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[Gen6][3DS] Pokemon X & Y


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Grass starter looks like oshawott with drillbur feet and a weird hat. Fire fox looks badass and water looks pretty cool too. I'll start with water to continue my tradition but I'll definitely be using fire a lot more (or in Z when it's announced). Also assuming the Y bird is in Y i'll definitely be getting that one.

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I'm excited about the release of new Pokemon for the 3DS.

I'm pretty sure I'll miss the Pokemon sprites from the previous games, but a full 3D Pokemon game that isn't like XD or Colosseum where you can only catch Shadow Pokemon and Pokemon in one area will be great.

I'll probably go with Fennekin or Chespin as my starter.


The addition of a Light-Type would be pretty cool, like an opposite to the Dark-Type, but I doubt there'll be any new types added.


The conclude this post, I'm going to say this:

How is anyone supposed to complete the Pokedex when a new Pokemon game always comes out!?

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@ShayminYou have a 3DS Action Replay (or some equivalent) I take it? Bah! Whatever happened to cheating for fun?@setsuna22It also helps if the GTS doesn't do that horrible thing where it says the trainer has already been traded to, yet still says the trade's "open" for more than a week...

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Magnemite coiling would be so much easier if those problems didn't exist.

What really annoys me when trying to Magnemite coil:

- People putting Magnemite up for trade...for level 5 Zekroms, etc.

- An ENTIRE room filled with people that've already been traded to.

Magnemite Coiling? wats that?

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Magnemite Coiling? wats that?

The name comes from the English and Japanese names of Magnemite (Magnemite and Coil, respectively).

Trading via the GTS makes people appear in your Join Avenue, allowing you to level up your shops, as well as the avenue itself.

Seeing as Magnemite is so easily obtainable in Black 2 and White 2, it's a great way to do the above. Both sending and receiving these commonly available Magnemites via the GTS gets loads of people to appear on your Join Avenue, thus helping level all your shops and avenue really quickly.


On a side note, my Join Avenue is called Core Prime :3

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