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Borewood's WIP - Custom AB Bonus Round released 2014-08-16


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Wholly Molly it was my original plan to get my MUGEN WIPs done by the end of 2013, but even in 2014 April now it is not even half-way done!

I should not have over-estimated my MUGEN focus.........so be more patient please.....thank you for your interest in my MUGEN stuff....... :bow:

A great masterpiece need a time. Take's all the time you have my bro! Waiting is suffering, but it always end up in awesomeness!!!

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  • 3 months later...

nice one funny kinda your SDK style reminds me a bit to SNK Last Blade 2 gameplay (not literaly just how looks and feels).



Probably the WIP iam more courious about is Ragnarok quiet he really look like a challenge to mugenize yo that thing is gigantic.


That is not my style but AOAO's.  I just use his Kyo and Yukimura as the base.  So, strictly speaking I am doing MUGEN edits heh.

SNK LB?  PSX SDK gameplay is far simpler than SNK LB gameplay.........

Actually some PSX SDK exclusive features like choosing assists, sword clash moment, and time-out death duel, are too hard for me to try to mugenize.....


That AH3 Ragnarok is considered a MUGEN experiment!  It can result in an epic failure.  I have to figure out how to let a MUGEN character be able to stand on its platform, luckily I have found some MUGEN references to try to follow.  Not to mention I also need to assemble the scattered sprite pieces and to figure out its parts for individual setup in MUGEN...........

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