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Mugen Free For All

D4 Kirby by Seku Released = 3/11/12


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  • 3 months later...

That D4 Kirby looks INCREDIBLE and well animated but unfortunately it's AI is pretty horrid. If someone can make it VERY aggro & give it smart AI I can easily see this being one of the best Mugen Kirbies.

What is it with you and wanting "Aggro/Smart" AI?

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  • 2 months later...

That D4 Kirby received more updates and got more attacks now! Unfortunately, he lags the game even more then usual now because he's so heavily animated and detailed. >_<; If they could speed him up and make him a bit more aggro that would be amazing. I would message the creator of this Kirby that but he speaks japanese I think. O_O;

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