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Uncle Joel edit release (4/20/2018)

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On 4/20/2018 at 9:36 PM, Nodog said:

What was edited?

I have provided a changelog. Download the edit and read it.


Also, I messed up on some things, so I'm updating this. Not sure how long THIS update will take, because I'm gonna add an intro against Hatsune Miku (Those who've seen the WinMUGEN stream will reconize what the hell I'm talking about). I'm also having a sense of updating Garfield after a while of being away from it.

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5 hours ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

I have provided a changelog. Download the edit and read it.

Well, it would be nice to edit a changelog into the OP. People don't want to download 139 MB files just to see what was changed.


Anyways I'll paste it here for the aforementioned people:


Orininal to V1.0

- Added "IT BEGINS" intro and two kinds of cheap modes against mentioned characters/creators and 12p mode.
    - Shots fired, TheMegaBrony.
- "Trashman" deals slightly more damage.
    - HADOOKEN deals moderate damage now.
    - Dr. Pepper deals the least damage of all the moves now.
- Added Character-specific winquotes and replaced two normal ones.
- Added readme.
- New icon and portrait. (Icon done using Fighter Factory 3, Portrait done using FF Studio.)
- The Pizza does more damage when blocked. No modifications to the normal damage have been made.
- Nuke Norway (Fuck You, Norway!) now has AssertSpecial activations "nobardisplay" and "nomusic".
- Palletes are now files instead of mappings. (not all are ported at this time)

To Come:

- Skeletor assist (I think)
- Intros against Bonzi Buddy, Mario, and Hatsune Miku
- Other things I can't think of at this time.


Seems like nothing major has been added aside from minor fixes. And "cheap modes" for whatever reason.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, so got my laptop and accessed the (currently incomplete) changelog for the upcoming More Moogen update. Here's a list of what's done so far:


- Fixed the time "nomusic" and "nobardisplay" ends after the "Nuke Norway (Fuck You, Norway!)" hyper.
- Added intros against Hatsune Miku & Darkstalkers characters.
- Added The 14th Doctor's Grand Dad to the winquote coding vs. Grand Dad.
- Grand Dad hyper cannot be used when facing Grand Dads.
- Removed 12p cheap mode activation and IT BEGINS intro. Health restoration and NotHitBy code against some characters still exists.
- A lot of audio bits are mono now, to lower file size.  (not completely done)
- Removed Mooskless and Satanic Powers and prevented AI from activating them.
- Removed two audio bits from the DJ Joel winpose.
- Found a way to remove the stomach plug and the blood.
- Removed the explods from the standing fierce kick. (using it too much would cause the M.U.G.E.N engine to lag on some computers/screenpacks)
- Shortened the sound bit in the "You Fucking Idiot" winpose, in addition, the animation is always on top.
- The Pizza's normal damage has been slightly nerfed, while block damage is increased.
- One move removed. You can, however, add it back in.

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