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Capcom, where did you go so wrong? T-T


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I think that Rockman Xover was quite a half assed attempt of making a celebration of 25 years of Rockman series.

We can't even play with the previous characters and just a new guy who is mass produced o_o

so true my friend so true... Poor Megaman, he deserves better.

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The cool kids hate on Capcom.  It's the in thing to do.  It always has been.


I was hating before most people were born. 


Shitty  Strider port on the NES.  The hate began.


Crappy Final Fight port on the SNES.  No Guy either?  1 player?  SHIT. 


Not being able to know how to count for the SF series.  Super SF II Turbo Hyper Hado ken up your ass edition.



They lost any respect I had for them back when they tried to sue Data East over the similiarites between Fighter's History and Street Fighter.  True story. 


RE 6.  Some people can say they like it.  Me?  I hated it.  I had more fun playing Raccon City than 6.  And remember, I hate FPS. 

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I don't think Nintendo may fail, they did much better than Capcom did and cared about their endearing characters.

Not just that, but they ensured their would have no regrets of buying new titles of their franchises.

Sadly, Capcom lost creativity and the respect to their fans. I haven't played Rockman Xover, but the premise is too weak. It feels like a old flashgame which Rockman just goes into a boss rush with some RPG elements. Xover don't have the exploration device which made us inspect every area and see what we could get. Instead all what we can do is just go forward, defeating enemies and fight the boss in a RPG style without having the emotion of predict and study the enemy's attacks to make our own strategy. That's something which made the game lose the spirit to the point that we don't even know how everything had to turn bad. During the epoch which Rockman X2 was released, I had many hopes that the series would get better and better... I've keept drawing and trying to pass the word of the games to my friends, so they could also enjoy as much as I did. But, my hopes failed, things became harsher and fans got divided. I wasn't enough, a horrible series of missleading comics of Rockman was released in Brazil with bad plotlines and sexual references which fooled many people who were new and unfamiliar with both english and japanese language which would help them to know how was the real story behind the games. Then we got weaker games and some promising ones got cancelled. Not just that, but the fans became reason of mockery in internet and even in recent cross-over games as well. Zero was a interesting addiction to the series, but it made the fans divided... Many started to consider the original blue bomber to be obsolete in any new cross-over game since Zero was more appealing for them. But, they forget that Rockman was meant to be a shooter action game rather than slice'n dice game which suit Zero's fighting skills. What happened with the spirit of the Rockman series after all? Why all what we got after Rockman 10 had to be nothing, but cancelations, mockery and a game which looks so amateur that only a single person could have made? Don't we deserved nothing noble in the series 25 years of franchise? Our dedication at buying the games over that course of 25 years was so poor to the point that all we could get to celebrate was a social game which doesn't make justice to our dedication? The fans are consumers so, what's the point of Capcom mocking their dedication through the course of 25 years?

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I don't think Nintendo may fail, they did much better than Capcom did and cared about their endearing characters.

Not just that, but they ensured their would have no regrets of buying new titles of their franchises.

Sadly, Capcom lost creativity and the respect to their fans. I haven't played Rockman Xover, but the premise is too weak. It feels like a old flashgame which Rockman just goes into a boss rush with some RPG elements. Xover don't have the exploration device which made us inspect every area and see what we could get. Instead all what we can do is just go forward, defeating enemies and fight the boss in a RPG style without having the emotion of predict and study the enemy's attacks to make our own strategy. That's something which made the game lose the spirit to the point that we don't even know how everything had to turn bad. During the epoch which Rockman X2 was released, I had many hopes that the series would get better and better... I've keept drawing and trying to pass the word of the games to my friends, so they could also enjoy as much as I did. But, my hopes failed, things became harsher and fans got divided. I wasn't enough, a horrible series of missleading comics of Rockman was released in Brazil with bad plotlines and sexual references which fooled many people who were new and unfamiliar with both english and japanese language which would help them to know how was the real story behind the games. Then we got weaker games and some promising ones got cancelled. Not just that, but the fans became reason of mockery in internet and even in recent cross-over games as well. Zero was a interesting addiction to the series, but it made the fans divided... Many started to consider the original blue bomber to be obsolete in any new cross-over game since Zero was more appealing for them. But, they forget that Rockman was meant to be a shooter action game rather than slice'n dice game which suit Zero's fighting skills. What happened with the spirit of the Rockman series after all? Why all what we got after Rockman 10 had to be nothing, but cancelations, mockery and a game which looks so amateur that only a single person could have made? Don't we deserved nothing noble in the series 25 years of franchise? Our dedication at buying the games over that course of 25 years was so poor to the point that all we could get to celebrate was a social game which doesn't make justice to our dedication? The fans are consumers so, what's the point of Capcom mocking their dedication through the course of 25 years?

The real problem isn't that they don't make good games anymore (Dragon's Dogma was a great game) or that they don't know how to make good games like they used too (Resident Evil: Revelations showed that they still know how do Resident Evil right). Shovelware games such as Call of Duty are the reason why, and that Capcom are huge fucking douchenozzles to their developers doesn't help either. I really don't want to delve into this, but that's how Platinum games was started, because Mikami, Inaba and Kamiya were tired of Capcom's bullshit.

Anyways, concerning Mega Man's 25th anniversary, I really think you're going a bit overboard about a one dollar social RPG iOS game that's only been released in Japan. And honestly, IMO, there isn't a whole lot that you can do with the Mega Man IP that hasn't been done before without it seeming that they're beating the proverbial dead horse.




At ripoff  :angry1:  PRICES!

As stated earlier in the thread, there are far worst offenders of DLC than Capcom at the moment. I know just because there is something worst out there, it still doesn't justify what they did, but honestly it's becoming old hat and very tiring to see practically everywhere. 

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Anyways, concerning Mega Man's 25th anniversary, I really think you're going a bit overboard about a one dollar social RPG iOS game that's only been released in Japan. And honestly, IMO, there isn't a whole lot that you can do with the Mega Man IP that hasn't been done before without it seeming that they're beating the proverbial dead horse.

Frankly it's how Capcom failed with such a franchine which existed for 25 years.

What's the point of making a half assed game which costs just one dollar to be downloaded? Frankly, it's like that 25 years of support means nothing for them.

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Oh please, Blazblue: CS had DLC characters that costed $8 each.

 And to think I was one of the suckers that bought all those characters on Day 1.. ah, yes, pleasant memories indeed.

At first, I was frustrated when they were included in updated versions free alongside the announcer voices and colors.

But after a while, I laughed, then felt the wound Arc System Works left in my heart.

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The real problem isn't that they don't make good games anymore (Dragon's Dogma was a great game) or that they don't know how to make good games like they used too (Resident Evil: Revelations showed that they still know how do Resident Evil right). Shovelware games such as Call of Duty are the reason why, and that Capcom are huge fucking douchenozzles to their developers doesn't help either. I really don't want to delve into this, but that's how Platinum games was started, because Mikami, Inaba and Kamiya were tired of Capcom's bullshit.

Anyways, concerning Mega Man's 25th anniversary, I really think you're going a bit overboard about a one dollar social RPG iOS game that's only been released in Japan. And honestly, IMO, there isn't a whole lot that you can do with the Mega Man IP that hasn't been done before without it seeming that they're beating the proverbial dead horse.




As stated earlier in the thread, there are far worst offenders of DLC than Capcom at the moment. I know just because there is something worst out there, it still doesn't justify what they did, but honestly it's becoming old hat and very tiring to see practically everywhere. 

Yep. the reason ppl only see capcom is becuz they are the company 2 look at.....being famous *coughnotoriouscouch* and all.........

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one thing that i truly hate about the dlc thing is that they take them down without saying a word and the game bacomes an unplayable demo. same for certain characters in a gme that are gone unless you grab them quickly. that's why i just play on a modded system to break up the bullshit . they wanna screw me out of money by taking away stuff that i bought, fuck em....

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i'm not talking about here in this thread , i mean with the onslaught of crying for patches or the games too hard. or we want this back etc. yuck!!!!

Common problem occuring is that people are getting lazier and much weaker.It seems nobody has a feel to an old gamer.Games treat people like blind idiots by presenting a tutorial for every fucking thing in the game.Heck some games tell you how to walk in the game or even move at all.On some games it is fine and only once but it gets repetitive and constant in other games and I feel mocked.It is almost like the companys think of the gamers nowdays as absolute idiots.

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