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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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Soon after, both groups would meet up with Raph.



"Welcome back, everyone. So boring part first, the Hideout is a technological marvel as is, but we like to add a little magic in the mix. Problem was, this drill is particularly taxing on the magic side. We keep going for longer and the mages helping us perform the drill would be in trouble. Boss ordered the early shut down because of it."



"Now for the part you actually care about. The hero's team here was ahead when I had to shut it down, so I suppose that makes them the winners. Still, both sides had casualties happen so you need to keep working on your skills as well as your teamwork. Out there, you won't get a second chance. And if you want to argue that you could definitely take hits better out there, allow me to tell you that one hit in a weak spot is all it takes to take down even the toughest. Nonetheless, I gotta admit that was good work from both sides. Get yourselves patched up and take some rest, I'm certain you all took quite the work out there."

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:

Soon after, both groups would meet up with Raph.



"Welcome back, everyone. So boring part first, the Hideout is a technological marvel as is, but we like to add a little magic in the mix. Problem was, this drill is particularly taxing on the magic side. We keep going for longer and the mages helping us perform the drill would be in trouble. Boss ordered the early shut down because of it."



"Now for the part you actually care about. The hero's team here was ahead when I had to shut it down, so I suppose that makes them the winners. Still, both sides had casualties happen so you need to keep working on your skills as well as your teamwork. Out there, you won't get a second chance. And if you want to argue that you could definitely take hits better out there, allow me to tell you that one hit in a weak spot is all it takes to take down even the toughest. Nonetheless, I gotta admit that was good work from both sides. Get yourselves patched up and take some rest, I'm certain you all took quite the work out there."



Can't argue that I could've done better. 



But in the end, we worked well together. And it was quite fun I might add.



Yea...especially when Light became worm food! Hahaha!



Oh really...and how did YOU fare in enemy territory during the drill? You get away clean?



Of...of course I did! I'm not some rock for brains idiot like you!



Uuummmm...hmmmmm...sure you did.



Can you two knock it off for even a moment?



You guys are too adorable...



....but don't let that go to your head, Anwalt.



My ego is already swole. One extra "stroke" won't hurt. If you catch my...



For the love of the unholy gods! Will you two just get a room already!?



Actually that reminds me...we have reservations. We can rest up here before we head to our suite. I'm pretty sure the maid said there was a medical facility here. I could just heal you but I'm a bit spent on magic.



That's quite understandable. I imagine it was some pretty intense work babysitting us all.



Speak for yourself, Light Bulb. You were hogging all the Healing.



That's cuz your skull is so thick that the bullets were bouncing off your head. You probably didn't feel a thing!



You're right! Cuz I'm one tough...son of a...






What?! I was gonna say "Son of a Demon!" Don't get you panties in a bunch! Geez!



Aaaaanyway....Ralphy. Could you kindly direct us to your medical facilities?



Also...is Darkflare still nearby? And Lilith how is she?



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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Aaaaanyway....Ralphy. Could you kindly direct us to your medical facilities?



"Infirmary's on the top levels, m'lady. The elevators can take you there."


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Also...is Darkflare still nearby? And Lilith how is she?



"Right here, Light. I had to come here personally to shut this down. Sorry, but my employees come first."



"Thinking up strategies on the fly is rough. I had a feeling it would be before we started, but even so. At least Leon was able to help me out."



"By the way..."



"I received the results of that study from the scans made on you during the drill. We should discuss that in private."

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10 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Infirmary's on the top levels, m'lady. The elevators can take you there."



Thanks! I'll be heading up. Raina? Guys? You coming?



I'll be up soon. I'll check on Penny on the way up. See you there. 


Lucent, Anwalt and Umbra all nod and follow Melina to the elevator. They take the elevator to the top floor.


10 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Right here, Light. I had to come here personally to shut this down. Sorry, but my employees come first."





10 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Thinking up strategies on the fly is rough. I had a feeling it would be before we started, but even so. At least Leon was able to help me out."



"By the way..."



"I received the results of that study from the scans made on you during the drill. We should discuss that in private."



Sounds like you both learned quite a bit from this drill. So did I. It seems I can still benefit from a few different facets of training.  

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On 11/11/2019 at 8:08 PM, A person said:


Penelope: Oooooh, you know her? Ummm...aaaaare you looking for herrr, orrrrr...?


She probably would not be able to answer many questions about Raina, since she knew pretty much nothing about her other than the fact that she was probably from another world? Maybe? Did people here really shoot stuff out and make firework stuff with their hands? There was Lightflare with his fireball things...maybe she was the one who was out of place, now that she thought about it; everyone else could do crazy magic stuff with their hands! This girl looked kind of funny, too...maybe this was one of Raina's friends?





"Yeah, I'm looking for Raina! You're a friend of hers, right? I'm a friend of hers too, maybe we can both be friends?"

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9 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Lucent, Anwalt and Umbra all nod and follow Melina to the elevator. They take the elevator to the top floor.

The top floors were reserved for facilities focused on recovering as one side hosted the cafeteria while the other side had the infirmary.


9 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Sounds like you both learned quite a bit from this drill. So did I. It seems I can still benefit from a few different facets of training.  


"You must have been out of your element. Too used to fighting 1 on 1 in the arena."



"At least he's used to actually fighting. I'm still just getting used to it myself."



"Well, there's some benefits to all that arena fighting. Although expanding your horizons wouldn't hurt."



"Anyway, let's get to business."


Flare takes.out his tablet and begins to tap commands into it.



"Light, if you weren't already present when I talked to Lilith earlier, I wouldn't be talking about this with you. Anything I say regarding what I found about her stays with you unless she agrees to share. Got it?"

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:

The top floors were reserved for facilities focused on recovering as one side hosted the cafeteria while the other side had the infirmary.


The group approaches receptionist of the infirmary.



We just finished a gruelling training session and would like to be evaluated. 


1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"You must have been out of your element. Too used to fighting 1 on 1 in the arena."




(He's actually smiling. Heh...he's enjoying this moment for sure)


1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"At least he's used to actually fighting. I'm still just getting used to it myself."



"Well, there's some benefits to all that arena fighting. Although expanding your horizons wouldn't hurt."



"Anyway, let's get to business."


Flare takes.out his tablet and begins to tap commands into it.



"Light, if you weren't already present when I talked to Lilith earlier, I wouldn't be talking about this with you. Anything I say regarding what I found about her stays with you unless she agrees to share. Got it?"



Of course. I've enjoyed our reunion. The training session was great. But I didn't come here for a strole down memory lane and a workout. And although I'm glad to help, I didn't come purely out of the kindness of my heart. No offense, Lilith. Your style. Your aura. It's no coincidence. There aren't many practitioners of our style...at least to my knowledge. And if it's one thing I've learned. My old "pal" Darkflare...will have a bit of insight on the situation. Now...continue.

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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


The group approaches receptionist of the infirmary.



We just finished a gruelling training session and would like to be evaluated. 


"It doesn't seem like any of you have received any serious wounds. No broken bones either? If you have no adverse effects to light or holy magic, then a basic healing spell should be enough."


4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Of course. I've enjoyed our reunion. The training session was great. But I didn't come here for a strole down memory lane and a workout. And although I'm glad to help, I didn't come purely out of the kindness of my heart. No offense, Lilith. Your style. Your aura. It's no coincidence. There aren't many practitioners of our style...at least to my knowledge. And if it's one thing I've learned. My old "pal" Darkflare...will have a bit of insight on the situation. Now...continue.



"Then it shouldn't be hard for you to figure out, Light."



"We're not the same. At least, not in the way I'm assuming you think we are. I recall you mentioned that we were the results of a project. So it's safe to assume you're also a clone."



"Precisely. Your name, Darkflare. That was the name of the project for you, right? That was the same name of the project for my world as well."



"And when we were created we were implanted with the knowledge of this power, these abilities we possess. We were basically born to be assassins."



"And yet fate allowed us to stray from that path at least."



"And that's where our similarities end."



"Huh? Wait, what do you mean by that?"



"I took a moment to double check and I had to get a second opinion just to be sure, but while we're our respective results of our world's projects, we're not the same "person"."



"Then.....wait....what makes you so sure then?"



"Your celular structure is far more stable than mine. I'm barely holding up with all kinds of weird shit I have to put in me just to remain stable. You? You're perfectly fine, you pretty much have a normal life expectancy for a human."



"This is just a theory but....whatever WAS "me" in your world was considered a failure and discarded. In your world, the project continued until they managed to create you. In my world, it was abandoned ending with me and they didn't even bother to "dispose" of me thinking I wouldn't survive."



"Basically, I'm dead in your world and you don't even exist in mine. It's a theory but it makes the most sense to me."



"So I got lucky in my world...yea, that's about right. One of them actually took pity on me and took me in. Heh, old man didn't like that I chose to be one of his servants, but I didn't mind."



"You're you and I'm me. There's no need for either of us to be anything else. As for our abilities, the power you and I wield is called the Satsui no Hadou. It's a dangerous power that can drive one mad with the drive to win at any cost even if it means killing your opponent."



"Funny, I don't recall having any desires to want to kill anybody."



"That's because our creators were smart enough to know what they were dealing with. In a way, we're pretty much hardwired to be unable to be corrupted by this power. Still that doesn't mean we should be reckless. It is still a dangerous power."



"Well...this has certainly answered a lot of my questions. This trip was worth it in the end. There's just one more thing that I don't understand."


Lilith looked over at Light.



"You, Light. You're Lightflare. Light and Dark, two opposites. There has to be a connection here."



"Honestly...never thought about that."

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6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"It doesn't seem like any of you have received any serious wounds. No broken bones either? If you have no adverse effects to light or holy magic, then a basic healing spell should be enough."



No objections here...


Umbra, Lucent and Melina agreed as well.


6 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Lilith looked over at Light.



"You, Light. You're Lightflare. Light and Dark, two opposites. There has to be a connection here."



"Honestly...never thought about that."


LightFlare had been processing everything he heard. He took a few seconds before responding to Lilith...



When we met Darkflare you asked me if I were a clone. I said no, but the truth is I don't really know if that's true. I can't remember my early years as a child and I don't know who my parents are. If what you say is true...then there's a chance...I'm...I'm a clone as well. All I know of my distant past IS my name. I don't know who named me. But it was all I could remember. 



And then there's the fact that both of you specialize in Dark Hadou. But I use both. You both don't seem to be effected by the Dark Hadou. But I continually train my mind to this day so that I can suppress the evil within. 



I guess since you're in the sharing mood, Dark...I'll share something. When most people say they had to fight themselves...they mean metaphorically. But in my case...I literally battled against my dark side personified. I won and he's sealed within what I can only describe as a "dark area within my subconscious." 



But I'm assuming if I am indeed a clone...that we are part of the same program. I may be overthinking this...but It's something I'd like to know the truth about.

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15 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"It doesn't seem like any of you have received any serious wounds. No broken bones either? If you have no adverse effects to light or holy magic, then a basic healing spell should be enough."





"That will be fine," Raina answered.

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On 11/20/2019 at 7:12 PM, Dumanios said:





"Yeah, I'm looking for Raina! You're a friend of hers, right? I'm a friend of hers too, maybe we can both be friends?"

Bingo. And she gets a new friend in the process! Now she definitely had to go back to the hangout; she just could not leave a new friend hanging!


Penelope: Yeah, that'd be really nice! C'mon, I'll show you where she is!

The girl started to make her way towards the hangout once again, now with a little more perk. At least, if she got yelled at, she was getting yelled at with another friend!

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14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




No objections here...


Umbra, Lucent and Melina agreed as well.


5 hours ago, Dumanios said:





"That will be fine," Raina answered.



"Very well, close your eyes and relax and let the healing magic do its work."


The woman proceeded to focus on the group as she chanted a spell to heal them.


14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


And then there's the fact that both of you specialize in Dark Hadou. But I use both. You both don't seem to be effected by the Dark Hadou. But I continually train my mind to this day so that I can suppress the evil within. 



I guess since you're in the sharing mood, Dark...I'll share something. When most people say they had to fight themselves...they mean metaphorically. But in my case...I literally battled against my dark side personified. I won and he's sealed within what I can only describe as a "dark area within my subconscious." 



But I'm assuming if I am indeed a clone...that we are part of the same program. I may be overthinking this...but It's something I'd like to know the truth about.



"That's right. I remember you mentioned something like that back at The Bottom."


Flare proceeded to laugh unable to contain his laughter.



"Wh-...Why are you laughing? This is hardly a laughing matter."



"Hahahaha. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. Did I hear that right? Suppressing the evil within? You mean the same evil within that Lilith and I possess?"



"That doesn't mean you have to laugh at him for it."



"I'm not exactly a shining knight, but I'm pretty sure I'm not someone that would be considered evil in most situations. And even the brief moment I've met you, I can tell your heart is in the right place, young lady."



"Hahaha. Sorry, I suppose it is entirely my fault for not being clear enough. The Dark Hadou isn't inherently an evil power. Like I said, it makes one mad with a drive to win at all costs. But when you think about it, that is something all humans inherently possess already."



"Take Light for example. He's always training, always looking for the next challenge, always striving for ways to improve. It even goes to the point where he will try to push his opponents just so he can get a better challenge out of it. Basically, the Hero of Kalos is just a fight addicted adrenaline junkie. All the Dark Hadou really does is amplify these emotions to a negative extent. Having this drive isn't a bad thing and in fact, I would encourage it, but as with all things in life, too much of a good thing is bad for you. The only reason those that go mad even try to kill their opponents is simply because they tend to refuse to admit defeat, refuse to accept that someone is better than them and will go to such an extent just to prove a point."



"So when you said were hard wired to be unable to be corrupted."



"We may be able to enjoy a good fight, but not to the extent like Light. I'm certain you also have your own share of skills and hobbies that don't involve fighting someone else."



"I'm not completely convinced that would be the case, but I have nothing else to go on."



"I don't know where to start for finding answers about your past, Light. But there is one I know for sure. There will be a time....where you will need to break that seal. You and your so called dark side must become one."

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Lucent, Umbra, Melina and Anwalt are healed.



I don't know about you guys, but I've worked up an appetite. Let's grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria.


All 4 went to the cafeteria to find food.

8 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"That's right. I remember you mentioned something like that back at The Bottom."


Flare proceeded to laugh unable to contain his laughter.



(This twisted old bastard is laughing....? Does he enjoy my pain THAT much?)


8 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I'm not completely convinced that would be the case, but I have nothing else to go on."



"I don't know where to start for finding answers about your past, Light. But there is one I know for sure. There will be a time....where you will need to break that seal. You and your so called dark side must become one."



(At least Lilith seems to have some compassion. If Darkflare isn't evil...then he sure has a twisted sense of humor.)



So Dark...how do you explain a separate entity made from the remnants of my own will to fight, my so called "addiction" to adrenaline and the influence of the Dark Hadou? Can it be possible that although we seem to have some similarities...that I'm in fact a special case? Possibly from a different program all together?



What am saying? I have way too many questions. I guess I've found bliss in my ignorance up to this point. You do make one interesting point, Darkflare. This dark side of me has a name. I've always thought that just by sealing him "inside me"...that we were one. But if we both have our own name, then are we truly "one?" I'll just have to see when the time comes.



How about you Lilith? Have you found the answers you were looking for?

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6 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


So Dark...how do you explain a separate entity made from the remnants of my own will to fight, my so called "addiction" to adrenaline and the influence of the Dark Hadou? Can it be possible that although we seem to have some similarities...that I'm in fact a special case? Possibly from a different program all together?



What am saying? I have way too many questions. I guess I've found bliss in my ignorance up to this point. You do make one interesting point, Darkflare. This dark side of me has a name. I've always thought that just by sealing him "inside me"...that we were one. But if we both have our own name, then are we truly "one?" I'll just have to see when the time comes.



"I have some thoughts about what's going on, but I would rather not fill your head with baseless guessing. As for your other side, you've merely contained it, not made it part of you. It's going to be damn hard but... you're going to have to confront your other side again...and accept it."


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


How about you Lilith? Have you found the answers you were looking for?


"The truth is I had something of an inferiority complex due to my clone origins and I was also curious about this dark ability I possessed, I knew it was a dangerous power if I ever lost control of it. But after meeting Dark here, I think it's time I had more confidence in myself."

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18 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I have some thoughts about what's going on, but I would rather not fill your head with baseless guessing. As for your other side, you've merely contained it, not made it part of you. It's going to be damn hard but... you're going to have to confront your other side again...and accept it."



The problem isn't me accepting him. The problem is him "wanting" to be accepted...


18 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"The truth is I had something of an inferiority complex due to my clone origins and I was also curious about this dark ability I possessed, I knew it was a dangerous power if I ever lost control of it. But after meeting Dark here, I think it's time I had more confidence in myself."



I agree, Lilith. You're obviously a very calm, cool and collected person. Your manners demonstrate your level of self discipline. And based on what Dark says, you'd have to be conflict addicted junkie...heh...like myself, I suppose. Then maybe you'd be in danger. 



Dark...I'm willing to accept him...NegaFlare. I truly am. But he's not willing to accept me. He is is own being. He feels he has just as much right to exist in this world as I do. Maybe...maybe he's right. I'm not sure how he came to be, but he's my responsibility. He's my burden. So that's why I carry him with me.



I can't just...accept "him". We have to accept each other. If I do confront him...and he doesn't agree to that...then we will be back were we started. You've met him. You've fought against him. He's will is strong. His power may be even stronger. As it stands, I still draw from his power even though he's sealed. I'd like for us to become one...but I don't feel I can trust him.



After all...I'd be asking him to give up his own existence. Unless you know another way...?

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Flare just shurgged



"Not much of an existence being sealed away. There has to be a way to convince him to cooperate with you."



"Wait, you fought his other self?"



".... oh yea, that was a few years ago. Even before the events that gave him the title Hero of Kalos."



"If you fought him before, then perhaps there may be a way."



"If you would have been there, you wouldn't be saying that. It took pretty much every thing I had just to keep up with it. We were rather fortunate to be in an area away from any people as well. That and I would like to not be yelled at again for being so reckless and cutting off more time of my dwindling lifespan."



"Ah...hmm....that's a fair point. There is a reason why he was sealed. Light, you said you trained your mind to keep it in check, right? I'm assuming you meditate and that could be the first step we need."



"I think I understand, meditate to look inward yourself."



"If your other side is sealed inside of you as you said, perhaps that could be a way to have some actual communication with it. Because the alternative is to simply release him and try to talk with it from the outside and from what you two have been telling me, that is the absolute worst idea without a way to properly contain it out here."


On 11/22/2019 at 12:32 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Lucent, Umbra, Melina and Anwalt are healed.



I don't know about you guys, but I've worked up an appetite. Let's grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria.


All 4 went to the cafeteria to find food.



(And there they go. Hopefully they take a proper break. Their bodies may be fine, but their mind and soul need a break as well.)


The cafeteria looked like your average cafeteria. There weren't that many people around so most tables were empty.

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8 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"If your other side is sealed inside of you as you said, perhaps that could be a way to have some actual communication with it. Because the alternative is to simply release him and try to talk with it from the outside and from what you two have been telling me, that is the absolute worst idea without a way to properly contain it out here."



Meditation was how I faced him before. It will most likely be how we meet again. I guess when the time is right...



In the meantime, I'll catch up with the others. I'll stop in the lobby to check on Penny. I hope she ok. We've been gone for ages. She must be bored out of her mind. If you're heading up Lilith I'll see you on the third floor. And we'll talk again, Dark. Later...


LightFlare heads to the elevator and rides it to the first floor. He rides it to the main floor. He steps of and begins looking for Penny...





@A person


8 hours ago, Darkflare said:


(And there they go. Hopefully they take a proper break. Their bodies may be fine, but their mind and soul need a break as well.)


The cafeteria looked like your average cafeteria. There weren't that many people around so most tables were empty.


Everyone began grabbing plates and food. They took a seat and discussed the results of the drill.


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"I'll have to start planning my return trip now. I was expecting my journey to be a little longer and didn't think I would have met you and gotten my answers so quickly."



"You really traveled all the way just for that? That's quite a short sighted view."



"I guess I was expecting a different answer. I saved up and brought enough for traveling for quite some time, but I can't stick around for very long unless I can get a job around here."



"I'm sure Light wouldn't mind you traveling with him. I know I said I didn't have a job opening, but I could see if I can find errands for you. You would probably have better luck talking to Anna for that though."



"Ah, that's right. She probably also has her share of sisters in this world here as well."



"Oh, you're familiar with them?"



"I used to be a regular customer for one of them back in my world. I found out one day they're a family of merchants who all look the same and have the same name when one of her sisters took over the shop because she was sick."



"It might not be a bad idea to be in good terms with her. At any rate, why don't you join with your group? If you're going to stick around might as well have some company."



"I definitely should. Thanks for everything."


Lilith bowed before heading to the elevator to the third floor.


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Everyone began grabbing plates and food. They took a seat and discussed the results of the drill.






"...did you all pay for that or were you all so hungry that you forgot to notice that the menu has prices on them?"

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On 11/22/2019 at 1:03 AM, A person said:

Bingo. And she gets a new friend in the process! Now she definitely had to go back to the hangout; she just could not leave a new friend hanging!


Penelope: Yeah, that'd be really nice! C'mon, I'll show you where she is!

The girl started to make her way towards the hangout once again, now with a little more perk. At least, if she got yelled at, she was getting yelled at with another friend!




Flandre followed excitedly, a skip to her step.



On 11/22/2019 at 11:32 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Lucent, Umbra, Melina and Anwalt are healed.



I don't know about you guys, but I've worked up an appetite. Let's grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria.


All 4 went to the cafeteria to find food.





Raina followed suit, taking some time to examine the menu in the cafeteria before picking a pizza and some water. Afterward, Raina went to the nearest merchant to pay for her food - no need to repeat that mistake.

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6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"...did you all pay for that or were you all so hungry that you forgot to notice that the menu has prices on them?"


Forgive us for the misunderstanding. Allow me to take care of it.


Lucent takes a look at the menu prices. He calculates the total pays for the food with a 10% tip.



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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"Let's just say it was a heat of the moment thing. The membership covers a lot of things around here but some things will cost you extra. Just pay more attention next time, all right?"



Undertood. Thank you.



Thanks Lucent. 



No problem at all. Now you guys dig in. I'm sure you've worked up an appetite.



Especially me! I'm like the M.V. P. for sure!



Indeed! "Most Valuable Pinhead!" Hahahaha!





They contunue to eat and socialize.

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On 11/24/2019 at 12:04 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare heads to the elevator and rides it to the first floor. He rides it to the main floor. He steps of and begins looking for Penny...





21 hours ago, Dumanios said:




Flandre followed excitedly, a skip to her step.

Fortunately, Penelope would walk in the door right as Lightflare began his search for the girl. She had not known that he was even looking for her, and, had she decided to stay out a bit longer, probably would have caused a huge scene. Regardless, she led Flandre into the Warrior's Hangout happily, and turned towards the girl once they were inside.

Penelope: Here we are, the...umm..."Warrior's Hangout", I think is what it's called, yeah! Thank you for using Penelope's Taxi service! So, what's your name?

Even after all of that, she still wasn't aware of Lightflare.

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30 minutes ago, A person said:


Fortunately, Penelope would walk in the door right as Lightflare began his search for the girl. She had not known that he was even looking for her, and, had she decided to stay out a bit longer, probably would have caused a huge scene. Regardless, she led Flandre into the Warrior's Hangout happily, and turned towards the girl once they were inside.

Penelope: Here we are, the...umm..."Warrior's Hangout", I think is what it's called, yeah! Thank you for using Penelope's Taxi service! So, what's your name?

Even after all of that, she still wasn't aware of Lightflare.


LightFlare smiles as he sees a familiar vibrant young lady in purple.



Penny! I see you're still awake! Were finished with the drill. I'm heading up to the infirmary to meet the others. Then we'll grab a bite to eat. I can grab you something if you like? 

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