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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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22 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"Yes and no. I believe he's in control and he shouldn't suddenly turn into that dark form under normal circumstances. However, I theorize that during particularly stressful moments he loses his grip on his dark power."


"A theory is just that until proven fact..."




LightFlare walks up on Lilith and Lucent who seem to be engaged in a conversation in which he is the hot topic. Having gotten dressed, he was heading downstairs get get breakfast. A dark and light energy swirl about him and quickly extinguishes...



Good morning. I see you two are up and ready. I hope you slept well. You headed downstairs as well? If so...we can get to know each other a bit over breakfast.




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Lucent Vermillion

Location: Grand Wave Hotel - East Wing, 7th Floor


Lucent was considering Lilith's theory, but then LightFlare appeared. He looked just fine and seemingly refusing her possible worry about his spiritual state. He commented something over breakfast and how they would be able to know each other... something that Lucent didn't want to. And once again, his voice couldn't sound normal. In fact, he sounded more bothered than yesterday and his face couldn't remain neutral even if he wanted to.



Lucent: I'll go downstairs, but there's something else I have in mind than breakfast, so I'm not going to eat now. You can just eat ahead of me.


Lucent: Just as a question, LightFlare, are you taking the stairs or the elevator to go down?

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Lucent: Just as a question, LightFlare, are you taking the stairs or the elevator to go down?


LightFlare suddenly becomes very serious...



Neither. I will summon enough power to blast a hole...threw the floor...and every floor under it...till I reach the bottom. Then...I'll jump down several stories to the bottom floor. This...is my destiny...


"Light...stop being so dramatic..."




Morning everyone! 


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Lilith let out a sigh as she shook her head, fingers on her temple. She didn't even try to hide her thoughts on Light's "joke".



"When you're done making bad jokes..."


She looked at Light, a serious expression on her face.



"Answer me this...what kind of person is Darkflare?"

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Lilith let out a sigh as she shook her head, fingers on her temple. She didn't even try to hide her thoughts on Light's "joke".



"When you're done making bad jokes..."


She looked at Light, a serious expression on her face.



"Answer me this...what kind of person is Darkflare?"



(Rude much? Where's her manners at now? She must be still butthurt from that beatdown yesterday...heh)



Morning Melina! Heh...not a morning person huh, Lilith? Well...don't take the wrong way...to be honest, I haven't known you for very long but I'd say if you know yourself...you know him already. A skilled fighter. Strategist. He doesn't smile much and isn't very friendly. He may hurt a few feelings along the way but ultimately...his intentions are good. Yeah...I'd say you two are two peas in a pod...



Oh...lol...forgive me, Lucent. I was just messing with you. Just trying to lighten the mood. I'm taking the elevator.


LightFlare walks over to the elevator and pushes the button to call it. When it arrives, he steps aside and motions to Lilith and Melina...



Ladies first. Well talk more on the way...




Thanks Light! At least you haven't forgotten your manners...


Melina steps into the elevator...

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Anwalt and Lucent Vermillion

Location: Grand Wave Hotel - East Wing, 7th Floor



Lucent: Well then, I'm taking the stairs since I'm not in a hurry. Lilith, we'll continue the conversation later.


But before Lucent took the stairway and left, Anwalt got up, stretching his arms and yawning.



Anwalt: *yawn* Now that was a good night of sleep. Went through it like a rock.


Anwalt: Hmm? Lucent, the elevator is just open, why are you taking the stairs?


Lucent: I want to take a different route, that's all.


Anwalt: If you say so. I can't wait to have breakfast. I'm really hungry.


Lucent: You can eat my portion then. I'm eating somewhere else.


Anwalt: Huh? Why? Isn't that covered by the whole stay?


Lucent: It is, but I'm not interested in the offer of eating here, thank you.


Anwalt: Look, I'm pretty sure it doesn't really make a difference of where you're eating. Besides, everyone else will be there-


Lucent: I'm not interested in the offer of eating here, thank you.


Anwalt understood the reason why Lucent was so reluctant. That made him angry, since he was being judgemental of someone he doesn't even know and isn't giving a chance to doubt.



Anwalt: Is that so? Pray tell, what's the reason for you to be this unfriendly in the morning?


Lucent: First of all, I'm not obligated to give you any reason if I don't want to, especially because you already understood it. Second of all, I don't think this is a good time for us to be discussing since people are still sleeping.


Anwalt: *sigh* You really are a stubborn fellow sometimes, Lucent.


Lucent: Life's composed of sweet and bitter moments. Please don't go thinking I'll have to accept anything and wear a fake smile when I'm unhappy with the situation.


He opened the door and left. What was supposed to be a good day began with a bad outcome right in the morning.



Anwalt: (I know that. I just think you need to give people a chance.)


In the stairway, just so as he wouldn't waste time there, Lucent jumped from the floor he was. Upon coming closer to the ground of the entrance floor, he used his flight abilities to stop the fall and land safely without making a loud sound.



Lucent: Right now, I better head to the airport and see if I can get us an airship. Maybe my mood will improve along in the way.


He opened the door and soon was at the reception lobby again. He stopped to look at his terminal for a while. It was actually pretty early. He did wonder what would happen at the rest of the day.

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"So he's that type of person. I needed to know just to see if it was worth pursuing him."

(At least he doesn't seem to share his carefree nature. But he sounds rather hard to deal with and approach...and am I really like that?)


Once Lucent headed toward the stairs, Lilith headed toward the elevator.



"What a pain. Let's hope the rest of the day isn't as much of a mess."

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Raina got up, examining the room.


Nothing had changed, it was still the same hotel room that it was earlier. The time on the clock indicated it was morning - not too early in the morning, but not late either. Penelope was still sound asleep, in a position on the chair that had to be uncomfortable...


Raina figured it'd be a good idea to clean up and get ready for the day ahead. A morning shower and all that... annoyingly, Raina didn't have any extra clothes... she'd have to buy some with the prize money she got from earlier when she got the chance. While she could use some magic to remove the grime of the day from her clothes, she didn't like to do that all the time.. it'd have to suffice for now.


With the morning preparations done, breakfast would be a good idea. The only choice before that though... wake up Penelope now or wait till she wakes up on her own?

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12 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Right now, I better head to the airport and see if I can get us an airship. Maybe my mood will improve along in the way.


He opened the door and soon was at the reception lobby again. He stopped to look at his terminal for a while. It was actually pretty early. He did wonder what would happen at the rest of the day.



Excuse me! Young man! I believe you have a visitor. I told him I couldn't give him your room number, but it would be ok for him to meet you in rhe lobby. He's waiting for you ovwr there.


Meanwhile as the others took the elevator...


11 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"What a pain. Let's hope the rest of the day isn't as much of a mess."



Got up on the wrong side, eh Lilith? It's ok...



Play nice, Melina. Not everyone can handle your..."pleasant personality." Heh..



Lol! Im cool as a cucumber. Caught a fat "Dub" at the arena. Got a sweet payday. Got to stay in a super sweet hotel for absolutely nothing. Aaaaaand...I'm bout eat some delicious breakfast on the house. I mean..why should I be upset?



Heh...You...are a piece of work...


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Penelope looked as though she wasn't going to be waking up any time soon, despite the position she had on the couch. A dribble of slobber snaked out from between her lips and slowly crawled its way down her cheek, inching closer and closer to the brim of her hood. Her snoring also seemed to be getting louder...

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"You two are the most carefree individuals I've ever met. It almost seems like you take everything as a joke."



Not soon after, Hyde would wake up from his slumber.



(Morning already, huh. Looks like Lucent went ahead without me.)


Hyde got up and went with his rituals.



(I should remember to let the others know about my plans. It's just a gut feeling, but there may be someone else I know around here)

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48 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"You two are the most carefree individuals I've ever met. It almost seems like you take everything as a joke."


LightFlare smiles and looks at Lilith...



The key is to have fun when you can and know when to buckle down. I enjoy myself...but If it's one thing I take serious...it's combat. If you're to tense all the time, it not only takes a toll on you mentally...it effects you physically as well. A little laughter will do you good, young lady.



Well put..."LightBulb". Lol!





LightFlare looks agitated but quickly smiles as the elevator stops. The door opens and Melina and LightFlare exit into the lobby.


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13 hours ago, Darkflare said:


(There's merit to what he's saying, but I think he overdoes it.)


Lilith stepped out of the elevator as well.



Do either of you know where they're serving breakfast?



I gotcha...


LightFlare approaches the clerk at the desk...


Excuse me. Would you point us into the direction of the cafeteria?



Sure hun! Just head that way. You'll smell the goodness soon enough...



Thank you, ma'am. This way guys and gals...



Right behind you, big guy.



LightFlare and Melina head down the hall toward the cafeteria.

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2 hours ago, A person said:

Penelope looked as though she wasn't going to be waking up any time soon, despite the position she had on the couch. A dribble of slobber snaked out from between her lips and slowly crawled its way down her cheek, inching closer and closer to the brim of her hood. Her snoring also seemed to be getting louder...





'Doesn't look like she's getting up soon...' Raina concluded. It'd probably be best to get breakfast now. Still, it'd be a good idea to leave a note somewhere for Penelope.


Once Raina had wrote a brief note, she went on her way, keycard in hand. The next goal was to find food.



Somewhere in Candor City, around the same time


A black portal opened, a black-haired man stepping out. He wore a dark grey shirt and pants with a light gray vest. Most of this outfit however was covered by a black coat that reached just below his knees. His relatively pale skin was accompanied by long hair that extended past his ears, and also covered one of his eyes. The one thing that would've made him stand out in the city was the sword sheath on his side...




The man who was once the Last Uchiha observed the surroundings. It was clear that this wasn't any of Kaguya's six dimensions, nor was it anywhere he recognized in the Elemental Nations. Perhaps this was somewhere outside the areas explored by ninja, or perhaps another dimension aside from his home dimension or Kaguya's...


"Tch," he uttered. For some reason, the space-time technique he used to travel dimensions wasn't working. Was it too chakra intensive now? No, he'd been able to travel to this world just fine, and yet now he wasn't able to leave? Something was preventing the use of such techniques - finding out what would be his top goal.

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Anwalt, Lucent and ???

Location: Grand Wave Hotel



Lucent: Is that so? Well, let's see who this person is and what does he want with me.


Lucent followed the clerk until they reached the guest seats. When he looked, he immediately recognized who was looking for him.



Lucent: Umbra?!


BGM: Noble Mind


Upon hearing his name, a young man rose from his seat and walked towards Lucent. He bowed down and got up soon afterwards



Umbra: There you are, Lord Lucent. You took your time to get here.


Lucent: OK, what sort of explanation do you have for this? What are you doing here?


Umbra: Fulfilling my duty as General of the Vestal Guard, what else?


Lucent: Anwalt planned this trip for us. As a reconciliation trip, I don't think he'll like the fact you're here.


Umbra: Whether Lord Anwalt likes it or not, my duty is only one and I'm doing it.


Lucent: Alright, if that's what you want to do, fine for me. It's not like you'll listen to me if I tell you to go back.


Umbra: Understood. Anyway, were you heading out somewhere?


Lucent: Actually, I was. I'm going to the airport and see if I can book us an airship.


Umbra: Then I'll keep you company. We can talk along the way.


Lucent: I do need to improve my mood so maybe having you chat with me might be a good idea. Let's go to the airport.


Umbra: You can count on me.


Lucent waved a goodbye to the clerk and left to the airport, accompanied by Umbra. Meanwhile, the elevator opened again as Anwalt got out. He looked at the direction Light, Melina and Lilith went, following them to breakfast.

New Character Introduced!



Devoted and Diligent Nightmare Wolf


A Nightmare Sprite and a servant of the Vermillion family. Umbra has served the Vestal generation past Lucent and remained faithful to them, even though he belongs to Nightmares. He's known as "The Hunter", mostly because of his position: as General of the Vestal Guard, all who oppose the Vestal of Dreams will be eliminated on sight. That is the way how Umbra works. He left the world he and the brothers came from so he could watch over Lucent and Anwalt, fulfilling his duty even if this is a trip planned only for both of them. His twin sister wanted to come as well, but someone had to stay behind.

Age: 148

Gender: Male

Race: Nightmare Sprite

Personality: Umbra, while not being completely antipathic, is really serious. He rarely tends to make jokes and focuses on doing his duty, first and foremost. His actions make him look like a butler instead of a warrior. However, Umbra does have his own opinion and questions choices instead of directly following what the brothers have to say. He's also very proud of everything he does and doesn't tend to feel any regret for the actions he take. What makes Umbra stand out is that he has a sadistic streak and enjoys seeing enemies in pain. Whether physical or psychological, he always enjoys torturing people to their fullest.

Element: Darkness

Weapon: Axe


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After having a rather pleasant dream, Penelope would finally open her eyes, awakening in the hotel room. Her back was hurting, and she felt something wet on her cheek. She sighed, then slowly stood up, grunting as she did so.



Penelope: (Man, I guess that was a really bad idea...it felt like a nice pillow, though!)


Trying to find a reason to ignore the pain, she glanced around the room for a moment, noticing that Raina was gone. The bathroom door was open, so she couldn't be in there. That only left one spot.



Penelope: (Yikes, I'd better hurry up!)


Having no time to spare for groaning over not having any of her things, she proceeded to quickly make her way into the bathroom, attempting to quickly rush through her morning ritual. She hadn't noticed the note that Raina left behind in all of this, but luckily hadn't managed to stomp on the piece of paper in her rush. Maybe she'd find it after she was done. 

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Lucent Vermillion and Umbra

Location: Kalos City Streets


BGM: Beautiful Dead


Lucent and Umbra walked among the streets in order to reach the airport. They went into many conversations, from things that happened back at their home from other stuff.



Lucent: ... Hahaha! I can't believe this. Did Ictio really did that?


Umbra: She did. Right in the middle of the party.


Lucent: Oh, I wish I was there. I don't think I wouldn't be able to not laugh at the scene!


Umbra: Hehe. By the way, your mood seems to have improved.


Lucent: I noticed that too. Yesterday ended somewhat sour and today's morning wasn't exactly nice.


Umbra: Why? Is the trip that boring to you?


Lucent: No, that's not it. We met a group of people in our arrival in Kalos. They are decent people... for the most of them at least. It's just that there's one person in that group that ticks my nerves on.


Umbra: If that's the case, something serious happened.


Lucent: Well, you see...


Lucent explained how the whole day ended yesterday and how the morning began. He told Umbra everything: the arrival, the fights, the meetings. The servant understood all of it.



Umbra: I see. So that's what happened.


Umbra: Lord Lucent, while I do respect your opinion on him, don't you think you're creating a problem where it shouldn't exist?


Lucent: What do you mean?


Umbra: If this Hyde person doesn't seem bothered by it, why should you?


Lucent: Because he's walking alongside us now! I don't know what will happen if I just leave it be. Besides, I have a feeling he wants a match against my brother and I can't let that happen! I don't want Anwalt dead because of some... power-hungry, selfish ignorant like LightFlare!


Umbra: "Power-hungry, selfish ignorant"...? Wow, I wasn't expecting that.


Umbra: Still, isn't that "the pot calling the kettle black"?


Lucent: Umbra, what are you getting at?


Umbra: You don't know his story, he doesn't know yours either. There wasn't a single conversation between you and you don't seem like giving the chance to doubt, all because of an event that never included you.


Lucent: Oh...


Umbra: I'm not telling you to throw that doubt away. Like I said, he's an unknown X. But have concrete proof before you accuse someone of something. One fight isn't proof of him being a... "power-hungry, selfish ignorant".


Lucent: ... I know. Even so, he did nothing to show me the other way around. All he did was treat me like a kid and make fun of how Lilith could be possibly worried about him.


Umbra: Well, you are a kid... from my point of view anyway. But if your problem is proof,  why don't you just talk with LightFlare and explain how you're currently feeling?


The idea Umbra proposed sounded stupid as it first entered Lucent's ears. Wouldn't it be better to just ignore LightFlare and keep moving on? However, the idea also sounds interesting.



Lucent: Talk with him... about the fact I don't like him at all?


Umbra: No one has a crystal ball to discover if you're OK with the situation or not. I'm pretty sure only Lord Anwalt noticed that for now.


Lucent: Hmm... talking with him might clarify things. I can also get this out of my chest and even stop a possible fight between him and-


Umbra: Lord Lucent, both sides need their time to talk. If you're the only one talking, the discussion devolves into insulting.


Lucent: I know, it was a consideration that went loose.


Umbra: It better be or else the real problem begins.


Lucent started to consider putting the idea into action; However, now it wouldn't be a good time. Maybe when they were inside the ship. He also thought about his immaturity once more.



Lucent: It seems that, for a supposed genius, I'm still too inconsequent for my own good.


Umbra: That's true. I think life will still give you time enough to think and replan yourself as a person.


Lucent: Hopefully, I'm not over 100 years when that happen, right?


Umbra: Right- wait, what are you insinuating?!


Lucent: Hehehe! I'll leave that to your imagination.


Both kept walking and chatting while making their way to the airport. By then, Lucent began to consider the possibility Umbra pointed out with interest.

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:

Hyde stepped out of the room, spotting Raina along the way.



"Oh hey, looks like we woke up at the same time. Let's hope the food here is as good as the rest of the place."




"Hey there Hyde! Yeah, food sounds good." 


While on the way to their destination, Raina felt it a good idea to ask a question.


"Say, Hyde, what was life like back at your home?"

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"It wasn't anything special. It was pretty quite and peaceful."



"Other than once a month when the Hollow night happens when there's a weird realm that appears in the middle of nowhere that has monsters populating it."



"There's the problem that it can appear in populated areas as well. Actually, the powers I possess comes from one of those monsters. I got bitten by one of them and I managed to stay sane during the process of becoming an In-birth."



"Not much else I can tell you about. I have to admit that I'm still new to this In-birth and Hollow Night thing. My more experienced companions were still teaching me about how it all works."

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Penelope finished up in the bathroom, and promptly yanked the door open, making a mad dash for the hall. However, she'd spot something out of the corner of her eye: the note that Raina left behind. She decided to check it out, though it was probably going to tell her how she left. But it'd still be worth it, probably. She'd kneel down and pick it up, reading what was written on it. She was right: it was only telling her where she was. Without wasting another moment, she was on her way out the door and down the hall, towards the nearest staircase. She was panicking internally; did the leave her behind? They did seem like they were in a hurry...she really hoped they didn't, otherwise, she was in biiiig trouble!



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14 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"It wasn't anything special. It was pretty quite and peaceful."



"Other than once a month when the Hollow night happens when there's a weird realm that appears in the middle of nowhere that has monsters populating it."



"There's the problem that it can appear in populated areas as well. Actually, the powers I possess comes from one of those monsters. I got bitten by one of them and I managed to stay sane during the process of becoming an In-birth."



"Not much else I can tell you about. I have to admit that I'm still new to this In-birth and Hollow Night thing. My more experienced companions were still teaching me about how it all works."





"Monsters that can appear anywhere... that must be difficult to deal with," Raina responded. Fighting bad guys was hard enough as is, she couldn't imagine if they could just appear wherever they wanted... like a certain gap demon...


No, that possibility would have to wait.


"So you only gained your powers after being bitten, huh," Raina asked. Though reminiscent of vampires and werewolves, it was quite clear that Hyde was neither, "that must've been pretty difficult." From everything Raina had heard, it wasn't easy gaining new powers.

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