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Capcom, where did you go so wrong? T-T


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I think no one can disagree that capcom games are getting worse. Whether they are terrible not is debatable, but it's agreed pretty universally that old SF> new SF and the same with all of their franchises. Sure MvC 3 isn't that bad, but it's not as good as MvC 2 or even 1 in my opinion; SFIV is a good game, but it's nothing compared to third strike. Even people who say Resident Evil 5 and 6 are good can't honestly say they're as good as even 4. Personally, though, I don't think you can blame capcom for all of this, sure they have started grabbing money a lot more recently with their on disk DLC but that's a general trend that's happening all over the place. It's common now for half a game to be released later and you to still be charged for it, I mean look at the Mass Effect series.

tl;dr Games are getting worse, developers are getting more greedy, it's not just capcom.

UMvc3 is better then MVC2 and I'll go as far as to say Mvc1, it's a less broken game then the past versions

Third Strike was an ok but not on the level of SF4 that is the most balanced SF to come out in a long time

On the topic of Mass Effect the only real time they had disk locked stuff was for ME3, Capcom has been doing stuff like this for a while but it was to the extreme till SFxT dropped.

Shit the first week that Sfxt dropped I went to my local tournament and got to play all the dlc characters right then.

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Concerning Bad Box Art Mega Man:

In an interview, Yoshinori Ono, the producer of Street Fighter X Tekken, states that the reason behind including Bad Box Art Mega Man and his highly exaggerated appearance, instead of any other version, was due to Keiji Inafune's wishes. Ono said that when he asked creator Keiji Inafune about including Rockman in Street Fighter X Tekken, Inafune said "that's not interesting, we have seen Mega Man in fighting games before" and then asked Ono to give him "something original". Ono then decided to use the Mega Man from the "awful" North American box art from the first Mega Man game and "make it even wackier" by presuming that Bad Box Art Mega Man has aged since his picture was taken and used in the US box art 25 years ago. Ono said that Inafune "loved the idea" and that was what lead to his inclusion.

I find that hard to believe Keiji Inafune would have wanted that.

Concerning Maverick Hunter X:

You do realize that Maverick Hunter X was a remake of the original Mega Man X with more dialogue, right?

I know, but I meant Megaman x series in general, like maybe a Megaman X 9? No... to good to be true....

concerning Mega Man x Street Fighter:

And many people will agree with you that MMxSF wasn't a good Mega Man game. The reason why people like MMxSF is because it shows that they(Capcom) still know that the fans are out there, and this is a great way to show it.

concerning SFxMM being 8-bit:

The dev wanted it to be in 8-bit, to be a throwback to the old Mega Man games.

Yeah, a Year later when legends was cancelled. So they will still screw there fans, oh yeah they do by

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sell comic book of this one, but not make new game with him.

Honestly DmC is a good game and probably the best game that Ninja Theory has developed, people are just complaining about it being simplified and catering to a wider audience.

simplified = Noob friendly, which I don't like. You see why I hate it. I'm a veteran player and that's a huge disgrace to me.

Crapcom better not take away my Dead Rising or Lost Planet! Cuz I would have some serious issues with them.

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Concerning Inafune:

http://www.rockman-corner.com/2012/03/yoshinori-ono-talks-sfxts-mega-man.html concerning Mega Man X: Mega Man X got progressively worst after the 5th one, and they officially killed Sigma in X8 so there's no real reason to make another X game. How does Capcom shit on the fans by letting Archie Comics make a mediocre Mega Man comic in 2011? Sega does the same and they've been doing it for a while now. Like I said in my previous statement, Capcom has huge plans in store for Mega Man in 2013, which has even hardly started. Concerning DmC: Guess what, Video game companies shouldn't pander to you, it's smarter to go for a wider audience to introduce a franchise and probably get those players interested to play the past titles so that they get more money from other title Devil May Cry titles and similar titles they have produced. Do you think everyone in the whole world who is a fan of Devil May Cry is satisfied that an okay hack n' slash is being sold as a Devil May Cry game? Of course not. But a lot of those fans wouldn't be so elitist to say that they say that games should cater to them specifically and only them. I'm certainly not extremely happy about it, because this could of been a great opportunity to introduce a new title instead of using previous titles and product placement as a crutch. Also if they made a new Mega Man game some how. I guarantee someone will complain about something about it, about it being not like the old Mega Man games, or being like this Mega Man related title. Somebody is going to be pissed about, no matter how good it is.
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Also if they made a new Mega Man game some how. I guarantee someone will complain about something about it, about it being not like the old Mega Man games, or being like this Mega Man related title. Somebody is going to be pissed about, no matter how good it is.

i TOTALLY AGREE WITH U ON THAT!!! ppl like 2 jive off a company they hate
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Honestly, all I see with the issues are on disk DLCs, early releases and conflicts with Megaman fans. I like Capcom in general, and they were good when had CVS, Rival Schools, RE, and other interesting games before they went mainstream. The only thing I kind of hoped was if it possible to create a totally new fighter out of nowhere, that would be really interesting for me to see.

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Concerning Inafune:



concerning Mega Man X:

Mega Man X got progressively worst after the 5th one, and they officially killed Sigma in X8 so there's no real reason to make another X game.

How does Capcom shit on the fans by letting Archie Comics make a mediocre Mega Man comic in 2011? Sega does the same and they've been doing it for a while now. Like I said in my previous statement, Capcom has huge plans in store for Mega Man in 2013, which has even hardly started.

Concerning DmC:

Guess what, Video game companies shouldn't pander to you, it's smarter to go for a wider audience to introduce a franchise and probably get those players interested to play the past titles so that they get more money from other title Devil May Cry titles and similar titles they have produced.

Do you think everyone in the whole world who is a fan of Devil May Cry is satisfied that an okay hack n' slash is being sold as a Devil May Cry game? Of course not. But a lot of those fans wouldn't be so elitist to say that they say that games should cater to them specifically and only them. I'm certainly not extremely happy about it, because this could of been a great opportunity to introduce a new title instead of using previous titles and product placement as a crutch.

Also if they made a new Mega Man game some how. I guarantee someone will complain about something about it, about it being not like the old Mega Man games, or being like this Mega Man related title. Somebody is going to be pissed about, no matter how good it is.

Thanks for pointing out the reasons. But now I hate Inafune more then ever. If they have big plans for Megaman it will probably be to make a new version of him, which will be bad. *cough* crappy exe series *cough*
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Capcom has a plan for Megaman in 2013? I'm guessing another lame RPG Megaman game like Starforce! personally no matter how hard everyone bitches about it! I loved the Megaman X series, Playing as Zero made the game hard and worth playing. so people who say "it was terrible after Megaman x5!" are not Megaman fans, you are Megaman haters and suck at the games! I'm not trying to start anything I'm just trying to get a point across here! I'm just glad that Double Dragon didn't die like the Megaman games did.

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Capcom has a plan for Megaman in 2013? I'm guessing another lame RPG Megaman game like Starforce! personally no matter how hard everyone bitches about it! I loved the Megaman X series, Playing as Zero made the game hard and worth playing. so people who say "it was terrible after Megaman x5!" are not Megaman fans, you are Megaman haters and suck at the games!

I'm not trying to start anything I'm just trying to get a point across here! I'm just glad that Double Dragon didn't die like the Megaman games did.

The 2006 release of Sonic the Hedgehog wasn't a terrible game at all and not one of the worst reviewed games last decade, people just sucked at the game!

Yeah nah, you trying to say people just suck doesn't change the premise that Mega Man X6 and X7 were ridiculously terrible. I'll admit I enjoyed Mega Man X8 to an extent, but wasn't nearly as an enjoyable ride as X-X5 at all.

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so people who say "it was terrible after Megaman x5!" are not Megaman fans, you are Megaman haters and suck at the games!

I personally thought X3 was the last good Megaman X game. Sure I played and beat all the other Megaman X games hoping to match the first one's perfection, but to no avail. None did it for me. I guess that makes me a "terrible hater" and not a fan, but I loved the NES games and I loved the Megaman Zero series. But I guess no one can have an opinion anymore.

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officially killed Sigma in X8


Also, Capcom also went wrong with Megaman Online. Tease us with FRIGGIN AWESOME trailers then CALL IT QUITS!? WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK.

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I hate HALO too guys

god damn shooters and generic FPS'!

thats all the world has come to.

but in anycase @#$%! CRAPCOM.

Shooters and FPS?

Isn't that sentance a bit redundant?

Same here. Even Dynasty Warriors is ignored by FPS'.

What does this have to do with Capcom guys.


Also, Capcom also went wrong with Megaman Online. Tease us with FRIGGIN AWESOME trailers then CALL IT QUITS!? WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK.

I bet you think Dr. Wiley is still alive in Mega Man X too. And honestly Mega Man Online would probably be a generic MMO made by Koreans and would get more stale than bread in a desert.

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DmC is good BUT its not DEVIL MAY CRY good


Considering DmC is being made by a different company, expect something different.

I personally think it's interesting and as Sweet pointed out earlier, it is most likely the best game Ninja Theory has done so far.

It's good as an action game but it would end up bad if you actually think of it as "Devil May Cry".

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Considering DmC is being made by a different company, expect something different.

I personally think it's interesting and as Sweet pointed out earlier, it is most likely the best game Ninja Theory has done so far.

It's good as an action game but it would end up bad if you actually think of it as "Devil May Cry".

the BIGGEST problem with this (and its pretty annoying) is, that its SUPPOSED to be and it still IS DMC..... i can buy this, play it, and still be sick 2 my stomach knowing its a DMC game even tho im trying NOT to think abt it, THEN i will criticize it is with DMC standards........it mite sound stupid but, slapping a label on something (especially like THIS) really DOES make a BIG difference!
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I bet you think Dr. Wiley is still alive in Mega Man X too

Probably. I mean, In the trailer of Megaman Online, It took place in a time when X and Zero "Passed Away" (How The Fuck?), But Wily was there anyway. Maybe he IS dead (most likely), But one thing's for sure. Sigma will resurrect. Someday. Maybe as a completely new reploid.
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