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Night of the Raging Storm(Geese/Nightmare Geese Stage) Mugen 1.0


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What's hood. Thought I'd step out of my normal range and give you something different. I'm known for original low-res stages that are Winmugen compatible, but this is hi-res...and 1.0 only. Based loosely on a scene in a Fatal Fury Anime, this is a destroyed dojo in a secluded forest where Geese trains. It's got the usual specs: Original concept, Original bgm(by yours truly), animaton and super jump.

Thank MarkPachi, Alpyne_D, Sou-Bot and Margatroid for any sprites, beta testing and input they provided. They help push this stage to the next level.

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lol no, iam only a temp-mod until Laharl return Bro!

But i admit hope i can be one someday, mean whyle iam trying to help in what i can as this. ^_^

Probably Laharl will return Tomorrow so i have only a day left as Mod.

About the stage i said i cant really give you a feeback since iam still a noob and still learning and is hard to me to detect errors/bugs so let me tell ya something....

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Thanks for the sharing Elder!!

REALLY love it!

And Alpyne! Badass BGM! ^_^

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@Adam Appreciate the comment, bro! It does look sick at HD. I hadn't even tested at that resolution, so thanks for that. Btw, I did the bgm myself... :troll:


My mistake! I thought that you used one of Alpynes`s BGM since you named it before!.

Btw The Resoluction is 850x480.


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Some fan-made games need custom music, and some fan-made games need custom sprites. Only the godliest of us can do both.

Indeed. I don't know of a creator who does both. If Sean Alty also did beats or Wizzy also did sprites, they would produce some of the most original creations known to man. In fact, if I would just take the time to learn character creation or spriting, I could change the game as we know it. Its the one thing I haven't done yet. I just have to commit to the dream...

It's cool, though. That's why me and my boys started a team. We compliment each attributes. We have coders, graphics artist, bgm kutters and various other abilities. We got skillz. We learn from each other and push each other to do their best. We're gonna make an impact...just you wait.

The quit storm is upon you...

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