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Converting MUGEN 1.0 stages to MUGEN 1.1


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Well, as the title says it, this is the topic where you can learn how to convert MUGEN 1.0 stages to MUGEN 1.1!

Note that this only works for some stages, because others are not yet capable of the zoom feature in MUGEN 1.1

And this will be updated regularly, too.

So, shall we begin?

1) Open your stage's DEF file.

2) Find [Camera]

3) Put these lines under [Camera]

"zoomout = .6"

"zoomin = 1.5"

4) If there are problems regarding the left, right, bottom, and top parts of the stage, adjust these by messing with the boundleft, boundright, boundhigh, and boundlow features.

Well, that's about it!

There will maybe be some minor problems with the converting, though.

Note by abls1:

Here is a code i came up for


kof 13 stages from Sensei Yoda stages




I used the same code for all stages included in zip file since they seem to share the same atributes!  I kept the old code in


Just in case you do not want to revert. Any thing beter you can come up with please post



startx = 0

starty = 0

boundleft =  -300 ;-800

boundright = 300 ;800

boundhigh = -140

boundlow = 0

verticalfollow = .2

floortension = 0

tension = 50

overdrawhigh = 0

overdrawlow = 0

cuthigh = 65 ;35

cutlow = 25

zoomout = .5 ;.6

zoomin = 1.1 ;1.5


Red indicates what I edited.. Please let me know how this works for you and any improvements please post.

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There either should be a second tutorail or major editting to this topic, since this only half talk of converting. 640x480 would probably only require camera zoom in and out also converting .sff to 1.1, almost same with 1280x720 except you have to add localcoords and x/y scales

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There either should be a second tutorail or major editting to this topic, since this only half talk of converting. 640x480 would probably only require camera zoom in and out also converting .sff to 1.1, almost same with 1280x720 except you have to add localcoords and x/y scales

And... editing deltas.

And so it begins... :troll:
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I am gonna have a field day with this thread.


Updating from 1.0 to 1.1 is not that simple.


adding zoom is simple, but coding it properly, requires knowledge of

overdrawhigh overdrawlow cuthigh cutlow


because when stages zoom out, it shows more than it was meant to in 1.0. you may end up with parts of the background turning into afterimages because the image is not big enough for it.


or as vector said, Delta's.


everything needs its delta to set properly to give the proper affect.

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  • 3 months later...

Here is a code i came up for


kof 13 stages from Sensei Yoda stages




I used the same code for all stages included in zip file since they seem to share the same atributes!  I kept the old code in


Just in case you do not want to revert. Any thing beter you can come up with please post



startx = 0
starty = 0
boundleft =  -300 ;-800
boundright = 300 ;800
boundhigh = -140
boundlow = 0
verticalfollow = .2
floortension = 0
tension = 50
overdrawhigh = 0
overdrawlow = 0
cuthigh = 65 ;35
cutlow = 25
zoomout = .5 ;.6
zoomin = 1.1 ;1.5


Red indicates what I edited.. Please let me know how this works for you and any improvements please post.

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Cut low and Cut High


work effectively if the stage has extra graphics in those areas.


in a stage where you can jump up high and have the camera follow you, its very effective.


in a stage where the bottom of the stage is the BOTTOM, you get black.


Cutlow + 1.1 stage zoom = PERFECT STAGE.

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Here I will post the stages I will release with zoom please comment and if you have a better code please suggest


Cultural Festival By exshadow

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Juggernaut port( MSH) 

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Brazil (KOF13) by Exshadow

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