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Soulcalibur Lost Swords?


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It may be a new Soul Calibur title in the works or it could be a port like broken destiny. Or a snip-off like Soul Calibur Le*Shot* My speculation is it may be a portable version of the game or a add-on. But what do you think?

I don't what to say about this one. I got bad vibe that its not going to be good. No Offence but Personal after SC5 (with many characters got cut off the roster) I think the series pretty much dead.  =(

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INo Offence but Personal after SC5 (with many characters got cut off the roster) I think the series pretty much dead.  =(

Okay why do people always claim "soul cailbur is dead"?  I didn't have a problem with 5, okay so they cut Talim and a few people so fans rage. Come on I personally think that is the best Soul Calibur game so far. I recently played 3 And I can tell you that it was far worse then 5 the load of brokenness in the game and 4 barely patch the holes out of a leaking ship. So 5 fixes all this, cuts some characters cuz they didn't fit (keep in mind this is 17 years after 4) everyone complains. I don't get the gaming world nowadays. why complain about a balanced game?

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Okay why do people always claim "soul cailbur is dead"?  I didn't have a problem with 5, okay so they cut Talim and a few people so fans rage. Come on I personally think that is the best Soul Calibur game so far. I recently played 3 And I can tell you that it was far worse then 5 the load of brokenness in the game and 4 barely patch the holes out of a leaking ship. So 5 fixes all this, cuts some characters cuz they didn't fit (keep in mind this is 17 years after 4) everyone complains. I don't get the gaming world nowadays. why complain about a balanced game?

Because people can't accept anything that's not like the game they played. Nostalgia is a terrible and disgusting thing

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