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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Anwalt Vermillion

Location: Grand Wave Hotel - Cafeteria / Restaurant


After turning off the call, Anwalt looked at the others and decided to interrupt them for a second.



Anwalt: Hey, before we can continue with the whole knowing each other business, I got an update on our situation I want to pass out.


Anwalt: Just received a call from Lucent and he told us we're going to Candor via airship. He told us to prepare our bags and to be there in three and a half hours.


Anwalt: With that out of the way, someone wants to speak up next?





"Well, I didn't bring much stuff, so packing won't be hard."


"I guess though I should explain a bit about me..."





"I don't know how common it is here, but I more or less inherited my powers. My mother was a shrinemaiden like me, and my parents taught me just about everything I know.


The job of the Havenray Clan back home was to mediate conflicts and serve as a neutral party. As a part of this my family's important for solving crisises at home when they occur. There's been a few difficult incidents here and there, but they're mostly easy to deal with.


The primary method of combat back home is under a set of rules that ensure non-lethal fighting. Since that's what I'm used to, it may be difficult to adjust to everyone not knowing the system..."


Raina concluded... her story wasn't as interesting or in depth as Lightflare's, but she hadn't lived as long, either...


"I guess if anyone wants, I could talk about some of the fun incidents that happened, but I was wondering if there was anywhere I could buy some extra clothes."


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Penelope would finally finish off her plate. Fortunately, it was just in time for her to catch wind of the plan. So she still had plenty of time! Like it mattered, though; she didn't have anything to pack! Instead of cutting someone off to talk about herself, she instead opted to sit and listen for a while. She knew her turn would come up soon, anyway.

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Anwalt Vermillion

Location: Grand Wave Hotel - Cafeteria / Restaurant



Anwalt: So that's how your powers are born. We're almost the same then.


Seeing how Raina ended hers up a little fast, Anwalt decided to speak up next.



Anwalt: Since everyone's so intent on sharing backstories. I guess I can share mine as well. At least, the part of it that concerns me the most.


BGM: Terra



Anwalt: Back in my world, our family was known to be composed of Nightmare demons of high caliber, so we were pretty much at the top of our game. At that time, my father, who used to be the Emperor of Nightmares, fell in love with the Vestal of Dreams, my mother. By breaking the rules once formed by the ancient generations, they married and planned an union between both races, who were enemies at each other's throats. I'm fruit of that love, but I only inherited my father's blood, while Lucent managed to inherit both of them. Our live was really peaceful and enjoyable, since both Dreams and Nightmares seemed to agree with the alliance and Mom and Dad's marriage.


Anwalt: That is, until an extremist faction rose against the alliance. A bunch of Nightmare Demons who were against the whole peaceful setting attacked our home when I was 16 and Lucent was only 5. By that time, we already had an incident happening which involved our powers, but things turned for the worse with the attack. Mom and Dad escaped with Lucent while I was injured and lost among the demons. My power suddenly rose up as I was in the verge of death and I managed to take most of the invaders out alone with the last of my strength. I don't hold anything against them, since I was the one who gave them the idea of leaving me behind.


Anwalt: When I finally calmed down and felt my life stripping away from me, a Nightmare Demon took me in his care forcefully. That damn fool trained me through hell and worse. I stood 3 years with him somewhere away from from my home. When I completed 18, he just disappeared as I had to make some living. Around that time, I got in contact with fighting and ended up liking it. I was crowned champion on many of these fight clubs, when I was scouted by some random businessman. He called me in, saying he needed more strong people like I do and that the work resulted in a lot of money. Since I had a dream to fulfill at that time, I needed the cash so I took in. That was a hell of a wrong turn in life, though...


Anwalt: I began working with the yakuza, so I ended up dealing with all sorts of risky jobs. "Debt collecting", smuggling, ransom killing... a lot of blood spilled by my hands. In the two years of my initial join-in, I got fed up with all that sort of business and decided to deal with the boss myself. I challenged him and now he's on a grave, resting like a bone after a dog buries it. I took the group for me and changed it around my way. We began to work as a yakuza group against the yakuza. So yeah, we betrayed the movement and went along with the police. The income grew, the blood was less spilled since we didn't get found out most of the time. The times we were caught... well, the ones against us didn't survive to tell the story today.


Anwalt: Three years later and I was already swimming in cash. The amount necessary to build up my dream. And that was getting back home, rencounter someone of my family who could be alive and give them some peaceful settings for once. I searched like crazy in order to find someone through the net and I stumbled upon Lucent's profile. I think I never felt more hopeful at that moment more than ever. So I settled all my things, left my business running with my partners and travelled back to my homeland, all in order to fulfill my dream.


*BGM fades*



Anwalt: Well, I guess that covers my part up. The next part is Lucent's, so he needs to be the one who tells it. That, and because there are things only he can tell.


Anwalt: I feel like we spent some good time here. Should we get packing our things up or someone else wants to speak up?

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"My life isn't anything special. My master took me in and I chose to be one of his servants as a form of gratitude. After several years, he ordered me to go out and be more than just a servant."



"...ah well, we'll figure out something else to talk about during the airship ride."

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Melina is quite intrigued with the stories of Raina, Anwalt and Lilith. She even learned the origin of LightFlare's dark power.



Wow...you guys come from some interesting backgrounds. I guess it's my turn...





I grew up like most girls I guess. I liked playing with dolls as a kid. I was friendly and kids seemed to like me. But I had other interests as well. I liked fighting. Not getting into fights. Just the idea of combat. So I started training at a facilty. There I learned KyoKushin Style Karate. Many styles are derived from it. An older man would come to the facilty I trained in. He would just sit and smile while we trained. My trainer said that he wasn't sure why he stopped by but he seemed to be a fan of the style.


One day I had a fit of rage and lashed out at a fellow student. This happened several times. Eventually, I was no longer welcomed at the facilty. The day I left, he was there. He followed me out and asked if I would like to continue my training. I was confused...I wondered how this old man was going to teach me anything. He told me about The Bottom. He said to come and watch him fight and if I'm impressed by what I see, I can be his pupil. I asked him "why me?" He simply said "You are your greatest adversary. Defeating yourself will give you victory." That's why when LightFlare said what he said about his dark powers...I was stunned. It sounded just like what my master said. I was instantly drawn to Light.


Later I saw my soon to be master fight at The Bottom. It was amazing. He was old but he was fast yet methodical. He made quick work of his opponent who was much larger then him as well. After the fight I officially accepted his offer. He told me he would train me in a style called Rindo-kan Karate. He said KyoKushin is the basis of this style and he will teach me how to use everything I learned from it to master Rindo-kan.


We trained together until I was an adult. During this time he showed me how to harness my anger and use it to push my bodies limits. My parents were worried that I would not live a normal life but supported me eitherway. I think my father actually thought it was cool.


As time passed I became a regular at The Bottom. My master said he had one more test for me. He said for me to defeat my next opponent at The Bottom and my training would be complete. When I stepped into the arena I realized...



I was facing my master. The stage was set. My final test. He had a very serious look. We bowed to each other. The fight was intense. He had the upper hand. He could see I was getting upset. He rushed me and yelled to "release everything!" It was then I first used the Tenden Renki. The same move I used at the end of my fight with Liltih. His attack did not move me and I countered with a short but crippling combination. He was down. The match was over. I went to go help him up. He was smiling. After that we did not train anymore. I would see see him in the audience when I faught at The Bottom. It was just like when we first met. He just watched me and smiled. Except now he cheered me onnas well. Soon I didn't see him anymore. I later found out he passed away. He left me a note saying how proud of me he was and that I would be a great successor to his style...



I've been here in Kalos ever since. I was even here during the events LightFlare described. There were many heroes that day. I even took on a few clones but LightFlare and and few others attacked Igniz head on...



Wait...you were there!? Why have you never told me?



You never asked? Besides...it's no big deal. You're one of the "real" heroes...not me.



That's not true. We ALL faught hard that day. Everyone who was involved deserves the credit. Not just me. My hope is that the history books can reflect as many of the heroes from that day as possible. 



Light....you of all people should know...most "heroes"...hate the spotlight...


Melina smiled. She knew she hit home with that last remark. LightFlare simply nodded and continued to eat his meal. Melina smiled and did the same.


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Seeing as how everyone else had finished talking about their backgrounds, she figured that the spotlight was probably on her at this point. Their stories were as eventful as she thought they would be, except for Lilith's, that was really boring...but she wouldn't say it out loud. Besides, she couldn't top their stories, and her's was probably even more boring than Lilith's! She gulped.



Penelope: Oh...I guess it's my turn, huh? I'm...not gonna try to hype this one up.



Penelope: I lived a normal life, waaaay in Maloto City. I studied hard in elementary school and I was a huge favorite in my class. and anyone who tried to bully me wound up getting bullied themselves. I never got into fights or anything, but some people really didn't like my personality. My mom and dad used to watch boxing fights and that one weird sport where you grab the other guy in the weirdest way so that he has to tap out, and they always pointed out flaws and stuff. I probably couldn't do stuff like that myself, but I used to think I could. I never got the chance to put anything I learned from them into practice, either, so it just kinda...faded away. I didn't have to struggle much...well, not until now, of course.



Penelope: But I'm sure that everything will turn out a-okay, hehe! Sooo, that's basically my story! Are we gonna head out soon?


Since she had already satisfied herself while everyone else was explaining their stories, she wanted to get up and go as soon as possible, before the urge to eat took over yet again. It was irresistible! 


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17 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: But I'm sure that everything will turn out a-okay, hehe! Sooo, that's basically my story! Are we gonna head out soon?


Melina was quite amused at Penelope's story...



You're just too adorable for your own good, Penny. You can sit next to me on the ride to Candor. I wanna know how a cutie pie like you actually ended up here alone. Oh if you wanna learn about that "weird sport" I'm sure I could show you a few moves.


Suddenly LightFlare looked up at Liltih...



That reminds me. I almost forgot to ask...before we go, I was just wondering. Why do you want to see Darkflare?

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"It's like you told me. We're incredibly similar. Where I came from, it was a name I heard about. There was something....nostalgic about it. I wanted to know if it was true that we're similar. I believe he can answer some questions about this dark power as well."



"...maybe I can ask him for a job as well. Everything I have is on me and I didn't think I would be traveling for many days.... At any rate, that also means I don't have a lot of things to pack myself. I know we have plenty of time before we meet at the airport, but let's not get too distracted either."

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48 minutes ago, Darkflare said:




"...maybe I can ask him for a job as well. Everything I have is on me and I didn't think I would be traveling for many days.... At any rate, that also means I don't have a lot of things to pack myself. I know we have plenty of time before we meet at the airport, but let's not get too distracted either."


LightFlare smiles and nods in acceptance of Lilith's reason for wanting to meet Darkflare.



Alright. Seems like a legitimate reason to meet him. I figured if I'm escorting you to meet him, I should at least have a decent understanding as to why you wish to see him. 


LightFlare finishes his meal. 



That was really good! I've gotta grab my things and I'll be ready to go. I'll meet you guys in the front Lobby once I'm done.



LightFlare heads to his room to gather his belongings before they head to Candor.



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Candor City Slums




Sasuke Uchiha left the alleyway he'd arrived in. The streets reminded the Last Uchiha of Amegakure, with how technologically advanced things were. Though it wasn't as advanced as Amegakure or the newer development back in Konoha, it still clearly beat the older buildings back home. He could clearly see one building in particular, one that reached the skies and stuck out like a sore thumb. Though it seemed important, it'd be better to ask around and gather information. Sasuke entered into a nearby tavern to get some information...


A lot of the people present were tough guys who'd give a normal person trouble. Some song that Sasuke suspected Killer Bee might like played faintly in the background, adding to the noise that was already present.




"Well, who might you be?" a shady-looking man asked the last Uchiha.


"I'm from out of town. I'd like some information on what's going on," Sasuke asked. Two thugs had appeared to flank the shady-looking man, both heavily tattooed.




"This punk givin' you trouble?"


"There's no need," the shady-looking man replied, before turning back towards Sasuke, "it's unusual for someone from out of town to come to the slums. People tend to stick to the shinier parts of the city."


"There's some circumstances surrounding my arrival here," Sasuke responded.


"I understand... though you may be disappointed. Whoever you were meeting might have been dealt with," the slick-haired man stated, his words assuming Sasuke to be some crimelord. When Sasuke didn't respond, he continued. "It used to be that in this part of the city the police didn't do much. Crime was rampant and whatever crime was stopped was done by vigilantes. That's changed recently, there's been a new group around here. They call themselves the Knights of the Forsaken." The black-haired man expected Sasuke to react, only to be disappointed, so he continued, "those guys have caused trouble for just about every gang in the slums. No common thugs or riffraff can stand up to them."


"I see," Sasuke said, "what's their goal?"


Sasuke had a bad feeling about this group.


"The Knights wish to bring peace to the streets of Candor's slums, peace that the royalty hadn't been able to bring before. And I'd say they've done a good job of it."


"Are they opposed to the royalty as well?" Sasuke pressed.


"No, they aren't. Not officially anyway. Technically, they're working for the King and Queen. But if you ask me though, the writing on the wall is clear. 'We're the ones protecting you, not them', it's only a matter of time before they make it official," the greasy-haired man stated.


Akatsuki was once an organization dedicated to peace as well, before becoming the villains they were. It seemed these Knights might make the same transformation into tyranny.


"I see," Sasuke decided to change the course of the conversation, "what's that building in the distance?"


"You mean the Warrior's Hangout? That's where anyone strong enough goes. If you're tough, try your luck there," the shady-looking man suggested, a smirk on his face.


"Thanks," Sasuke said. Hopefully the Warrior's Hangout would have some more information for him.


"I must warn you, it will cost money to join them," the man added.


"I'll take that into consideration," Sasuke responded, before leaving the area. He'd gotten what he'd needed from this place.




The black-haired man Sasuke talked to opened his phone and called someone.


"Another outsider has appeared," the shady man said into it, "he's going to the Warrior's Hangout. He may be of interest to us."


"Good, keep track of him," a smooth voice said from over the phone.



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On 2/12/2019 at 11:32 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Melina was quite amused at Penelope's story...



You're just too adorable for your own good, Penny. You can sit next to me on the ride to Candor. I wanna know how a cutie pie like you actually ended up here alone. Oh if you wanna learn about that "weird sport" I'm sure I could show you a few moves.

Penelope wasn't quite sure how to take this, but for some reason it made her really nervous, especially the part about the weird sport. What was it even called, anyway?



Penelope: Ehehe...oookayyyy...I...um...I think that's going to be okay?

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Anwalt Vermillion

Location: Grand Wave Hotel - Cafeteria / Restaurant


Melina seemed to be teasing Penelope, somehow. While Anwalt liked to do that, he didn't want Penelope going on those things in such a fast rate.



Anwalt: Hey, don't go teaching weird things to Penny, Melina. Let's not taint the girl.


Anwalt: And I'm done as well. Gonna head up and get the bags for our flight. See you guys later.


Anwalt left the cafeteria and went to get his and Lucent's bags.


Lucent Vermillion and Umbra

Location: Kalos City - Interdimensional Airport


BGM: Sunshine Airport still playing


Lucent and Umbra had just finished eating their breakfast. The young Vestal ate fruits and salad while his guard enjoyed a tender piece of meat. Lucent looked at the clock and thought about the others.



Lucent: I wonder what are they doing right now... and if they'll take too long to arrive.


Umbra: They're probably finishing their stuff back at the hotel. Maybe breakfast ended for them now too.


Lucent: I think so. Oh, wait a second...


He peeked at his jacket's pocket and saw the keycard laying there.



Lucent: So it's here in my pocket.


Umbra: That card is needed to something?


Lucent: It's to open the rooms. I left with it since I didn't know if my roommate was a heavy sleeper or not. Anyway, I'll probably send it back now.


Suddenly, a crow materialized in Lucent's left arm. He picked the card and put it at the bird's beak.



Lucent: Now you take this to Anwalt at fast speeds, alright? I don't want him breaking down hotel doors.


The crow cawed and flew away towards the hotel.



Umbra: Seems like you haven't lost your touch at summoning these beasts. I thought you were at higher levels, though.


Lucent: Tell me you didn't expect me to summon a Werewolf Nightmare just for this...


Umbra: Far away from it. Still, I took years to learn how to call my pack and you seemed to be doing that instantly.


Lucent: Look, it took me some time before I could do it. Also, I'm sure you're better than this at me.


Umbra: You have any doubts?


Lucent: Oh, someone's feeling cocky. I might have to teach you a lesson or two someday.


Umbra: Feel free to try. Spanking bad kids like you is what I do best.


Lucent: ... I take it back, that went so wrong in so many ways.


Lucent: Your sadism even goes to that line, huh?


Umbra: What exactly I have done now?


Lucent: Something I don't want to speak about, so let's cut this talk short and think of another topic.

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On 2/13/2019 at 4:56 PM, A person said:

Penelope wasn't quite sure how to take this, but for some reason it made her really nervous, especially the part about the weird sport. What was it even called, anyway?



Penelope: Ehehe...oookayyyy...I...um...I think that's going to be okay?



Sure it will! We'll hangout...like sisters. I can even show you a few moves once we get to the Warrior's Hangout. That's what they call Darkflare's facilty. 


20 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Hey, don't go teaching weird things to Penny, Melina. Let's not taint the girl.



Walt?! What is that supposed to mean? Don't you think I'm a good girl? I wouldn't do such a thing...


Melina suddely grins and leans toward Penny and whispers...



Unless you wanna get wild and crazy. We can have a girls night out. Shhhhh...


Melina continually nudges Penny with her elbow teasing the young girl. Melina knows Penny is way to young to get too crazy but she enjoys Penny's innocent personality.

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On 2/14/2019 at 4:07 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Sure it will! We'll hangout...like sisters. I can even show you a few moves once we get to the Warrior's Hangout. That's what they call Darkflare's facilty. 




Walt?! What is that supposed to mean? Don't you think I'm a good girl? I wouldn't do such a thing...


Melina suddely grins and leans toward Penny and whispers...



Unless you wanna get wild and crazy. We can have a girls night out. Shhhhh...


Melina continually nudges Penny with her elbow teasing the young girl. Melina knows Penny is way to young to get too crazy but she enjoys Penny's innocent personality.

Saying that Penelope was nervous was an understatement now. Her face turned as red as a cherry; a girls' night out?! And that weird sport mixed in?! That didn't sound like a good thing to her!



Penelope: I'm...ummm...I-I'm n-not sure if that's a good ideaaaa! Like, what if some big guy finds us, or a super scary monster?! W-we'd be in biiiig trouble then!


She was willing to say just about anything to get this crazy lady away from her. She really did not want to get involved in weird stuff like that. Was that even legal?!

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12 minutes ago, A person said:

Saying that Penelope was nervous was an understatement now. Her face turned as red as a cherry; a girls' night out?! And that weird sport mixed in?! That didn't sound like a good thing to her!



Penelope: I'm...ummm...I-I'm n-not sure if that's a good ideaaaa! Like, what if some big guy finds us, or a super scary monster?! W-we'd be in biiiig trouble then!


She was willing to say just about anything to get this crazy lady away from her. She really did not want to get involved in weird stuff like that. Was that even legal?!


Melina was quite amused. She laughed harder than she has in a while..



Penny! You are just to cute! 


Melina laughs a bit more and calms down.



Penny, my adorable new friend. You need not worry about some...big guys. Ain't a guy big or small I can't handle.


Melina glances at Anwalt as she says this...



Isn't that right, Walt?


Melina looks back at Penny.



I'm only teasing you, Penny. Except the part about the "weird sport"....which by the way is called Mixed Martial Arts. Or MMA for short. My style is perfectly suited for it so im very familiar with the sport.



Anyway...gotta grab my things. I'll see you guys in the lobby!


Melina heads towards her room...

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"I'll wait for all of you in the lobby then. Hyde, are you planning to leave immediately?"



"Yea, I'm going to be asking around and see if anyone has spotted anyone that looks like my friends. With any luck, I should be able to find them and we can start looking into this situation from this side."


Hyde began to get up.



"Thanks for everything. Hopefully, we'll see each other again."

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Anwalt Vermillion

Location: Grand Wave Hotel


BGM: A Life Without Worry



Anwalt: Says you. We didn't get practical yet for me to confirm anything, so there's that.


Anwalt: Well, if you're planning to teach Penny how to defend herself, I might drop in and help you guys. I do think it's best if we keep training her on something she already knows how to handle, though.


After saying it, Anwalt waved a goodbye at both of them and left to the lobby. As he reached it, a crow came flying directly into his shoulder, holding a keycard in his beak.



Anwalt: (This has to be Lucent's keycard he forgot to give me since he was so interested on shooing himself away, I was going to break the door and pay it afterwards, but he would be furious at me. Oh well...)


He took the elevator and soon reached the rooms. He went on his and Lucent's rooms, picking their bags and left afterwards. Returning to the lobby, he sat at the sofa and waited for the others.

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26 minutes ago, A person said:

Penelope quickly entered the lobby, shrugging her shoulders.



Penelope: Uhhhh, I...don't have anything to pack, remember? All I've got are the clothes on my back!



Well...Heard Raina say she wanted to go shopping. Maybe we can all so do a bit of shopping and find you something to wear. Where is Raina anyway?

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Well...Heard Raina say she wanted to go shopping. Maybe we can all so do a bit of shopping and find you something to wear. Where is Raina anyway?





"Hey there."


Raina had gone back up to the room to ensure nothing was left behind. Never hurt to be sure, after all. Now that Raina was back, things could get moving.

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5 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Alright guys. I'm ready when you are. Where's Hyde?


"He already left. He did say he was going to to stay in this city to see if he could find his friends."



"Anwalt, you know where that airship is supposed to be, right?"

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Anwalt Vermillion

Location: Grand Wave Hotel - Reception Lobby


BGM: A Life Without Worry still playing



Anwalt: Don't worry. I know where the airport is from here so it's totally fine. Also, I still have the map from yesterday so we're not getting lost.


Anwalt: Also, I'm pretty sure there are clothing stores in the airport. We might find clothes for Penny and Raina there.


Anwalt got up from the sofa and picked up the bags. Taking out the map and his terminal from his pocket, he went towards the door.



Anwalt: Alright, let's go. I'm warning Lucent to wait for us at the entrance.

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"He already left. He did say he was going to to stay in this city to see if he could find his friends."



Roger that. I hope he takes care of himself...


50 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Alright, let's go. I'm warning Lucent to wait for us at the entrance.



Right behind you.



Ready to rock!


Melina and LightFlare follow Anwalt.

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