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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport


BGM: Sunshine Airport starts playing again


After a good and short walk, the group finally reached the airport. There, Lucent and Umbra were waiting at the entrance, as Anwalt said before.



Lucent: Oh, there you all are. You got here quite earlier than what I imagined.


Anwalt: We're all ready to depart, Lucent. Let's board on the ship and-


Lucent: We still have two hours before the ship arrives for departure. There's no use going to the boarding site now.


Anwalt: Oh, OK. Then let's spend time shopping around on the stores!


Lucent: Before we can continue, let me introduce Umbra. He's the general of the Vestal Guard back at home and... a sort of mentor, if I'm to put it in some way.


Umbra: What's the problem with calling me a servant if I'm exactly that?


Lucent: You're more of a family member to me than some sort of butler or guard.


Anwalt: Also, an annoying and unobedient one, at that. Should've put you on a leash...


Umbra: Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny, Lord Anwalt. You should definitely try the stand-up line of comedy with those jokes.


Anwalt: Sure I will... maybe breaking your face apart will be one of those jokes. What do you think?


Umbra: Sounds funny. As a follow-up, I can break your spine and twist your neck.


Lucent: Oh, even better! I freeze both of you and drop you from the airship if you don't stop arguing like I told you on the phone.


Umbra and Anwalt: *gulp* W-We're stopping right now.


Umbra: So, what are their names, Lord Lucent?


Lucent: The maid is called Lilith, the small girl is called Penelope, the shrine maiden is called Raina, the tall guy is called LightFlare and the woman is called... uh...


Anwalt: Her name's Melina.


Lucent: I see. I suppose that Hyde left to do something on his own, so he won't be coming with us anymore and now we got an extra ticket left.


Anwalt: That's pretty much about it. Also, you don't seem fazed by it.


Lucent: He did sound pretty uncomfortable with the idea of leaving Kalos when I asked him yesterday, so it became obvious he didn't want to leave. Well, all we can do is hope that everything ends well on his side.


Lucent: Now then, shall we go shopping? I suppose we'll need some change of clothing, especially for Penelope and Raina who arrived here without nothing.


Umbra: There are a variety of shops here. Perhaps we can find clothes that belong to your respective worlds.

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6 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Now then, shall we go shopping? I suppose we'll need some change of clothing, especially for Penelope and Raina who arrived here without nothing.


Umbra: There are a variety of shops here. Perhaps we can find clothes that belong to your respective worlds.



Sounds like a plan. It's good to see you, Lucent. Raina...Penny...Ready to look around? Oh and Lilith...you're welcome to tag along too.



You guys have fun. Lucent...can we talk for a minute?

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5 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Sounds like a plan. It's good to see you, Lucent. Raina...Penny...Ready to look around? Oh and Lilith...you're welcome to tag along too.


Penelope: Ready freddy!


She quietly thought about what she should get. And then she remembered: no money! This was going to be a big problem...probably. As long as she avoided the expensive clothing, she would be fine. Hopefully.

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Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport



Lucent: ... Of course. I was thinking about it as well, LightFlare.


Anwalt: (Oh boy, this doesn't sound fun...)


Umbra: Well then, let's go. Lord Lucent, I'll be sure to not let Lord Anwalt next to a gambling machine.


Anwalt: Hey, I wasn't going to gamble anyway!


Lucent: Alright then. LightFlare, follow me.


Lucent and LightFlare went a different way as the others went to the shopping center inside the airport.



Lucent: Well, I believe I already know what it is, but let me ask. What is it you wish to talk with me?

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("Their servant seems to be particularly loyal to them....I kinda feel somewhat nostalgic seeing this.")


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Sounds like a plan. It's good to see you, Lucent. Raina...Penny...Ready to look around? Oh and Lilith...you're welcome to tag along too.



"I'll come by, there's a few things I want to take a look at."

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7 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: Ready freddy!


She quietly thought about what she should get. And then she remembered: no money! This was going to be a big problem...probably. As long as she avoided the expensive clothing, she would be fine. Hopefully.


12 hours ago, Dumanios said:






"Yeah, I'm ready to start looking.



5 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I'll come by, there's a few things I want to take a look at."


Great! Let's go, girlfriends! Oh! And don't worry, Penny. I gotcha covered. Just one of the benefits of being a winner. Isn't that right, Raina!? 


Melina chuckles as she leads the girls into a clothing store nearby. It wasn't especially large but there were several other stores so they could visit them as well. Most of them had a small selection of certain types of clothing. From Urban Street Wear, to formal clothing, to casual and clothing only people from far away distant lands would wear. Melina was happy to go shopping with some new friends. She liked Penny a lot and instinctively wanted to play the..."cool big sister" role. Raina seemed nice as well. And even though her and Liltih seem to bump heads a little, Melina wanted to give her a chance. Maybe Lilith would loosen up a bit. Maybe not...


Meanwhile LightFlare confronts Lucent about the recent allegations that Lucent harbors some resentment...for LightFlare...


6 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Well, I believe I already know what it is, but let me ask. What is it you wish to talk with me?



Well...I want to thank you again for the hospitality. I rested well and breakfast was great. But...it's been brought to my attention that you may have reservations about me concerning my dark power. I honestly don't blame you. It's a common occurrence when people first see it. I truly hope that you don't judge me based on a small part of who I am...but that you get to know me first. Your brother told us what happened years ago. You were very young and it must have scarred you deep. I've seen a lot myself. Let me elaborate...


LightFlare shares his story with Lucent in hopes that Lucent will open up and feel more comfortable with him.



And that's my story. Anwalt didn't go into detail about your side of what happened. We've got time. Feel like sharing?


LightFlare awaits his response...


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Lucent Vermillion

Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport


He heard LightFlare's story, finally understanding the origin of his dark power. By hearing that Anwalt had shared his backstory with the others, Lucent had no chance to hiding it, since it was something he never liked about himself: his past.



Lucent: I see. So he told you his part of the backstory concerning us both. Well then, before we can continue on the why I created some distance, I'll tell my part of the story. I don't want to leave this incomplete, as much as I don't want to share my past at all.



BGM: Sorrowful Angel


Lucent: Anwalt might have told you the beginning. We’re both born from the union of the Ruler of Nightmares and the Vestal of Dream back at our world. At that time, the incident with an extremist faction happened and we were split apart. Anwalt stood behind as bait for the enemies while Mom and Dad ran away with me. The demons chased them, but they left me at an orphanage before they could do it so. I was completely injured and couldn’t move a muscle. The other kids and the caretaker took me in, patched my injuries and gave me a room to live.


Lucent: I spent years wondering if they were ever going to come back. At that time, something happened. While I was in middle school, I was being bullied for my poor conditions. One day, one of the kids had the idea of locking me behind in the school for the whole night. I was completely scared and I pleaded for him to let me go. Suddenly, everything went dark.


Lucent: When I opened my eyes, that boy was torn apart. Literally. Limbs, feet, fingers… even the eyes were gouged out. An enormous pond of blood was under him and reaching my feet. And there was something written in the floor. “All the monsters should die, including myself!” That scene horrified me. I was desperate, screaming and crying the loudest I could. When the police came by, they labeled it as a suicide just for not raising any alarm and because, back in my world, we can't depend on them to do anything. I was the unnamed witness of the case.


Lucent: But for me... I was the culprit. In my mind, my powers as a son of a Nightmare Demon ruined the life of a family, erased all the dreams of that child. Isolation was the answer I found out. I never talked with anyone, never left out my room… it was me and the dark, because I didn’t even open the curtains to see if it was sunny or rainy outside. That was my life until months ago. Exactly when Anwalt came back home…


Lucent: He came at me, smiling eagerly to have finally found me. However, I pushed him away… angry because he never came back as well, even though he was alive. No matter how much he tried to befriend me, it drove me down even more. All of that deepened my scars and impulsed me to do more crazy stuff. I lost my mind at that point… done things to me that I regret… like not eating at all, for one. However, the truth eventually came to light.


Lucent: My cousin, who was also a Nightmare Demon, perpetrated all of this nonsense. From the murder of that kid to his almost successful attempt to kill me. He did that all out of jealousy, just because my life was different and I had the love he yearned for. But instead of moving on, he wanted to ruin me. When I was almost dead, our mother and father used the last ounce of their spiritual strength to show me that and bring me back to life.


Lucent: We faced him together and we managed to unify both worlds, dreams and nightmares, just like Mother and Father wanted back then. We also gave him a chance to come with us and fix his mistakes. But he didn't want to come. Said he'd rather die than live in a world where I'm smiling. So… I killed him, just as he wished.

*BGM fades*


Lucent: I may be only a rich kid whose actions may be rather prickly and unreasonable, but I had my share. If it wasn't for the insistence Anwalt and my friends had, I would have never left my room at the orphanage… or I'd end up dead by my own hands, which is even worse.


Lucent: That's all I can tell about me now. It might sound like some horror story… but I do wish I was just joking about all this. I'd skip the grotesque details, but my memory wouldn't allow it.

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7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




Great! Let's go, girlfriends! Oh! And don't worry, Penny. I gotcha covered. Just one of the benefits of being a winner. Isn't that right, Raina!? 


Melina chuckles as she leads the girls into a clothing store nearby. It wasn't especially large but there were several other stores so they could visit them as well. Most of them had a small selection of certain types of clothing. From Urban Street Wear, to formal clothing, to casual and clothing only people from far away distant lands would wear. Melina was happy to go shopping with some new friends. She liked Penny a lot and instinctively wanted to play the..."cool big sister" role. Raina seemed nice as well. And even though her and Liltih seem to bump heads a little, Melina wanted to give her a chance. Maybe Lilith would loosen up a bit. Maybe not...





"Heh, let's take it easy," Raina responded, a smile beginning to form. Raina could already see several outfits she liked. Hopefully the money from winning back in the arena would cover everything she was wanting.

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On 2/17/2019 at 7:50 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Great! Let's go, girlfriends! Oh! And don't worry, Penny. I gotcha covered. Just one of the benefits of being a winner. Isn't that right, Raina!? 


Penelope: Ahaha...thanks...


Yet again, she felt like she was being a burden. As long as she didn't mind, though...and there we are! She found just the outfit she was looking for: another of her current outfit.



Penelope: Aha, I found what I want! I gotta get it! You can't go wrong with the same outfit as always!


She didn't take very long to snatch up several of the hoodie...dresses? Hoodies? Whatever they were, she took up a few of them and started to lug them around. They were all hers, and nobody else would get them!

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Anwalt Vermillion and Umbra

Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport


The girls seemed to be enjoying themselves in this shopping spree for the next hours until the ship arrives. Outside of the store and watching them, Anwalt and Umbra somehow started talking with each other... or rather, arguing.



Anwalt: Not gonna buy anything?


Umbra: Why would I need to buy anything? I don't feel the needs that humans feel.


Anwalt: ...


Umbra: You can get angry as much as you want, I'm not leaving.


Anwalt: Shut up and don't speak about it. I'm trying to ignore it.


Umbra: Are you now?


Anwalt: ... You want me to be pissed at you or what?


Umbra: Seeing you acting like a rabid dog after having your scenario ruined is really fun for me, so keep on with the anger.


Anwalt: Seriously, sometimes I wonder if you're loyal or if you enjoy watching others being hurt.


Umbra: I'd say both. I'm loyal to Lord Lucent and to you, of course, but I can still have my fun at watching you two slip over and have life punching you at your faces.


Anwalt: The loyal part was a good thing to hear. If you're that loyal, then pick an airship and get back home.


Umbra: Get on your knees and beg. Maybe then I'll consider it a bit. Oh, before that, let me get the camera.


Anwalt: What?! Hell no, I'm not begging anything!


Umbra: Darn it, I was hoping to get some good photos of you begging just so I can send over back home and post them online...


Anwalt: ... You're lucky I'm holding myself back and trying to contain my hand from pummeling you hard in the ground until you descend to hell.


Umbra: Let's try and have some fun. I mean, we're on a trip so why not. I just hope I can get to use my equipment soon.


Anwalt: What equipment, Umbra?


Umbra: You know, the usual torturing stuff... like those iron maidens...


Anwalt: OK, OK, that's enough, I don't want to hear the rest. That's really creepy.


Umbra shrugged, as for him everything he said was pretty normal. He looked to the other side, expectling Lucent and LightFlare to appear and rejoin them.



Umbra: I wonder if Lord Lucent will take too long speaking with LightFlare... I'm pretty sure he wants to buy some souvenirs for everyone back at home. Hopefully they're already coming our way.


Anwalt: What I hope is that they got to some consensus and will try to become friends.

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3 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: Aha, I found what I want! I gotta get it! You can't go wrong with the same outfit as always!


She didn't take very long to snatch up several of the hoodie...dresses? Hoodies? Whatever they were, she took up a few of them and started to lug them around. They were all hers, and nobody else would get them!


"Penelope.... don't you think you should get something so you don't have to carry around your things in your hands?"

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On 2/17/2019 at 9:14 AM, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: That's all I can tell about me now. It might sound like some horror story… but I do wish I was just joking about all this. I'd skip the grotesque details, but my memory wouldn't allow it.



You and Anwalt have had a rough turn of events. You obviously have a bad impression of powers like mine. Inherently that's the case. But not all practitioners of it use it with malicious intentions. Darkflare...the man we are going to meet uses them as well. But he chose to use them to help others. He's an...interesting character to say the least. I guess what I'm saying is...



Don't judge a book by it's "Dark" cover. Let it's story...speak for itself. 


LightFlare extendes his hand to shake Lucent's hand.


Meanwhile in the clothing store...


On 2/17/2019 at 6:31 PM, Dumanios said:




"Heh, let's take it easy," Raina responded, a smile beginning to form. Raina could already see several outfits she liked. Hopefully the money from winning back in the arena would cover everything she was wanting.


Melina chuckles...



Ok...ok. I'll be nice. 


3 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: Aha, I found what I want! I gotta get it! You can't go wrong with the same outfit as always!


She didn't take very long to snatch up several of the hoodie...dresses? Hoodies? Whatever they were, she took up a few of them and started to lug them around. They were all hers, and nobody else would get them!


Melina looks around a bit and suddenly hears an excited young girl who has obviously found what she came for...



Looks like someone hit the jackpot. 


31 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Penelope.... don't you think you should get something so you don't have to carry around your things in your hands?"



Actually they have bags hanging up on a rack. They're pretty sturdy. 


Melina pointed to a rack with bags hanging from it. They were a nice size and looked to made of cotton and nylon. Melina addresses Lilith, Raina and Penny...



We still got a little time. Look around. When you're ready just see the clerk up front...


Melina continues to casually browse the store.

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Lucent Vermillion

Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport



Lucent: Dark powers aren't what bother me. I have both light and darkness inside me as well. It's their usage, like you said. I still don't agree with the fact you used it unnecessarily against Hyde in that match and it's far from me accepting that as respect between fighters. I find it an overstatement to the fact that you are powerful compared to him.


Lucent: Still, I will comply and let this event go as past waters. However, I don't want to relive the solitude I felt and no one will make me, enemy or ally. So if you try these same tricks against Anwalt or Umbra, I will drown you in the most cruel nightmare I can create until your soul lost its complete spirit to live.


Lucent agreed with the handshake and responded it. After knowing LightFlare's story and seeing what he went through, it woudln't be fair of Lucent to hold a petty grudge against an event. The warnings were given though, so he would be sure to have his family out of dangerous range. At the end of it, however, Lucent smiled somehow.



Lucent: And please, while we're together, take your time and rest well. We're companions of this quest and I plan to have you and the others to enjoy the trip, even though not all of them are here to have fun.

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2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: And please, while we're together, take your time and rest well. We're companions of this quest and I plan to have you and the others to enjoy the trip, even though not all of them are here to have fun.



(This kid is twisted...at least he's hospitable)


LightFlare nods in acceptance of Lucent's "request".



Light and Darkness huh? I suppose we have a few similarities after all. I can't help but wonder what you and your brother had planned for a vacation. I like a good fight but The Bottom is at "the bottom" of my list of vacation spots. Why did you really come to Kalos?

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5 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Actually they have bags hanging up on a rack. They're pretty sturdy. 


Melina pointed to a rack with bags hanging from it. They were a nice size and looked to made of cotton and nylon. Melina addresses Lilith, Raina and Penny...



We still got a little time. Look around. When you're ready just see the clerk up front...


Melina continues to casually browse the store.



"Well that's convenient."


Lilith went to have a look at the bags.



"These aren't bad, but I may need something a little bigger."

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15 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Meanwhile in the clothing store...



Melina chuckles...



Ok...ok. I'll be nice.




Actually they have bags hanging up on a rack. They're pretty sturdy. 


Melina pointed to a rack with bags hanging from it. They were a nice size and looked to made of cotton and nylon. Melina addresses Lilith, Raina and Penny...



We still got a little time. Look around. When you're ready just see the clerk up front...


Melina continues to casually browse the store.





Raina's eyes seem to light up at the site of the bags. Oh this would be so great right now. Counting up her several outfits and the bag, she had enough money thanks to the prize money from earlier. She'd got the outfits she wanted and a bag to help carry all the spare clothes, it was about time to pay.

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Lucent Vermillion

Location: Kalos City Interdimensional Airport



Lucent: To be honest, we haven't planned anything. It was really sudden for me as well. Anwalt had the idea, so I thought he had everything ready, but he didn't. 


Lucent: Still, the reason why we came to this world is a family trip. After what happened back home, Anwalt wanted to pass some time with me, as to compensate for the years we were apart. I kind of wanted this too, so I wouldn't refuse.


As Lucent spoke, an announcement rang throughout the airport.


"Attention all passengers. Due to circumstances, the flights to Candor City will occur a little earlier than what has been planned. For now, all passengers of the high class airship #13 must be on the boarding site. The boarding will be liberated in the next 45 minutes."



Lucent: Airship #13? That's our flight! I hope the message reached the shopping center.

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19 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Penelope.... don't you think you should get something so you don't have to carry around your things in your hands?"


18 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Actually they have bags hanging up on a rack. They're pretty sturdy. 


Melina pointed to a rack with bags hanging from it. They were a nice size and looked to made of cotton and nylon. Melina addresses Lilith, Raina and Penny...



We still got a little time. Look around. When you're ready just see the clerk up front...


Melina continues to casually browse the store.

Penelope didn't think about nabbing a bag before, but since there just so happened to be some hanging up in the shop, she decided that it'd probably be a good idea to grab at least one big bag.



Penelope: (Hmm...I think I'm going to need something pretty big for all of these clothes! I hope she doesn't mind me grabbing one...)


Considering they were in a probably really expensive shop, she was going to have to grab one of their better bags to make sure it didn't bust open during an intense moment, which she knew was going to happen a lot. Probably. It is an adventure, so of course there were going to be intense moments. This was just like some of those games she had played! She proceeded to snatch up a bag large enough to hold several outfits and a little more luggage, and nodded to herself. She turned towards Melina, and started to trail her. Suddenly, a chime was heard in the shop, followed by an announcement.


15 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

As Lucent spoke, an announcement rang throughout the airport.


"Attention all passengers. Due to circumstances, the flights to Candor City will occur a little earlier than what has been planned. For now, all passengers of the high class airship #13 must be on the boarding site. The boarding will be liberated in the next 45 minutes."



Penelope: Alright, I think I have everything I need! And it sounds like I was just in time, too!


She quietly hoped Melina was not like her mom. She would often take a lot of time in stores, and even after saying she would be done soon, she would still take almost an hour to search around. But Melina had to be more about business than idle shopping!

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5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

"Attention all passengers. Due to circumstances, the flights to Candor City will occur a little earlier than what has been planned. For now, all passengers of the high class airship #13 must be on the boarding site. The boarding will be liberated in the next 45 minutes."


Melina notices a quiet little purple shadow creep up and suddely begin to follow her...


Flights to Candor...? That's us. Come on Penny. We should check out.


Melina leads Penny to the cash register..



Hello, Ma'am. We're ready to check out.



Sure! Right this way...


The clerk stands behind the register waiting for Melina or Penny to place their items on the conter...



You're up Penny! I'm not buying anything, today. Just browsing...


5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Airship #13? That's our flight! I hope the message reached the shopping center.


LightFlare glances back threw the store windows and sees Melina, Penny and Raina in the store.



Looks like Melina and Penny are at the register. Raina may be ready as well. They must have heard the announcement. They should be out soon...

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21 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

As Lucent spoke, an announcement rang throughout the airport.


"Attention all passengers. Due to circumstances, the flights to Candor City will occur a little earlier than what has been planned. For now, all passengers of the high class airship #13 must be on the boarding site. The boarding will be liberated in the next 45 minutes."



Lucent: Airship #13? That's our flight! I hope the message reached the shopping center.




'Well that's early,' Raina thought.


The shrinemaiden got into line with Penny and Melina, waiting for the younger girl's own purchase to be done.

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Penelope didn't hesitate to place her clothes and the bag on the counter, stepping aside to allow Melina to pay for it. She quietly turned away in embarrassment, facing the crowds outside in preparation for their departure.



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40 minutes ago, A person said:

Penelope didn't hesitate to place her clothes and the bag on the counter, stepping aside to allow Melina to pay for it. She quietly turned away in embarrassment, facing the crowds outside in preparation for their departure.




The clerk finishes scanning all the items.



Alright! That'll be 35 zennie!



No prob. Here ya go..


Melina pays for the items.



Thanks! Come again!


7 hours ago, Dumanios said:




'Well that's early,' Raina thought.


The shrinemaiden got into line with Penny and Melina, waiting for the younger girl's own purchase to be done.



Ok Penny. I can see LightFlare and Lucent still outside the store. Let's go meet up with them and get ready to depart. Raina...we'll see you outside the store.


Melina starts walking toward LightFlare...



I'll take the next customer!

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14 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Ok Penny. I can see LightFlare and Lucent still outside the store. Let's go meet up with them and get ready to depart. Raina...we'll see you outside the store.


Melina starts walking toward LightFlare...



I'll take the next customer!





Raina walked up and placed her goods. Several new outfits were nice, though unfortunately they didn't have anything quite like her unique outfit. A bag to carry it all as well.

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3 hours ago, Dumanios said:





Raina walked up and placed her goods. Several new outfits were nice, though unfortunately they didn't have anything quite like her unique outfit. A bag to carry it all as well.


The cashier scans Raina's items.



That'll be 45 zennies, please.


As Melina walks out she notices Liltih is still looking around...


On 2/20/2019 at 4:07 AM, Darkflare said:


"These aren't bad, but I may need something a little bigger."



I'm heading out, Lilith. Penny is right behind me. Raina should be checking out. We're all meeting in front of the store before we board. See you out there.

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