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Neither, but if I had to choose, it would be Xbone. 


Let's be honest though, the launch of games for both systems are p.terrible imho.


KH3  (2014 or 2015 if that even)

FF15 (2014 prolly)

SWBF(holiday or 2014 most likely)

Project Spark (amazing as shit)

Witcher 3 


Only games that caught my eye on each system.

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I was a Xbox 360 user for Dynasty Warriors and Soulcalibur games, Now I'll just have to enjoy them on the PS4. Let's just face it Xbox one is dead. I see why people call it Xbone (meaning that its dead).

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Ps4 has games I'd play, Xbone one... NOPE! And to top it off I wouldn't even own the games on Xbone one, so where the fun in that? I'm getting Ps4 because Tecomo/Koei will drop the licncese for microsoft soon. I can tell by the xbox 360 releases that they are in favor of sony's consoles more then microsoft. And I will be happy with SWBF III on the PS4. (I oringally played it on PS2.) besides I can finally play uncharted series, killzones series and Yakuza series on the PS4.

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Yeah I'm getting a PS4 I'll throw a pity party for whomever is dumb enough to buy an Xbox One. I already heard from GameStop that PS4 preorders are outranking Xbox One. I can tell you this about owning a Sony console I'll be glad to play Dynasty Warriors Extreme Legends again.

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It seem many of you prefer PS4 more, same as many other people around the net now. Yeah, I'm also wanna get PS4 but don't get me wrong, I'm not a fanboy or hate Xbox. Basically, just say if I have enough money I want to buy and try all platform. My favourite games genre is always fighting and action/adventure or hack & slash games. You can say I'm a fans of fighting and 3rd person games. Xbox doesn't have many games like this so that's why I prefer Playstation from PS1 until now PS4. But I have to admit, I'm really sad (plus angry :angry1: ) because the new Killer Instinct game is without a doubt an exclusive for XBOX ONE.

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xbox one graphic slow than PS4 graphic =_= meh..

Oh god...


Yeah I'm getting a PS4 I'll throw a pity party for whomever is dumb enough to buy an Xbox One. I already heard from GameStop that PS4 preorders are outranking Xbox One. I can tell you this about owning a Sony console I'll be glad to play Dynasty Warriors Extreme Legends again.


Neither are worth getting though. At launch anyway. Shooters Shooters Shooters Shitty Driving games

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