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What do you hate/don't like in a Mugen Char?

Mister Fael

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- Characters that uses a trendy palette (Usually in the past they usually use that Madoldcrow1105 maroon outline style which i never or even barely use for reasons) its too bad he stopped that styled.

- Bad sound effects on some characters (Even when you try ripping it from some audio of a TV show poorly like how beanfan112 does it). Or even using that distortion effect (Unless you love that effect) which i sometimes do and/or dont at times

- Creators that cannot accept feedback and/or criticism or even Stop making trash for MUGEN (though i said that before :P) Usually if they keep on making the same problems then they will just fall to the point where they become as bad as other creators that are notorious

- poor attempts at silly soundpacks or certain types of sound packs (which im also bad at tbh)

- a Poor edit of an existing character thats bad or even A bad Edit (Im sure the were those notorious crappy Symbiote edits in the past and later they are quite obvious that its just a sprite and pallete edit thats not even a Symbiote edit)

- Some People that bash your old MUGEN content or upload them that you dont care about. Although depends on how you do. You simply improve anyways or if you dont improve you basically bash them on what they did to your creations.

- Readmes that are garbled Usually they would contain a foreign text thats japanese,korean and/or chinese? (I dunno if there are chinese MUGEN creators) but when you try to open it its just a mess

- On top of that. Readmes that try way to hard to be funny

- Characters that try to imitate a certain gameplay style (Seen some vids saying something bout that P.O.T.S Style and mosty fails) MVC to me is kinda easy (although its hard to get used to the more combo thing with all of the bouncing of falling down and stuff)

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4 hours ago, MugenGuy4164 said:

- Readmes that are garbled Usually they would contain a foreign text thats japanese,korean and/or chinese? (I dunno if there are chinese MUGEN creators) but when you try to open it its just a mess

Either open it in FF3 and change the encoding to Shift_JIS, open it in Notepad++, or change your system locale. It happens when the document isn't saved in a unicode format such as UTF-8, so the nonstandard glyphs change to nonsense.

You can't really blame the creators for this, since it displays fine on their end and it's likely that they're not trying to appeal to western audiences.

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- The thing I hate about MUGEN Characters are that some characters uses invincibility which lasts too long or not used properly, making it an unfair battle.

- Second is that some AI characters uses the counters too much to dodge the attack over and over again.  (for example "That Guy" a joke character of "Guy")

- Third is, well how should I say this. Some people make the stats too overpowered to think that it's really a "godlike" character. Still, overpowered stats doesn't mean that they can be unstoppable, oh no. I've seen Rare Akuma defeating my non-permissioned edit of Newbie (the character that got overpowered) and died easily from the SGS.

- And lastly is about the poorly made sprites (including spriteswaps/edits of them). Sure, that some kids don't care if they made the sprites good or not, but if you actually take the character as a joke like "True Monando Boy" then it's pretty much an okay character. As long as it's just a joke character.


Remember kids. Always make characters balanced before releasing them.

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1 hour ago, Oliver As Latias said:

- The thing I hate about MUGEN Characters are that some characters uses invincibility which lasts too long or not used properly, making it an unfair battle.

What if was against certain characters or in a 12p mode? Like a edit of Joel I'm working on right now.

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If I were to do something like that, I would just make it a separate character. Maybe not the certain characters requirement though...


No reason to bog down innocent colors like that...

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10 hours ago, PlasmoidThunder said:

Either open it in FF3 and change the encoding to Shift_JIS, open it in Notepad++, or change your system locale. It happens when the document isn't saved in a unicode format such as UTF-8

Really? I didnt know that thanks for tellin' me that

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  • 4 months later...

When a character gains more defense when they have low health. I wish that wasn't a thing in mugen. It looks like you're winning but they have more health then you think.

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 A recurring pattern that is surprisingly popular in MUGEN characters, but I cannot stand nonetheless are both AI related...


- AIs that cheat in ways that are literally impossible for human players to achieve without heavily modifying a character to mimic said cheap AI's abilities. Stuff like being able to perform and spam attacks that are normally charge commands immediately, using attacks for free that normally require meter, combos that are impossible to do for the character normally (such as chaining light attacks from heavy attacks when a human player is not allowed to do that) and other bypass of certain character restrictions.


- "Perfect Play" AIs. Ironically, in spite of the fact they don't actually cheat like the above, I usually find them worse than character breaking AIs. I don't consider them well-made in a gameplay sense and, as a matter of fact, a way to (over)compensate for actually competent AI coding skills. They're just not fun to deal with either even by a challenge-seeking standpoint.

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On 7/18/2018 at 3:29 PM, Nep Heart said:

 A recurring pattern that is surprisingly popular in MUGEN characters, but I cannot stand nonetheless are both AI related...


- AIs that cheat in ways that are literally impossible for human players to achieve without heavily modifying a character to mimic said cheap AI's abilities. Stuff like being able to perform and spam attacks that are normally charge commands immediately, using attacks for free that normally require meter, combos that are impossible to do for the character normally (such as chaining light attacks from heavy attacks when a human player is not allowed to do that) and other bypass of certain character restrictions.


- "Perfect Play" AIs. Ironically, in spite of the fact they don't actually cheat like the above, I usually find them worse than character breaking AIs. I don't consider them well-made in a gameplay sense and, as a matter of fact, a way to (over)compensate for actually competent AI coding skills. They're just not fun to deal with either even by a challenge-seeking standpoint.

For people like me, this type of stuff often makes my day rather than break it.

The second one I mean. No one, not even me likes the first one unless it's some non-serious thing or a higher pallete

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While we're talking AI, I have to bring this up.  Most of the time when a custom AI air blocks, the character gains double gravity and drops down twice as fast; I file that under cheating because obviously no human player can do that.  Now, it's not that AI quirk itself that I don't like; what I actually don't like is how nobody else ever seems to notice this AI quirk.  Admittedly, it's a bit hard to notice and most of the time it's inconsequential; but it still happens, and I seem to be the only one who ever sees it.

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1 hour ago, Pluscross said:

Have to get down faster to punish I suppose.


I don't think it's done on purpose, given the fact that it happens even to characters made by veterans like XCB and warusaki.  It's just a strange side effect of coding the AI to block in the air, something about it somehow makes the y velocity trigger twice.


I did code Yoma in such a way that she doesn't have double gravity when her AI air blocks, but I don't feel like implementing that in my current stuff so their customs AIs won't have anything for blocking and I'll just leave it to the default MUGEN AI to block for them.

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 I hardly notice that myself unless I observe closely on the AI put through watch mode (and probably because I hardly use watch mode for anything beyond that). That's a very interesting thing to point out and it helps me confirm that I'm not just seeing things. I don't really do AI coding, just character editing and (recently, character creation), but have any idea what's the common culprit for increased gravity guarding?

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It might have something to do with how most AI guarding codes just repeatedly go to the guarding states for every single tick.  If done improperly, you get things like characters seemingly stuck in their "about to guard" anim instead of their actual guarding anim, characters not getting pushed back after blocking and sometimes even recovering from it faster than usual, and of course double gravity in the air.


The latter is prevalent because it's admittedly not an easy thing to fix as it requires overwriting the common guard states, which might lead to even more problems if not done correctly.

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Disregard what I said way earlier about clashing sparks. I actually don't mind those now. Just as long as the sparks look clean enough.


Anyways, onto some more things I don't like that much:


- Characters who bash other characters/creators in intros/winposes/attacks/etc. I will make some exceptions, but whenever someone does this, I usually find myself groaning. That, and it's been done way too many times before for something new to actually be done with it besides "X character kills (character I don't like)."


- Dodges that I cannot throw the other character out of (usually happens when the creator doesn't know about HitBy and just puts no hurtboxes at all on the dodge animation)


- Hard-to-pull-off commands (720s, pretzels, etc.): This is more due to me playing on a keyboard than anything else, but the only grappler I can really play as on a keyboard is Clark because a lot of his commands are simple half-circles.

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  • Since I thoroughly savor victory by way of a reasonably level playing field, I'll assert cheap, overpowered AI as my biggest pet peeve.
  • Awful palettes, misaligned sprites, ridiculous attack priority, and obnoxiously deafening sound effects all place a close second to unfair computer control.
  • In the absence of its inventor, I've developed a minor loathing for the "PotS Style" (hear me out).  As I see it, it's inadvertently become a ruler by which to measure those of us who march to the beat of our own drum.  Don't get me wrong, as I certainly recognize that the torch has been passed to proficient individuals (like JMorphman).


  • Other than balanced, gameplay-centric source accuracy, my likes are fundamentally antithetical to the first two statements mentioned above.
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  • 9 months later...

I dont like people using characters that are way to hard to beat in a normal mugen match (Like a mugen request match of some sort)

(Ex:) K.y. Shanxi's Bowser (which is my least favorite version of this king of the koopas + K.y shanxi's Ness)

Not to mention about said Characters: They would be best in a more of a cheap fight than a regular fight.

I'd best stick with a less harder version of Ness and Bowser (Go for.. i dunno Dark Chaos' Bowser or Karter's for example )
MUGENX's Characters (Trust me. They LOVE to be so brutal and give you the OPness)

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every char is fine for me as long as

- it has no screwed palettes with striking colors (example redVSgreen with low contrast and highest saturation ever)

- it's different than other existing characters

- it is not impossible to beat

- it is not huge (both for RAM and hard disk)

- it is not crashy (meaning both buggy and causing crashes)

- it is not crappy (meaning a lot of things like: badly coded actions, misaligned sprites, choppy animations)

- it has a little of style and consistency (it needs to look strong a bit, can't really stand kiddish chars)

- it is well shaded (not just like flat colors chars with a 1px with no antialias outline)

- it has some originality (meaning it's not the same clichè)

- it's not magic/loli/skinny/furry/megaman style (can't stand them).

- it's not loaded with useless FX of awesomeness.


of course this is for serious chars, parody chars can be whatever.


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On 5/28/2019 at 12:22 PM, MugenGuy4164 said:

No. A lil more like... (Didnt i say): K.Y Shanxi's Bowser In a Normal MUGEN Match

I actually like fighting his Bowser. I have beaten him with many characters.

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