasn't pointed out that they could change everything against any backer's expectations. People paid for Mighty No. 9 and not a game which follow one's selfish agenda.


Dina shows to be more and more unprofessional for her role in the team.

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Inafune should be ashamed of himself for letting Dina mess up and take her ideas instead of following his own agenda.


She is just a spoiled woman wanting to change the game to fit her ideas and is not even professional with what she does.


Guess is a good reason to never trust kickstarter since they can change everything against the wishes of these who supported which turns things into a big false advertisement and as well false premise .


I would not be surprised if the fans made a game in flash which Beck must beat down Dina as a boss character who want to ruin his career before it starts.

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That Call-E fanart looks cool(Though, Call-F is the coolest since she looks like Zero Ciel), I'd like someone to have the link here or something

Anyway, Dina's art is a plague, It looks terrible


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Doubt Inafune really has any awareness of what is happening, I doubt it was even his decision to employee her


Usually, Eastern Companies don't know/Give a crap about what is happening outside of Japan

More than likely not. DIna and 8-4 (Aka Mark of 8-4 jp) most likely lie or avoid saying what's really happening on the forums by locking, editing and deleting posts on the forum and saying everything's fine.


On that note, it's been discovered that 8-4 may be to blame for literally everything's that happening here. 


Pics below will speak for themselves


The rundown of the situation: http://imgur.com/wMNsTCU

Who exactly is 8-4 and why are they could be the problem: http://imgur.com/kFrQp9Z



if you're lazy and don't wanna read, here's a comic


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On a lighter note, anymore good fanart I see (that's SFW) I will post everytime I post

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So basically No.9 is fucked right? Good to know.

The community anyway, yes. Multiple people have been banned from the forums temporarily, including people who have mainly raised valid points and have stayed rational, for petty reasons (Ex: Slandering,discriminating against others and using offensive language, when there has been no such offence made by the victim). A dev HAS heard and spoken on the situation, saying that Inafune is a person who often gives second chances and says to give it a month to really see if Dina is up to the task or not. Which is (at least to me) bullshit, because by that time, backer pledges are locked in due to the the last day of being able to pull your pledge money is literally tomorrow, December 29th as your pledge is locked in on the 30th.


Other problems that have come up include

  • A E-Celebrity coming in (Andrew Dickman, if you didn't know already) to stay a biased opinion on the Dina situation and that thread staying up due to Dina saying so ("It takes a middle of the of the road stance on the situation") And it was later revealed she BROUGHT him in to help her
  • A member of the forum supporting Dina being blatantly racist and nothing being done about it by Mark or Dina, where a lower mod actually stepped in instead
  • Dina banning a member due to raising valid points on the counts of him "being aggressive and negative towards her" in a debate topic on Anita (Fun note: there was a previous thread on Anita and feminism but was due to it being "a biased topic" and Dina required there be a "neutral" topic on the matter)
  • "Ghost" users appearing on the forums, raising trouble. Some posting obscene or inappropriate pictures or messages, being overly aggressive or just plain spamming. Some even claiming to be people who have been banned. It has been assumed that some of these people are either just doing it for fun, actually are being serious and going about it all wrong, or are trying to sabotage people against Dina by destroying credibility

Meanwhile the Japanese area of the forum is mostly quiet and in general, does not seem to care.


So basically, yes, the community at least in the English speaking forum is one big clusterfuck


Also for those who don't know about the Call Designs, here they are 


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I like F the most just because she looks ALOT like Ciel from the MMZ games


And D looks like she could be Wily's Daughter

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Isn't there a way to contact Inafune? Maybe if we all pitched in to talk to him, he'd find out the truth easier.

This has been asked so many times before but lemme explain.


In short: Yes and no.


The problem here is that we has no DIRECT line to Inafune or any of the devs really. The obvious answer of emailing the situation is a bit of a no-go. Why, you might ask? Because the email is controlled by the community manager, the link between the fans and the actual game. And what's the problem here? The community manager. Dina has the ability to see, look, and read emails sent to them. This also means she can easily delete or hide the emails and then say it never got through. Hell, she has flatout BANNED someone who sent in an email complaining about her.


Twitter? Maybe. A lot of people have tried to, but another division of people are trying to arguing FOR Dina and say to disregard the complaints.


The Forum is divided into two sections: English and Japanese. The problem is getting the info into the Japanese forum, where the devs are most likely. This is a big issue if the CM is the problem, because you can't really post in a foreign language forum in your language, because it's highly unlikely you'll be understood correctly if at all. Someone HAS posted in the japanese forum in japanese AND english and that got a dev to look into it and say to give her a month. But that's about it.

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