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I was just wondering if any of you guys have received a sign of life of Zenesis/Draox recently or at all?


I've been waiting months for that small correction I'd love to have applied to my current signature and he is the only one who can do it >-<

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Looking good and clean, and the elements blend very well! Impressive for a first try, i remember my first attempt at making sig was a total mash-up mess lol.




Following the Marvel Versus Touhou logo and (fake) select screen i made before, i attempted a lifebar design.




Will probably look like this in the game (if i even motivated to polish this more and actually code it)



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Thanks, Ryou. :)

Decided to give it another go. I'm not good at coming up with custom backgrounds, so I'll just be using stage backgrounds.  :=D:



In response to the Lifebars.. I dig 'em! Very clean. The names and titles are a really nice touch. Would have fun making portraits if you decided to make them/release them separately.

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..Huh, what a coincidence. I just requested Ryoucchi to make a Shiki sig.. and he just made it. :P


In fact, I actually have it right here:




Anyway, for your sig of Ryougi, it looks really good. I wonder what kind of "effects" did you use for it?


It's not like I'm going to walk the path of sigmaking anyway. :P


Edit: I have to stop being the bearer of coincidences. Cause now I just noticed that you're both using the same portrait of Ryougi. :P

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Haha! Had no clue Ryou made one as well. Same portrait and everything. :p

I actually just got into messing with sigs yesterday. It's pretty fun once you start getting the hang of it.


As for the effects, I added a red gradient with opacity (Background was originally blue), used a couple of smoke-ish brushes/blood particles, messed with the contrast a bit, and added those transparent diagonal lines for a nice little effect. And that's it. All I did to Ryougi was up the contrast and add the outer glow.


Albeit, I'm just starting out, I'm liking how they're looking so far. :D Here's the sig without the render. 


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