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Mighty No. 9


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Once upon a time there was a man named Keiji Inafune who worked for a company most of you probably know. He was the father of a character and concept that even more of you probably know. For many years this character and it's creator went on many adventures together: some good, some bad. In the end Inafune left the company behind, having to leave his beloved creation in their hands. The fans felt sorrow, all thinking that the creation had died and that nothing Inafune could do would ever be able to save it.


But that is not how the story ends...


Inafune lost the name and form of his creation, but he never lost it's spirit nor the will to give it form! He called upon comrades old and new, and asked for the help of those who loved his creation best! What he asked for seemed mad to some, and needy to others, but not to those who remembered and cherished him and his creation. No, they answered loudly and triumphantly, bringing about the beginning of a new legacy! Cut from the same metal, but in a shape all it's own! I give to you all with much joy and love:


Mighty No. 9!



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  • 1 month later...

That drama is similar to what Tezuka had to deal following the bankruptsy of Mushi Productions who got the rights for Tetsuwan Atom.


With this he could not make a color remake, so Toei Animation suggested him to make a version of Tetsuwan Atom for them and with this Jetter Mars was created.


However, due constant interference of the studio, Tezuka lost interest in the series and cancelled it with 27 episodes.


Later, he would regain the rights for Tetsuwan Atom and would start his own and independent company called Tezuka Productions.


I'm not sure if Inafune would be able to get the rights for Rockman and continue the series.


But, it'll only depend of the suscess of Mighty  No. 9.

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  • 1 month later...

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This is a possible redesign of Beck made by the new community manager of Comcept, Dina Abou Karam, who is a feminist.

A person who has never played a Mega Man game before, now Community Manager of something a lot of Mega Man fans wanted. 

Her being a Community Manager makes her the face of the entirety of community, making her input valuable to the actual people who make the game.

She's about as important as any other person working on this project, maybe even more since her decisions "reflect" the entire the community as a whole.


Now let's discuss something, I am in no way saying that I do not want female protagonists in video games, it's just that changing the gender of Beck is incredibly uncalled for. She's basically stating by doing this that she wants this redesign because Beck being a male offends her, and there's no rhyme or reason as to why Beck should be female other than that.


This isn't about sexism, this is about integrity of a product, an idea, a concept that we've all strived for so long and now we have to deal with radical opinions from people who don't even give a damn about video games as a whole.


So let's go over why this is a bad thing.
She's incompetent for a project like this because she has never even played any Megaman games.
Her art is beyond horrible. She self-inserts into it and it doesn't fit the MN9 style at all.
She's a moron and supports objectively bad developers such as Phil Fish, who treats his customers like trash and is a hypocrite.
She behaves like an idiot in general and now she's cherry picking responses in order to inaccurately represent those who don't like her.
She tries to push inherently faulty agendas that ignore things like biology and evolution because they prove that the agendas are wrong. In a game where they don't belong, no less.
She's a community manager and gets to influence the project by deciding which things to give attention to.
And if you dare go on the forums and voice your complaints, Her and her cronies will ridicule you with insults (beta, misogynist, loser, neckbear, virgin etc.), and by utilizing cherry picking and misrepresentation, call everyone who disagrees with this the same.
This has already divided the community in half and a lot of backers are threatening to pull their donations.
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That looks... Even worse than ... Worst game cover i guess? The worst one i saw was that of one of Megaman games Not playing Megaman isn't really a bad thing though, Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't play games iirc, But he makes good games, But rest of the stuff you said... I can't really say anything to it

I wonder if Mighty #9 will be fucked up or not now

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okay to clarify a few things:

  • She claims that she played Megaman X and played some of the original series before getting the job. (I personally doubt this is true as this was said after she was pressed about her credibility and  she spent HOUR answering)
  • She's been outed for deleting some of her twitter posts. Mistake or no, you posted something and people saw. Deleting it only makes people think you're hiding something because that's what it usually means
  • She DOES have previous experience with designing, but with indie games
  • She got the job due to her BF. This means best friend to her, but people are calling bullshit and saying boyfriend still. People are looking around to see if there IS a boyfriend involved
  • During the heated discussion in the forums, Dina's been usually off topic and pretty much avoiding major bullets in her story and experience. She's pretty much being called out as doing damage control

If someone wants I can post pictures of the twitter feedback she deleted and post forum screenshots of major points of matter.

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If Beck becomes something like that then it'll fail straight away.


There is no point of changing the gender of a character who had been already shown as a male protagonist.


It would be not different of redesigning Rockman into a girl even after years in a reboot of the classic series.


And that change may even generate lots of obvious hentai parodies.


If they want to make such a change like that, then it's better to give back the money of those who supported it.

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The design is far too ugly for anyone to make porn of it.

She's drawn some nude women before. Trust me, they weren't nice to look at if you didn't like the picture above.



I'm sure Inafune wouldn't stand for it.

He has not said anything as of yet, but the forum is at fucking WAR right now. Literally it seems to be supports of Dina to people against Dina for multiple reasons. I could be posting major points of the forum arguments, but I'd be here for quite some time if I did. 



To sum it all up


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Dina wants these changes for selfish purposes ONLY.


That game is supposed to be Inafune's revitalization after he left Capcom.


There is no point of changing the gender of a character who was shown to be male from the start and people already supported that project.


If she wants to ruin it just by her selfish feminist cause, then it's better to everyone who gave the absurd amount of money in the investiment receive their money back.


That would be a huge disgrace against Inafune and his new project.

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Dina wants these changes for selfish purposes ONLY.

I'm not so sure on all of that, but I DO know this is getting serious. She has no  real prior experience to Megaman, how shown a poor job as a community manager, her artwork is SHIT, and she's literally torn the forum asunder by her careless actions. Her views are not as bad compared to what she's caused to happen (Though her views were fucked up in the first place. I don't care WHAT you say, why did you ask for genderswapped ROBOTS when we already have a Beck and Call mode? There's nothing wrong with call. Fucking shit)


So much so that people are getting banned from the forums now.


You heard me. People, backers who PUT DOWN MONEY for this project are now getting banned. Some a bit justified, and some that are NOT. This is getting to be a REAL fucking problem.


Pictures from the forum:

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But why? Inafune has NOTHING to say or do about this?

He has EVERYTHING to do with. This is HIS company we're talking about. HIS project. Due to this, people have been throw into a frenzy about this. The forums for the project is practically having a civil war about this issue, and biased as FUCK articles on the internet only seem to make things worse. For example this "charming" little article here


To be perfectly clear on this matter:

This is not about this woman being a feminist at this point. No, not at all. In fact, at this point, it served nothing more than to be a catalyst. This is about a person, who has no knowledge or passion for a game. No real experience with the series or what the project stands for, and has gotten a job on the project dedicated to the fans of Megaman. Not only as a design with her art style, but as a community manager. That's basically being the voice between the people who backed the project: the fans of the game and Megaman and the actual devs. This, to so many backers, is like being played for chumps or getting a slap to the face.


Not only that, but she has SHOWN she is incapable of being a good staff member. She's locked her twitter after saying she was all ears and then delete some incriminating tweets. She also has said herself she didn't really play megaman and actually only played the original series just before going to the interview! She answers off-topic questions when she SHOULD be answering questions about her credentials and ability and has almost single-handedly sent the forum to HELL. In my eyes at least, that's a failure of a community manager: when at almost half of the community is NOT okay with you or how you run things.


This has gotten to the point to where people are asking for refunds from the project. It has gotten so bad that people are being silenced, banned and you can't go two topics without hearing SOME kind of argument about it. I'm not sure what Inafune will do, but he better do it soon. Otherwise, he'll be kissing a good slice of funds goodbye

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That woman is way too silly.


What's the point of calling people names and banning people?


Do she realize that those who she ridiculed for not agreeing with her could be potential customers if Inafune refused the changes and she could be subject of ridicule if her changes were apphroved, but the game turned into a failure?


I don't want to see that whole investiment in Mighty no. 9 being wasted away.


He is meant to be Rockman's spiritual suscessor and should not be changed due silly feminist ideas which are against Inafune's rights of creator.


And come to think about, if Inafune followed her idea and his work failed.


Then it would be completely worthless leaving Capcom since he went off without any rights over the Rockman franchise.


Plus, he would never want to show his face again should a failure occurred.

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Dina hear me now! your are nothing more but a Feminazi! (The worst name I can call a stupid feminist.) and you deserve to be hated for trying to kill Keiji Inafune's work. I be would EXTREMELY pissed if  this bitch destroyed Might No.9 because of her Feminist bullshit.



Sorry for using such extreme words/language guys that just pissed me off reading that.

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Dina, we already got a female "Mighty No. 9", so shut the hell up!


Nobody bothers with your feminist ideas and gender bender is NOT making a female protagonist.


Female protagonists would only be legit if they were already announced like that.

And gender bender doesn't work like an actual female, since being trully female is being conceived as one.

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