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Haruhi Suzumiya WIP

Nep Heart

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 My fifth and possibly my second personally most anticipated MUGEN character project will reimagine the leader of the SOS Brigade under my own custom gameplay style. Her gimmick will heavily involve the use of her fellow SOS Brigade friends as assists to bolster Haruhi's neutral and combo game that will actually differ from the way Choiyer executed it as they will be limited by a gauge, but cost no power unless she is using them in the middle of attacking. I'm pretty excited in my own take at this character.

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2 hours ago, GarfieldfanMUGEN said:

But can it be blocked, or is it a Shun Goku Satsu-type move?


 It's similar to Magneto's Gravity Squeeze from MvC3 in function. It's blockable, but it will target the opponent anywhere on the screen and comes on frame one.

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On 1/15/2019 at 10:14 AM, Nep Heart said:


 It's similar to Magneto's Gravity Squeeze from MvC3 in function. It's blockable, but it will target the opponent anywhere on the screen and comes on frame one.


Unless you're referring to the first frame after the super pause, Gravity Squeeze is by no means a frame 1 move:




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I turned out to be wrong anyway since the frame 1 thing was when she stretches out her arm fully, it's 16 frames after the pause. Well, I should make it 10 frames with slight invincibility start-up anyway.



 Anyway, now to actually justify an excuse to post a video of her on my channel.

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If it hits full screen, in my opinion it should have significant startup time before the attack hits.  Not so short that you can combo into it from a jab, but at least long enough that you can combo into it after a knockdown.  Magneto's level 3 is probably a good benchmark for how long the startup should be; I remember Phoenix Wright's level 3 having a shorter startup, but he has to be in a special mode first to do his level 3 unlike Mags.

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 It was originally 16 frames of start-up (the 1 frame thing was me only counting the part where the arm was fully stretched, which was incorrect), but I pushed it down to 10 since that felt a little more practical (not to mentioned it's -11 on block).


 Anyway, that special goofy intro vs my own stuff...



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  • 2 weeks later...

 For the sake of keeping this up-to-date...




 Certain attacks from Haruhi that have electrical properties will trigger a special electrocution animation on hit provided it exists in the opponent.




 Also, managed to get Guilty Gear's Gold Burst down. For those unfamiliar with that mechanic, if you hit with a Burst right before the opponent's move makes contact on you, your power bar will be automatically filled to its maximum level.


All my previous characters will receive this update, giving Burst more use beyond a mere combo breaker.

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