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Mugen Free For All

Variety of Chars / Stages Smoothed Out (growing list)

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its fine i read that thread that was hilarious how stupid those 2 are fuck them seriously. Their shit is never good and always has needed work i should say His cause volzilla isn't even a creator to my knowledge i posted in guild as well about their idiocy. I don't like either of them just from the shit ive read from others their views on mugen are completely backwards and stupid as shit. Mugen is made to be edited to your or anyone elses liking. you are doing a good thing fixing up bad characters. Forget anything they say. from now on just ignore anyone who gets mad at you for fixing broken things. I would honestly suggest quite a few IMT creations like removing their "mvc" aspects and make them normal characters. You do good jobs on these I have your ash in my roster hes actually playable now thankfully. as well as your edit of spawn. I have been meaning to try your others. if you ever have a need for suggestions Pm me I can give you many that have potential but are either broken or trash XD. trying out duke nukem now.

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its fine i read that thread that was hilarious how stupid those 2 are fuck them seriously.

Their shit is never good and always has needed work i should say His cause volzilla isn't even a creator to my knowledge i posted in guild as well about their idiocy. I don't like either of them just from the shit ive read from others their views on mugen are completely backwards and stupid as shit. Mugen is made to be edited to your or anyone elses liking. you are doing a good thing fixing up bad characters.

I got a laugh out of reading this. thanx

Forget anything they say. from now on just ignore anyone who gets mad at you for fixing broken things. I would honestly suggest quite a few IMT creations like removing their "mvc" aspects and make them normal characters. You do good jobs on these I have your ash in my roster hes actually playable now thankfully. as well as your edit of spawn. I have been meaning to try your others. if you ever have a need for suggestions Pm me I can give you many that have potential but are either broken or trash XD.

trying out duke nukem now.

cool man, glad my edits are serving you well.

as far as suggestions, in the future for sure, but right now I got a long list already. Any feedback on existing work is especially helpful tho. Glad u like em anyhow.

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first things first tossing a spinning grenade or w/e that is seems to do nothing atm. the control for it is down forward a he has infinite priority on his punches and kicks that should be fixed in the clsns his sex winpose appears to only sometimes show the girl in the shadow for the bomb that he shoots on the ground to bounce around after it hits it seems to bounce away for the explosion it would make more sense for it to blow up on contact in the same spot dont you think? and yw i will help to the best of my ability feedback wise.

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first things first tossing a spinning grenade or w/e that is seems to do nothing atm. the control for it is down forward a

he has infinite priority on his punches and kicks that should be fixed in the clsns

his sex winpose appears to only sometimes show the girl in the shadow

for the bomb that he shoots on the ground to bounce around after it hits it seems to bounce away for the explosion it would make more sense for it to blow up on contact in the same spot dont you think?

and yw i will help to the best of my ability feedback wise.

cool thanx for the feedback, I have a file where I keep it all, and will address it.

Is there a reason Satan still doesnt work in winmugen? Cause it is a winmugen character according to the .def

I don't know, I've never used winmugen. I didn't realize the def file said that's what he was for, I'll check it out.

Spawn is down.I wanted him!

The link is fixed, so he should be good to go.
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Alright thanks.Awesome edits by the way.

thanks man.

Hey I mentioned this over at the guild but I think it's worth mentioning here too. When you guys are testing out a stage for bounds and deltas, try using the deathstar. It's quick and it flies, which make it pretty freakin ideal, especially when your testing out that bound high. Cheers, and happy coding

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Instead of fixing up my Chief Thunder's stage it actually looks like you made it worse, aside the song that is. The characters are sliding on the parallaxed floor, not to mention the perspective is off. You should fix that. You should have also adjusted the vertical follow and floor tension so the camrea follows up the high jump characters better. Then again my skills when I made this were quite bad anyway, but you could have at least made it better. You should have also cropped the uncropped sprites in the .sff and made a separate .def for the people still using the old Mugen. I do appreciate your trying to fix it up though, thanks.

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I kind of have a dilema with that actually. I'm using a mac, which means when I press F12 while playing mugen, It doesn't do a screencapture, it brings up my widgets. So my screenshot ability is limited to single sprites from fighter factory exports, which you will see in some of the descriptions. I just recently figured out how to upload images tho, and haven't gotten around to the rest of the them yet.

Your playing mugen on a MAC?


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Instead of fixing up my Chief Thunder's stage it actually looks like you made it worse, aside the song that is. The characters are sliding on the parallaxed floor, not to mention the perspective is off. You should fix that.

You should have also adjusted the vertical follow and floor tension so the camrea follows up the high jump characters better.

Then again my skills when I made this were quite bad anyway, but you could have at least made it better.

You should have also cropped the uncropped sprites in the .sff and made a separate .def for the people still using the old Mugen.

I do appreciate your trying to fix it up though, thanks.

What version of mugen are you using? Because as for the issues you mentioned, there's nothing wrong with the perspective or the vertical follow on my computer. The chars stick to the floor perfectly for vertical and horizontal scrolling, and the perspective is fine. Sounds like a case of different mugen versions to me.

Your playing mugen on a MAC?


I use Crossover Games. It's a slicked down version of Wine which lets you run windows progs like any other app on a mac. Great program.
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I'm using Mugen 1.0

Also, apparantly you don't understand the concept of perspective. When you move to the side of the stage the bridge and rocks should not be at a slant. However, if that's the way you want to leave it then that's okay.

Also if you notice in game the sticks are not at a slant either


How yours looks:

Posted Image

The problem with the vertical follow is that characters with a higher jump reach the top of the screen too fast, so if you are in the middle of a air combo they go off the screen while they are still rising

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm using Mugen 1.0

Also, apparantly you don't understand the concept of perspective. When you move to the side of the stage the bridge and rocks should not be at a slant. However, if that's the way you want to leave it then that's okay.

Also if you notice in game the sticks are not at a slant either


How yours looks:

Posted Image

The problem with the vertical follow is that characters with a higher jump reach the top of the screen too fast, so if you are in the middle of a air combo they go off the screen while they are still rising

I see, it was an snes rip, that's why it looked like it did. The arcade version is what I was trying to get a little closer to, and in that version parallax is the closest approxamation to how the bridge moves. Observe:


Here's how parallax works (we'll leave perspective alone for now): A given pixels horizontal delta is proportional to its Y position on the screen, as determined by the xscale variables. What that means is that the lower on the screen something is the more (or less) it moves, thus if the bridge is parallax, the mountains slant. Now I could have separated the sprites in FF / photoshop, or just windowed the mountains and doubled the length of the bridge (which I still may do), but given the amount of time I was willing to give this edit it was a calculated exchange not a 'lack of understanding of perspective'. There are lot of things in my edit that are different than the original and the snes version: the extra mountain in the back, the added clouds, the moved sun, the added low fog, the added overall fog, and the added light beams spilling over the peaks.

As for the vertical follow, the only way I can imagine someone going offscreen during an air combo before reaching the boundhigh is if there are 3 or 4 characters on the screen at once. In that case if I raise the vertical follow, you will be closer to loosing sight of the lower 2 or 3 characters completely every time someone super jumps.

All that being said Chief Thunders bridge was one of my favorite stages in K.I. so I may eventually rip the sprites myself from mame and redo the whole thing. The only reason I did this edit was because it was the only version I could find, and it was just intolerably bad. It's more of a remix type edit if you will.

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  • 3 weeks later...

im going to try duke and report any bugs i find if any now. edit ok so feedback so far his bombs still don't explode exactly when it hits the opponent they bounce a bit which is dumb during steroids mode.... his damage is just to high idc if it is limited time you can murder the opponent combining it with the jetpack in like 4 seconds. his ai can attack before the round begins. id reccomend adding some blue CLSNS to his arms during his gun shooting makes it a bit more fair. one of his bomb canisters STILL does nothing i think it would be better if his bullet shot DOWNWARD when he shot in the air. thats all i got so far.

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i happen to like you since you took the time to fix the tick. i dont no to many people who would even try to fix him since his release and ever since i found that bug and reported to the one who did release him nothing was done about it so thank you. i know you dont play power ranger characters at all probly but would you mind checking lord zed my friend who made him didnt add the throw that is all he is missing or i should say would you at least think about it

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im going to try duke and report any bugs i find if any now.

edit ok so feedback so far

his bombs still don't explode exactly when it hits the opponent they bounce a bit which is dumb

during steroids mode.... his damage is just to high idc if it is limited time you can murder the opponent combining it with the jetpack in like 4 seconds.

his ai can attack before the round begins.

id reccomend adding some blue CLSNS to his arms during his gun shooting makes it a bit more fair.

one of his bomb canisters STILL does nothing

i think it would be better if his bullet shot DOWNWARD when he shot in the air.

thats all i got so far.

Hey thanks for the feedback Laharl. Much appreciated.

-The bombs you mentioned are detonated manually by pressing a + x.

-You're probably right about the steroids mode thing. I'll take a look at that and see about toning him down a little.

-The AI thing, I have no idea how to fix anything with the AI. sorry.

-I'll add the blue box on his arm.

-Yeah it would make sense for him to shoot downward in the air, I thought that too, but that's pretty much just too much work for me at this point. After all the crap I went through over him with the creator I'm basically just trying to call it a day.

Thanks again for the feedback, I may have all that done tonight, but either way keep an eye out for an update soon.

i happen to like you since you took the time to fix the tick. i dont no to many people who would even try to fix him since his release and ever since i found that bug and reported to the one who did release him nothing was done about it so thank you. i know you dont play power ranger characters at all probly but would you mind checking lord zed my friend who made him didnt add the throw that is all he is missing or i should say would you at least think about it

Hey man, thanks, I'm really glad you liked the Tick fix. It sucks how one little bug like that can basically ruin a character. As far as the Lord Zed thing goes, sorry, but you'll have to find someone else to work on him. I have too many other projects on the table right now. Best of luck to you.
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Ok so I checked his damage levels out and this is what I came up with: Strong punch strengths: Duke no roids: 43 Duke w/ roids: 63 Wolverine: 80 Juggernaut: 90 Fei-long: 60 Roids basically increase his damage by 1/3 for all his basics. Seeing as he's more of a tactical fighter than a brawler, and his hit strengths seem to reflect that, I think I'm going to leave his damages the way they are. As for the blue box on his arm when shooting, that's added and uploading now. Thanks again!

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No, the grenades still bounce. They bounce in the original game, and you can use it strategically. For example if a character is blocking, or behind their partner, you can bounce one off the back wall to hit them. Or if you miss them on the first shot (they duck etc) it might hit them on the ricochet. I thought you were talking about the pipe bombs bouncing before, sorry.

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